We’ve been down this road before – you define the concept to fit the new narrative. The fact is the US is not Democratic socialist. In fact, it is not a democracy.
Your statement proves nothing. I could cite all the laws which are examples of democratic socialism which are part of the American economic framework but I just don’t want to bother.
" It was an older man at a town hall meeting in South Carolina in 2009 who apparently kicked off one of the intractable phrases of modern politics. Concerned about the health-care reform push that accompanied Barack Obama’s first few months as president, the man stood up to challenge then-Rep. Robert Inglis (R).
“Keep your government hands off my Medicare!” the man said, launching a thousand ironic riffs. Medicare, of course, is a government program. Asking the government not to deal with Medicare is like asking Disney not to intervene at Epcot.
The phrase is eternal in part because it so neatly captures one particular view of government services: The government can’t be trusted to do things except the things it does that I like. It’s trivial to extend that outward to capture a debate that’s potent at the moment: Government-run programs are unacceptable socialism, except the good ones.
Earlier this week, two news stories overlapped in a seemingly contradictory way. In one, the Trump administration floated plans to save $15 billion by dumping more than 3 million people off food stamps. In the other, President Trump himself celebrated spending $16 billion to bail out some of the more than 3 million farmers, after his trade war with China crippled some agricultural sales.
The Washington Post’s Catherine Rampell pointed out on Friday that this is sort of a feature of the Trump administration. The power of the government can and should be deployed for programs and people Republicans like, but everything else is an unacceptable expense or, worse,
socialism . (That word should be read with the same intonation you’d use to say “the boogeyman” to a 4-year-old you were trying to scare.)
To bolster her point, Rampell cited an Economist-YouGov poll released this week that surveyed Americans on socialism. It’s a fascinating poll, with some revealing results.
First, the pollsters asked people their views of socialism. Republicans were much more likely to have an opinion of the term — and
way more likely to say that they hated it.
But, interestingly, they were also less likely to see various government programs or proposals as embodying socialism.
It’s not clear which way the arrow points here. Are Republicans more reticent to label things as socialism because they like them? Or are they more hostile to socialism because they see fewer things as socialistic? The result, though, is that, with the exception of the first two proposals, Republicans are less likely to see the included policies as embodying socialism."