Whitewashing US history with 'patriotic education' -Trump

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Well for the time being anyway.If the leftist Dems get a stranglehold on this Nation
But if Republicans get a stranglehold on this Nation, that is OK, right? Couldn’t you think of any more objective way to say “occupy positions of leadship”? You had to describe it as “strangling”? You see, this kind of attitude is what stands in the way of dialog and compromise. There can be no compromise with the devil, and if half the Nation calls the other side the devil, that Nation will not ever be happy.
No I see it as strangling.The ,eftist/ Dems platform and the young upstarts that have taken ownership of said party are oppressive.
Nothing the republicans offer suppress’ individual rights
Which is the pro death party. Not the Republicans that’s for sure!
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Firstly, a nation is only as free as the extent of its laws. Secondly humanity is only ever as good as its worst elements. So if any nation proclaims to be the best then we as a species have such a long way to go.

History can not be changed, cancelled or even re-written, but it certainly needs to be viewed from all angles & not with one eye closed. Truth, knowledge & core belief comes from experience not a text book. To have honor, pride & a sense of goodwill takes more than just a few words delivered by teachers who indoctrinate, not so much educate.
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No I see it as strangling.The ,eftist/ Dems platform and the young upstarts that have taken ownership of said party are oppressive.
Nothing the republicans offer suppress’ individual rights
Which is the pro death party. Not the Republicans that’s for sure!
I can assure you that Democrats see the Republicans as strangling just as much. Of course you think you are right, and the Democrats think they are right. Since there can be no dialog, this will never be resolved until both sides accept the fact that no matter how strongly we disagree with the others, those others are good people who have (to some extent) thought through their beliefs, and they are people from whom I could learn something . Both sides!
I don’t agree. The Dems are the party that has gone extreme in their platform.Not the Republicans, I see very little to no good in anything they offer.
Not the political powers that be,absolute,y not. Re those who support them,I think that’s a real head scratcher,honestly.
What we have endured in this country the past four years by the petulant Dems,day in and day out has created a chasm that will be difficult to overcome. Why they couldn’t accept the outcome,be gracious and allow for a peaceful transition of power,rather than all the vile bs they have thrust upon this Nation and a duly elected president is to blame for the current political climate and chaos .The evil one has been having a hay day .I for one an so tired of it all.
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those others are good people who have (to some extent) thought through their beliefs, and they are people from whom I could learn something . Both sides!
That is the consensus around my very small world. But there seems to be more “anger and fear” (for lack of a better word) towards what the Democrats have become. This is from my left leaning friends, which are less than a handful. I do live in a small world.
I think US citizens are desensitised to just how unsettling the reciting of your pledge is.
Uh huh…

Well, different country different culture. I really don’t understand why you’re so disturbed by it. We’re not worshipping our flag or throwing people into re-education camps over the pledge. We’re not an authoritarian regime or fascist dictatorship either. Actually, quite a few countries have flag pledges…

Are there countries besides the USA that say a pledge of allegiance to their flag? - Quora

Having lived within the US my entire life, I can honestly say that I’ve only said the pledge a handful of times. At least in my area, it’s not a BIG deal. 🇺🇸
Yes absolutely - different cultural norms.

Perhaps some of the stems from Europeans being hyper sensitive to displays of nationalism after WW2. But we in the UK have a tricky relationship with patriotism, so there is that factor too.
To you, it’s robotic, but we Americans tend to genuinely believe in the ideals our country was founded upon and just overall love the unique character of our country.

Honestly, it’s amazing how people from other countries think our benign showings of patriotism are dystopian when we have much less restrictions on most other things, like freedom of speech and gun ownership. Hell, some of these other developed nations won’t let you even homeschool your kids. In American, so long as you have the means, you can do pretty much whatever the hell you want.
Im sure for some of it it is genuine belief and pride.

I think for your second argument, it depends on how the outsider views America. Some see it as a bastion of freedom and democracy, whereas others see things that are more dystopian - like a militarized police force, very polarising politics, lots of religious ideals being pushed etc.

Very much depends on which side of the fence you fall upon I guess.
I don;t see either side as entirely virtuous, to use your expression, either

But I made an educated conclusion about the Dems, back in the early 60s. I’ve followed that conclusion, with increasing determination, ever since.
There’s nothing special about God’s relationship with the US. It’s just another country.

All countries have good points and bad.

And “commies” really??
What we have endured in this country the past four years by the petulant Dems,day in and day out has created a chasm that will be difficult to overcome. Why they couldn’t accept the outcome,be gracious and allow for a peaceful transition of power,rather than all the vile bs they have thrust upon this Nation and a duly elected president is to blame for the current political climate and chaos .The evil one has been having a hay day .I for one an so tired of it all.
The rightists did the same thing to Obama.

Remember how he was Muslim, not born in America?
But we in the UK have a tricky relationship with patriotism, so there is that factor too.
Where do you think we got it from? 😉

We got it from you and added the over the top aspect.

I think what foreigners find irritating is not the over the top displays of patriotism but the general ignorance of the average American when it comes to the rest of the world.

There’s patriotism and there’s jingoism.
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