Whitewashing US history with 'patriotic education' -Trump

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If a large number of kids come out of school believing that socialism is a good thing and that America is an inherently racist country and that our history is evil, then the schools are failing the kids and they need to be changed.
If a large number of kids come out of school believing that socialism is a good thing and that America is an inherently racist country and that our history is evil, then the schools are failing the kids and they need to be changed.
The schools aren’t just failing When they teach these things, they are spreading falsehoods and lies.

The schools aren’t just failing When they teach these things, they are spreading falsehoods and lies.
I went to elementary school in VA in the 80s and I was told

The civil War wasn’t fought over slavery
The Irish indentured servant had it as bad as black slaves
Lee was a hero and Grant a scoundrel
Lincoln was a racist.

Are these falsehoods?
Wow, you all got into the Civil War? Three times I took US History and only ever got to the causes of the Civil War. (Let me tell you, colonial history gets pretty boring after a while!)

But what I wanted to say was that I agree with you that we shouldn’t teach falsehood in our history classes, but that we should teach truth, the good and the bad.

Just the facts, Ma’am!
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I remember reading a textbook while in middle school which mentioned that white people were the result of evolution. It then went on to say nobody knows where the non-white people came from. It implied that white people and non-white people were a separate species.

This was a book published in the US, specifically Oregon. It was an old textbook by the way.
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The schools aren’t just failing When they teach these things, they are spreading falsehoods and lies.
I went to elementary school in VA in the 80s and I was told

The civil War wasn’t fought over slavery
The Irish indentured servant had it as bad as black slaves
Lee was a hero and Grant a scoundrel
Lincoln was a racist.

Are these falsehoods?
I wouldn’t consider any of them true.
If a large number of kids come out of school believing that socialism is a good thing and that America is an inherently racist country and that our history is evil, then the schools are failing the kids and they need to be changed.
The schools aren’t just failing When they teach these things, they are spreading falsehoods and lies.
Actually, they are just not doing and of these things. Saying they are - that’s the falsehood.
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Actually, they are just not doing and of these things. Saying they are - that’s the falsehood.
Actually, in done places they are. And colleges are definitely teaching socialism and America is inherently evil. So, depending on the school, they statement that they are not teaching it is false.
Actually, they are just not doing and of these things. Saying they are - that’s the falsehood.
Actually, in done places they are. And colleges are definitely teaching socialism and America is inherently evil. So, depending on the school, they statement that they are not teaching it is false.
Na-ah. Nope.
The Civil War is/was a big subject in the South. We grow up hearing about it

Hopefully it’s changing.
The Civil War is/was a big subject in the South. We grow up hearing about it

Hopefully it’s changing.
I taught for over 20 years in the south. The Civil War was fought over Slavery. Grant was a hero of the republic. Lincoln ended slavery. And indentured servants’ experience, while not spectacular, was not like that of slaves.
Like most historical subjects, it’s complicated. Why the Secession? Why the War? What part did economics and expansion and tariffs play.

Absent the national birth defect of chattel slavery, the complex subject wouldn’t have raised its head.
I’ll bet it was old. I’ve seen some horrendous stuff from around the end of the 1800s.
What we have endured in this country the past four years by the petulant Dems,day in and day out has created a chasm that will be difficult to overcome. Why they couldn’t accept the outcome,be gracious and allow for a peaceful transition of power,rather than all the vile bs they have thrust upon this Nation and a duly elected president is to blame for the current political climate and chaos .The evil one has been having a hay day .I for one an so tired of it all.
I was thinking about this…it started when Obama became president and has gotten much worse. Then, I realized it also trends with the rise of the internet becoming more a point of our daily lives.

We used to hear about controversies and politics just once a day while reading the morning paper. Now, we read online all throughout our day and are hit with with opinions and controversies over and over. We are saturated in them. We can’t tune them out even if we try!

I wonder if the online world is both the cause and the continuation of the separation between the parties…forcing both to become more and more rigid and disparate? And there’s not a thing we can do about it…except somehow turn back the clock…which is impossible. So, how do we move forward? We’d have to severely restrict free speech or ban news from the internet…not going to happen. We created our own mess when we were give this powerful voice to reach out to anyone and everyone…and look what we did! We destroyed polite conversation and compromise. Yay us!
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