Whitewashing US history with 'patriotic education' -Trump

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You’re right in the sense you, me, and everyone alive today had nothing to do with slavery in America. Heck, even the current descendants of the slaveowners aren’t to blame for the sins of their ancestors.
Correct, but the contention of those who say racism is in our DNA, white privilege, are making the opposite claim.
Maybe blame is the wrong word here. Maybe, our goal shouldn’t be to blame but to heal and come together as a nation. The question remains… what is the best way to heal and unite as a nation?
From my perspective, diligently apply the basic principles of our founding; individual rights take primacy over government, government’s main role is to protect individual rights, and equal access.
I think we as a nation, a collective we.

There is nothing that can be done now. It’s been said and done.

However there is a class of people who are denied their humanity and that is the unborn, some of whom are African Americans.

We cannot do anything about slavery. It’s in the past but the idea that some humans are lesser than others still continue today in the form of abortion.
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I think we as a nation, a collective we.
Fine. Then let’s recognize that we as a nation no longer allow such things. We as a nation reject these things.
However there is a class of people who are denied their humanity and that is the unborn, some of whom are African Americans.
Agreed! In fact, an argument can be made that blacks are targeted by planned parenthood.
We cannot do anything about slavery. It’s in the past but the idea that some humans are lesser than others still continue today in the form of abortion.
I could not agree more. Well said.
Trumps curriculuum.

“America is the greatest, bestest country that God has put on the face of the Earth.”
The US has many strengths and I as an American agree.

However thinking we are the best is arrogance and pride and you know where pride leads to.

As Christians we must stay humble and be willing to learn from others.
I guess my statement could be taken that way. That is on me. What I meant say by “the best”, is the world of possibilities. Where else in the world, do we have billionaires if every single race, in such a large scale? Take NBA, MLB, NHL, or even Olympic athletes. We as a nation, have more possibilities of economic success because of our freedoms.

That also comes with the generosity. Many Americans are the ones keeping humanitarian aid on other countries. We cary the bigger load.

Other countries are good, and even better than we are in certain aspects of their governance. I mean we are the “Best” in the over all of things together. I do not know what other word I can use to describe it.
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He’s correct.This Nation was built on the ideals of greatness. While mistakes have been made,overall we have and still are a source for good worldwide. God Bless America🇺🇸
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And, I would venture to guess, most Americans would find the comparison of saying the pledge before a school day or a sports game to brainwashing more than a little offensive.
I think a lot of Americans would find it offensive, but from an outsiders perspective, I think US citizens are desensitised to just how unsettling the reciting of your pledge is.

One of my biggest takeaways from my first holiday in America was being at a theme park (possibly Busch Gardens) and before the doors opened, the pledge was given. Being amongst a whole crowd robotically reciting the pledge was honestly one of the strangest things I have experienced. The feeling from the group of tourists I was with, was that it was exactly like a dystopian novel or the dictatorships of old.
However unlike dystopian novel,dictatorships,our pledge recognizes our Creator and the unalienable rights we enjoy by His grace,including liberty and justice for all. 🇺🇸
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I think US citizens are desensitised to just how unsettling the reciting of your pledge is.
Uh huh…

Well, different country different culture. I really don’t understand why you’re so disturbed by it. We’re not worshipping our flag or throwing people into re-education camps over the pledge. We’re not an authoritarian regime or fascist dictatorship either. Actually, quite a few countries have flag pledges…


Having lived within the US my entire life, I can honestly say that I’ve only said the pledge a handful of times. At least in my area, it’s not a BIG deal. 🇺🇸
The commies are godless and evil,so yeah it was appropriate that we should recognize this great Nation has been blessed by God. however,lately not so sure he is happy with what’s going on.
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To you, it’s robotic, but we Americans tend to genuinely believe in the ideals our country was founded upon and just overall love the unique character of our country.

Honestly, it’s amazing how people from other countries think our benign showings of patriotism are dystopian when we have much less restrictions on most other things, like freedom of speech and gun ownership. Hell, some of these other developed nations won’t let you even homeschool your kids. In American, so long as you have the means, you can do pretty much whatever the hell you want.
Hell, some of these other developed nations won’t let you even homeschool your kids. In American, so long as you have the means, you can do pretty much whatever the hell you want.
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Darn right I can do whatever I want!​

Well for the time being anyway.If the leftist Dems get a stranglehold on this Nation ,all that will change.
Tell me about it. I wish that folks who just want to be like all the other nations would just pack their bags and leave. At least they have plenty of options, while those who love the traditional individualism of the US would be hard-pressed to find an adequate substitute.
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That’s how I looked at it. And, of course, positioned us on the Deity’s side. Just making an obvious point. But I was early woke. And recall when the phrase was added. I thought it sounded nifty. Still do…
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