Who do you vote for, Joe or John?

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I saw Joe last week when he worked on my bike. Some of these young guys dropped by to get some frisbee equipement for the frisbee golf course he built. Seeing him around these young guys was a big turn off. He acts really young and slips into using a lot of cuss words around them I was totally turned off.

Then later in the week I went to his house because the chain got locked in place on my bike, and I had the nicest conversation with him. I find it easy to confide in him, I was able to do so very easily and he seemed very mature and caring. Anyways, that’s the latest on him. I AM physically attracted to him too. But, he hasn’t made a definative move anyways, plus I’m ambivilant.
OK ladies, I think man #3 has definately entered the picture. I just got back from a nice brisk bikeride to a coffee shop a few miles away. I ran into a guy named Kurt whom I had talked to at the hardware store a few weeks ago. He’s attractive, fit, and has just set up a gold mine in an area around here known for having gold. He told me about it at the hardware store, and reminded me of it today. He was obviously happy to see me, attracted to me, and said if he wasn’t on the way to have breakfast with his crew then he’d really like to have coffee with me.

I indicated an interest in him in response, something I would have been afraid to do a few months ago. This fellow is clean cut looking, the perfect height, with a nice face and good vibes. I like the way he was nicely trying to impress me without being phoney or boastful. He’s fairly new to town. I like the way he indicated his interest in me and they way he speaks. I think I’ll start making a routine of going to this coffee shop ( The modern type of coffee bar with espresso, plush seats etc)

While leaving I also ran into ‘Joe’. He asked me what I was ‘up to’ in a friendly way. I told him ‘getting coffee’, and he laughingly said that was good, he wouldn’t want me just ‘hanging around’. I got the feeling he was acting a little possessive even though we in no way have a relationship at all at this point. One of his bike customers, a man in his 20’s also ran into him in front of the bike shop and he once again slipped into using vulgar language in his speech. In a real lighthearted friendly way I told him that he shouldn’t be using the ‘F’ word in front of a lady. It was real friendly, but basically I’ve written him off. He’s too immature for me.
Why are these guys the only options? 🙂

Neither are perfect, and while perfection will never happen, it seems to me that when it’s right, it’s right and there aren’t significant issues about someone that causes you pause.
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