Oh nice, I bet your daughter likes Mario Kart
. Actually, the latest Mario Kart I have is Double Dash!! from GameCube. That one was pretty fun. I don’t remember the shortcuts you are talking about from MK64 though. I do remember bullying the CPU on Wario Stadium by putting banana peels and fake items right before that jump over the ravine so they’d fall off and get set way back
I actually just ordered a 3DS recently and I think it will be here either today or tomorrow. Looking forward to playing Kingdom Hearts 3D and A Link Between Worlds. I heard that A Link Between Worlds is set in the same Hyrule as A Link to the Past. Let’s see if I can remember any of that Hyrule
I recommend the bikes in Mario Kart Wii (and presumably 7 and 8). I feel like they handle a lot better than the karts do. Also, LBW is mostly the same world, though a few connections change, order changes (or more exactly opens up), you don’t have to BUY the flippers, and a few dungeons move (Turtle Rock is now in the lake, and gets replaced with Ice Ruins)
But if anybody wants to make a Bible-based game that works more like an actual video game than a series of quizzes, sign me up. I think I’d probably go for the events of Acts, following various early missionaries on their journeys. Or maybe an RPG where you play as David- he’s got enough stories to fill a lot of chapters/levels/whatever. Something like that would be cool.
Or perhaps you base it off of all of Samuel and Kings, and have multiple acts/sections/chapters for the different kings. Yeah, David’s cool and all, but that’d leave out a chance to rescue the Ark from the Philistines.
(And maybe even go so far as to include Judges)
Speaking of the 3DS discussion from before, I hear Nintendo is
finally making Hoenn remakes. I don’t know if anybody else here is excited about that, but I’m excited. (If my avatar wasn’t a clue, I still like Pokemon.
:extrahappy: I stayed around because Gen VI sounded cool. But I’d decided long ago that even if I’d stopped playing pokémon by these games, I’d temporarily come out of poké-retirement for them. The only huge new addition is the Fairy type. Which is actually really well thought out. It’s weak to Steel. Which sounds random, unless you’re familiar with Celtic mythology and/or gaming lore. The fey were weak to iron. It’s why in D&D Fey have DR/cold iron, and now why Fairy pokémon are weak to Steel.
I guess in-game I really like Swampert.
You just brought back memories of drivers’ ed, of all things. The Smith System for defensive driving. I’ve already forgotten the actual points, but I’ll never forget my classes mnemonics. Most of the class used “All Gay Kids Love Men”, but a friend of mine and I decided on “All Gyaradoses Kill Little Magikarps” (also the only case I pluralize those pokémon that way). My favorites, though, are Gardevoir, Aegislash (Gen VI, Steel/Ghost), and Noivern (Gen VI, Flying/Dragon).
Finally, Civilization V! You can found a religion, so I always have fun with it. I name mine the Society of Jesus, as a classier-sounding way of playing into conspiracy theories. (Actually naming them the Jesuits would be too obvious) We got voted the world religion. Which meant their holy city of Addis Ababa (I always play as Ethiopia) got a tourism boost and that any countries with a Jesuit majority got extra votes at the World Congress. In other words, I had the Jesuits actually infiltrate the world government, and subsequently win about 100 turns later.