Who is in charge of hell?

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Just to add to the discussion…for anyone who’s interested in this subject, C.S. Lewis has a wonderful book called The Great Divorce. I LOVE LOVE this book. It’s a parable, not a literal description, but it has a GREAT message. To those who think of Hell as being trapped inside your own mind…this book really illustrates that.

I do not think Hell is like Dante’s Inferno…at all. When I was young, my family was touring the underground caves at Shasta Caverns. At one point, my dad had our family hang back a little from the rest of the tour group. We shut our flashlights off and stood there, perfectly silent, in absolute darkness. You couldn’t hear or see anything. He talked to us about how Hell is eternal separation from God, from light, from everything good in the world. It made a huge impression on me!

Hell is the absence of all these things. I do think there is fire since Jesus explicitly mentions this. Father Simon on Relevant Radio says that this fire is the fire of God’s love–the same fire that He uses in Purgatory to cleanse us. However, in Hell, it is torture because they have rejected God.

As to who is in charge? Hell is ordered as God directs. It was created as a place of punishment for Satan and the fallen angels, so I don’t think the devils are going around spearing humans on pitchforks. They will also be tormented in the fire of God’s love for eternity.
OMG !What you are telling! The fire in hell is the fire of God’s love!!!
Father Simon on Relevant Radio says that this fire is the fire of God’s love–the same fire that He uses in Purgatory to cleanse us. However, in Hell, it is torture because they have rejected God.
This view of hell is becoming more and more popular in the Roman Church.

Pope Benedict XVI espoused this view in his encyclical Spe Salvi.

This is also the view of the Eastern Christian Churches.

Lastly it is also my personal view.
Need not be sorry for laughing.In fact it was one of my purpose ! 😂 If somebody can be made to laugh when looking into more details about hell, it is a great thing,I feel !😂😂
I read the online summary. I have the book but I skipped around so much that I don’t know how much I read. Purgatorio and Paradiso are nice too.
Always take it with a pinch of salt what these so called experts say about hell. Everybody is entitled to have his opinion but first check up whether it is inline with (1)what Jesus said(2) what others say in the Bible and (3) what church says ----giving importance in that order.
Thus the view that God did not create hell etc is,to put it mildly, absolutely wrong and against what Jesus said in Mathew 25:41 which is this:

“41 Then he shall say to them also that shall be on his left hand: Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels.”
Hi - I would suggest you search the questions on hell which are posted on Catholic Answers.

Here is a link to an excellent article by Tim Stapleshttps://www.catholic.com/magazine/online-edition/what-is-hell
There are also several answers by Catholic Apologists which state that God did not create hell,

Do some reading and searching, let me know what you think.
Just a point of correction.

That last link did not say God did not create hell.
Oh…some communication problem.
Actually I was only repeating ,in disbelief ,what the previous poster said and which I felt is not correct.
God did not create hell; he only allowed for its possibility. Thus it cannot be said that hell is good.God did not create hell; he only allowed for its possibility. Thus it cannot be said that hell is good.
this is copy/paste of the answer.
These are well learned Catholic Apologists who know a lot more than we do when it comes to interpreting scripture and how it applies to the CCC. As for the question if God created hell - I don’t know. I can see their point that all that God created was good, this would make hell good. “God did not create hell; he only allowed for its possibility. Thus it cannot be said that hell is good.” The verse you cite states “which was prepared for the devil and his angels.” So we’re comparing the following words: create, allowed possibility, and prepared. Since I don’t know the original language, I can say.
Catholic Answers is a well respected source of knowledge and understanding scripture.
God did create hell.Reproducing here what I already posted about this.

“”. Always take it with a pinch of salt what these so called experts say about hell. Everybody is entitled to have his opinion but first check up whether it is inline with (1)what Jesus said(2) what others say in the Bible and (3) what church says ----giving importance in that order.
Thus the view that God did not create hell etc is,to put it mildly, absolutely wrong and against what Jesus said in Mathew 25:41 which is this:

“41 Then he shall say to them also that shall be on his left hand: Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels.”. “”
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