Who wants to join the "No TV Club"?

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Here’s a question for those in the club and those who already don’t watch TV and (and don’t pay for cable TV): what do you spend the money on? Do you give more to charity? Do you use it to pursue a hobby?
Whoa, corale! You pulled my trigger. Don’t get me started. You haven’t HEARD my rant about what people put in the collection plate compared with what they spend on cable TV and lotteries. I mean, really – if you’re spending more on cable than you are giving to God, WHAT does that say about you?
Whoa, corale! You pulled my trigger. Don’t get me started. You haven’t HEARD my rant about what people put in the collection plate compared with what they spend on cable TV and lotteries. I mean, really – if you’re spending more on cable than you are giving to God, WHAT does that say about you?
Amen, sister!!

my Mother my Confidence,
I’m truly ashamed. Got the whole package - expanded cable, all the movie channels, pay per view, HDTV, etc.

You can just guess what my cable bill is like (cable TV company also provides my internet access). It doesn’t exceed my contributions to Church though.

I’ll be eliminating some services for sure. Thanks for the wake up call.

BTW, anyone wanna go out to eat tonite and watch the Pistons game?
You can just guess what my cable bill is like (cable TV company also provides my internet access).** It doesn’t exceed my contributions to Church though. **
👍 :clapping: :tiphat:
We have a tv and well my little brothers and sisters watch it more than me. yes i do agree with you!!! yeah!! they spend more time watching tv than going outside! 😦 i hate that! i whine at them to get outside, but you know little kids… blob. instead of watching tv, i spend time with my animals, my music, school, or i help mom do work around the house. if i dont do any of that, i go take a walk in the woods and dream about things i want to do later sooo… in others words, i join the club!
As a further note - I waste more time on the Internet than on TV.

When I was previously engaged, my then-fiancee and I occasionally visited some friends of hers who used their television only to permit their children to watch certain videos - as part of having a Catholic home. It was off the rest of the time. They treated me like an honored guest. What bothered me is that the husband seemed to boss around his wife, and at times even lord it over her.
I did not like that.

If TV really has little other redeeming value, I would not give it up - just to watch EWTN. I enjoy Fr. Groeschel and Fr. Pacwa immensely.
Shows I NEVER watched:
American Idol, Survivor, 24, Desperate Housewives, Supranos, any Cable Biased news talk shows, and others.
My tv is one maybe twice a month, if that.
I prefer the radio and EWTN over the Internet broadcasts.
Since I have not owned a television for months and still do not, I am in. 👍
Shows I NEVER watched:
American Idol, Survivor, 24, Desperate Housewives, Supranos, any Cable Biased news talk shows, and others.
My tv is one maybe twice a month, if that.
I prefer the radio and EWTN over the Internet broadcasts.
Edwin thanks for the link, I was always afraid to ask about EWTN because I wasn’t sure whether it was tv or net or what. I added the link to my favorites.

I don’t have cable tv or a dish, and only 3 channels where I live, near a small mountain. So once in a while when I do turn on the tv it strikes me as coarse, indecent and violent and I just turn it off. I like documentaries sometimes, and often I leave the tv on in the background for the morning news.
Some of the titles you mention, I’ve watched once or twice, the rest, never. I watched them so I could relate with other people when they talk about the program. But I think watching tv is living vicariously.
Actually, never buying a television set was probably the wisest decision my wife and I ever made in raising our children. It wasn’t really a one-time decision, though; every time we thought about buying one we would read the reviews of the new TV shows, or the cable company would raise its rates, or something similar would happen, and we’d decide “Not now.”

As somebody else on this thread said, the kids read, entertain themselves, have imagination, and do incredibly well in school.
  • Liberian
springbreeze, please don’t take offense at this. I find it funny that so many Americans have TVs in their homes and America has so many overweight people. If people would stop watching TV (or at least watch it a lot less) and go outside and play, ride bikes, take a nice long walk, etc., then people probably wouldn’t have such a hard time losing weight.

Also, remember that beauty comes from the soul. You could be really ugly and still be a beacon of God’s love to others.

my Mother my Confidence,
Dear Corrine

No offense taken 🙂 I can see entirely where you are coming from…there is altogether too much sitting down doing nothing and that includes TV, it’s the same as doing nothing, a sloath uses up more energy than a human watching TV!😃 (it’s a fact…don’t ask me how I know all these useless bits of info, it due to my interest in the natural world and nature). So you are justified in p(name removed by moderator)ointing one of the reasons people become over-weight, people would benefit from getting out into the nature God has provided and raising their heart-beat in exercise. Some of it is disease, some of it is cultural and social, some of it is poor diet etc etc, it’s not all down to the TV.

I don’t know what beauty has to do with anything though or where you were leading with that part of your post.

I think really it’s a matter of moderation in all things, too much of anything isn’t going to be good for you, even too much prayer will lead to neglecting other duties like taking care of family, which God expects you to do.

A little TV won’t kill you and it is good to relax and do nothing sometimes, but like I say not in excess. I’ll continue to watch the little TV I do and not get anxious about anything…still again, good luck to you and the no tv club…🙂 We may not agree but I do respect your choices.

God Bless you always

Can I join as long as I watch just EWTN? I love watching Bishop Sheen’s “Life Is Worth Living” and the show “G.K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense”.
Can I join as long as I watch just EWTN? I love watching Bishop Sheen’s “Life Is Worth Living” and the show “G.K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense”.
Try watching it onlline through the Internet.
At least there isn’t the risk of changing the channel and watching other garbage!
You’re too late, but I’ll join anyway.

About 9 months ago, my 15 yr old TV quit. I thought I’d go get a cheap one, but then I remembered what is actually *on *TV, and decided not to.

Now I’ve been watching TV since I was…well, I remember shows like Suspense! and Inner Sanctum. But, you know, I didn’t miss it at all. No withdrawal, nothing. Now, I spend my time, reading and on the net. It’s so much more relaxing, and I’m learning so much more.

I’m also better looking now, and my hair has started to grow back near the bald spot. Best decision I’ve made in a while.
I do! A TV is way too heavy to use as a club. I’ll stick with a sap, a blackjack, or one of those mini-“Louisville Sluggers” to take care of business.

Peace (mostly!)
I’ll join as long as I can put the news or EWTN on when I work out.

I like the idea of not owning a TV! When I own a house, there will be no television within its walls 🙂

Now I just need to stop playing computer games… 😃
I find it funny that so many Americans have TVs in their homes and America has so many overweight people. If people would stop watching TV (or at least watch it a lot less) and go outside and play, ride bikes, take a nice long walk, etc., then people probably wouldn’t have such a hard time losing weight.

Also, remember that beauty comes from the soul. You could be really ugly and still be a beacon of God’s love to others.

my Mother my Confidence,
This is extremely presumptuous.

I’m offended that you think it’s “funny” that America has so many overweight people due to television and that your brilliant solution is for everyone to “go outside and play.” Right, that will solve everything. I think statements like this just contribute to stereotypes about those people who suffer from the obesity epidemic and imply laziness as the sole causation for overweight struggles.

Sure, a sedentary lifestyle doesn’t help anyone and many who are sedentary happen to be obese–as I heard one obese person say to their personal trainer, “YOU try working out with an extra 100lbs on your back.”

There are so many other reasons for obesity that have nothing to do with tv watching. For instance, my weight has rapidly increased over the last two years. I have always been active, I played on sports teams in high school and college, I work out at the gym 4x a week and WE DO NOT HAVE CABLE. However, my bloodwork shows that I have hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, low progesterone and poly-cystic ovarian syndrome. My body weight is too high now, despite my efforts and my healthy eating lifestyle. But my bloodwork tells me that unless and until I am properly medicated, my efforts to maintain a healthy weight will continue to go nowhere. I am constantly fighting doctors who just want to look at me and say, “go to Jenny Craig and your problems will be solved.” Finally they are beginning to listen now that the bloodwork backs up exactly what I’ve been saying all along, but receiving the proper medication is still a long process and prolongs my weight problem.

I noticed another thread of yours that indicated you have trouble gaining weight. I felt compassion for you when reading about that struggle. I would hope that you could empathize with those of us on the other side of the spectrum who, for whatever medical reason, do not have well-working metabolic systems and instead must fight to remain healthy. The last thing any of us wants to hear is that our struggle is all wrapped up in how much TV we watch! Because that is simply not true.

Furthermore, as weight creeps up, depression sets in and it sometimes is difficult to keep one’s motivation up to fight what seems to be a losing battle. Studies show that sedentary lifestyles happen in correllation with weight gain. Meaning that the heavier a person gets, the more discouraged they are and the more difficult it is to physically move around and exercise.

I don’t know why you threw the comment in about beauty, either, but…I guess it makes sense to you, somehow.
Coral, I see you like to put down people who don’t want to be in your “country club”. Frankly you sound like an arrogant mean spirited person, and if giving up my T.V means acting like you, I will add 2 more to the one in my house…
Growing up in the 1960’s, I remember my mother telling me to go outside and play. And WE DID. However the ONLY television viewing we had was either in the Winter months, when we couldn’t go outside or when there was bad weather.
And in the evenings…as late as being 10 years old, we had to go to be no later than 8 or 8:30. AND we couldn’t watch televison until our homework was finished.

So I do believe kids of today have it quite ‘easy’ and thus paying for it in their health and physical activitiy.

Basically it comes down to the parents’ and what they care about television. This will only be carried over to their children and their children.
I’m truly ashamed. Got the whole package - expanded cable, all the movie channels, pay per view, HDTV, etc.

You can just guess what my cable bill is like (cable TV company also provides my internet access). It doesn’t exceed my contributions to Church though.

I’ll be eliminating some services for sure. Thanks for the wake up call.

BTW, anyone wanna go out to eat tonite and watch the Pistons game?
Spanky, here’s a virtual pat on the back. I’m proud of you.

my Mother my Confidence,
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