**CRI’s Attack on Mary: Part IV **
By "Father Mateo"
The Christian Research Institute (CRI) next turns its guns on the titles “coredemptrix” and “mediatrix,” with which Catholics sometimes invoke Mary. “Coredemptrix” implies that Mary cooperated with her Son in redeeming mankind; “mediatrix” means that, in subordination to Christ, she promotes our access to the Father. (As CRI notes, “mediatrix” may include also the title “dispensatrix,” which implies that Mary has a role to play in the distribution of graces of redemption to us, her children.) .
CRI quotes Catholic theologian Ludwig Ott: " ‘Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word.’ The Incarnation of the Son of God and the redemption of mankind by the vicarious atonement of Christ were dependent on her assent.83
CRI writes, "Nowhere does the Bible teach such an inflated conception of Mary’s role - as though the fate of all humanity was hanging on her choice. God determined before time began that he would redeem the world through the death of his Son…. No human being could have stood in the way of this; to hold otherwise would mean denying the central biblical doctrine of God’s sovereignty" (CRl’s emphasis).84
I fear that the writer has made up his mind and does not wish to be bothered by the facts - in this case, by the fact that Catholics, whose belief is as Ott describes it, nevertheless affirm God’s supreme sovereignty. Another fact which CRI ignores is human freedom, a biblical doctrine as well as a fact of our daily experience. Reconciling God’s supreme dominion with human freedom, while doing violence to neither, is one of theology’s knottiest problems - certainly not one to be solved in this article. Yet the Bible does teach that we are free and that we can throw a wrench into the engine of God’s eternal plans - in fact, we often have. Man cannot ultimately defeat God’s purposes, but by God’s permission and providence man can certainly sabotage them temporarily.