Why are you Catholic?

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Because I accept that the Nicene Creed is true, the Bible is true, and Tradition is true, and the Church is true.
As a convert, I studied many many other faiths. Kept coming back HOME to the truth, the FULLNESS of truth, the ONLY church where the complete truth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is taught and lived. The Roman Catholic Church šŸ‘
Because it is TRUTH, pure and simple. The Catholic Faith is the faith in which ALL the saints since Christ have died in; it holds the protection of God against Satan; it is the ONLY Church that can trace its line back to St. Peter and ultimately the Apostles; it has never strayed from the Faith of Christ; it is guarded and protected by Christ, the Blessed Mother, and her most holy spouse, St. Joseph, patron of the Universal Church. Biblically grounded.
Because I was born and raised Catholic and its all I know and all I care to know!!!šŸ˜›
I was born and raised catholic, but then left the church for 11 years. My wife then joined the church and I re-joined so to speak, and I will never leave again.
Because I was born into a catholic family, Also because I love and believe in my faith. I love the fact that our priests donā€™t scream at us and preach at us. I love the calm of the mass
and feel at peace there not like other churches I have visited with friends where the preacher screams and pounds the podium .
I will never change my religion.
I am Catholic because being Catholic answers my questions and makes me whole.
Because, by the Grace of God, I have been allowed to see that it has the fullness Faith that Jesus Christ founded and the Apostles have proclaimed from generation to generation to the present time, and I can trace that succession straight back to Apostolic times.
I was born and raised catholic, but then left the church for 11 years. My wife then joined the church and I re-joined so to speak, and I will never leave again.
I was born and raised Catholic too. After my brother became born again and challanged everything I almost left, simply out of ignorance, which is pretty common. The Lord had other plans for me though, and now Iā€™m securely in His armsā€¦intimatley and permenantly part of His Body. Praise God!! šŸ™‚

In Christ,
Where else would I go?

This is exactly what Andrew Greely said when asked by Phil Donohue why he remained Catholic.

Itā€™s a good answereā€¦Where, indeed, else would we go? Especially if you, like me, believe that the Catholic Church is exactly who and what She says she isā€¦The container of the fullness of faith.
I am Catholic because Jesus is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

My husband ā€“ before we were married brought to his parish and for the first time, I knew what a ā€œhome churchā€ felt like.

It has been close to 20 years since I converted, but I love Holy Eucharist and Eucharistic adoration. I also am greatly helped by the all the sacraments ā€“ and understanding their meanings through the CCC.

Iā€™m not Catholic, but I want to be SO badly. You see, I am only 16 years old, and my family is Anglican. So as you can see, Iā€™m sort of stuck. But I believe everything that the Catholic Church teaches, and consider myself to be Catholic at heart.

I pray that the Lord will make a way for me to join the Catholic Church as soon as possible if it be His will.

In Christā€™s Love,
Iā€™m not Catholic, but I want to be SO badly. You see, I am only 16 years old, and my family is Anglican. So as you can see, Iā€™m sort of stuck. But I believe everything that the Catholic Church teaches, and consider myself to be Catholic at heart.

I pray that the Lord will make a way for me to join the Catholic Church as soon as possible if it be His will.

In Christā€™s Love,
At ā€œonlyā€ 16 years old, you are old enough to determine for yourself what it is that you believe, anyway.

Do not be afraidā€¦ you are asking what our Lord wants for you. He WILL provide. At a time and in a way of His choosing.

Meantime, just love your folks as best as you know how. Donā€™t try to change their mindsā€¦ just love them.

And learn as you can on your own about Catholicism. Thereā€™s a LOT about our Faith as Catholicsā€¦ continue learningā€¦

and most of all, continue praying about it. Never fear.

Faith and reason. Rather than the Protestant doctrine of Faith Alone, rather than the modernist view of reason alone, rather then the post-modernist view of neither faith nor reason.

Sacramentality and the natural law. How can rational beings usurp the rationality of creation. How can they surmise it is only by random chance that a limited creature starts out small and weak, survives solely on the good will of others, learns how to love and be charitable, engages in intimate life-giving union, and desires to nurture what it procreates? Is it not possible that a greater mystery is revealed in this event?

Sacramentality and the family of God (communion). Why did He create us in His own image and how are we to be His image? He wants us to love like him, ā€œLove one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.ā€ And He wants us to be like Him, ā€œI pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.ā€ If we had no role in our salvation, if we were not made to image Him, He could have just created one of us to love for all eternity.

We are the family of God. He made us body and spirit. We are in the world in our bodies. We learn how to love in and through our bodies. We experience all spiritual realities in and through our bodies. We must live in the body, but by the spirit. And we come to know God by living in His body, the Church.
As soon as I was introduced to the Faith in preparation for my first Holy Communion at the age of seven, I was irristible drawn to everything Father taught about Jesus. Nuns taught us children to pray and draw the Rosary and invited anyone in class, who wanted to, to sing in choir. I thoroughly enjoyed the singing. At home, I would sing one song after the other that I had learned in choir. I had set up an ā€œaltarā€ in my bedroom and made the gestures like the ones I saw the priest do. Heck if I knew at that age that a female can never be a priest.

As a young child, and even now, I love Jesus to bits. He has always responded to my prayers, not always in the ways I like it, but thatā€™s OK - he knows best.

Major changes in family life (lots of travel) during my later teens into my early twenties (work) , I started to neglect my practice of the Faith. Godā€™s way to bring me back to my senses was that I had to listen to a barrage of accusations how bad the Catholic faith is, from family members on my husbandā€™s side, who are staunch Calvinists, (my husband is not), that I could not readily answer. My staying home to raise children also brought me in contact with missionaries of different denominations, knocking on the door inviting me to join their church.

Preparation for the baptism of our oldest child brought me back to church. I could have sworn that angels sang when I finally set foot again in the church that became my parish church.

I always had that steady feeling inside me that all I needed to do was to read one good Catholic book to make me fall in love all over again with our Catholic faith. And that is exactly what happened.

Thank goodness that my older brother was an avid reader. He attended and graduated from St Thomas Aquinas College in Kentucky. He introduced me to many good Catholic books. After his death I inherited his collection of books and with the ones I already have, my library now rivals the Religion section in any public library. (How does it go? So many books, so little time to read them!) I keep learning about the Faith and I might not have all the answers at my fingertip when someone questions my beliefs as a Catholics, I know I can find answers to all of them. Seek and you shall find.

So what was the question? Oh, yes: Why are you Catholic? Looking back on my life the answer is: Because, God wants me to be Catholic.

May Godā€™s Peace be with you all.


The more I learn, the more I love it, and there is no end to the learning, nor to the loving.

Blessed Mary brought me to Him. How do I disappoint our brother Jesus and our MOM?

Well, I seem to keep figuring out new ways or just reusing the old ones. Good thing that box is always there. Which reminds meā€¦ Let me tell you about Father Mario. I hope you have known a priest like him:

I am Catholic because herein lies the truth and fullness of the Faith needed to help me on my Pilgrimage toward the Eternal Rewardā€¦

And, I LOVE Jesus the Christ who founded the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church!

What a wonderful thing it is to be a Catholic!

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