Why are you Catholic?

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I was born & raised Catholic, but I left the Church in my teens. I experienced a deep & life changing conversion & came back to the Church some 15 years ago.

I experimented with Buddism, Wicca, & Satanism. I was a moderate marijuana, cocaine, crystal methane user & a weekend alcoholic. I was a hatful & violent person. I hated anything & everything about christianity. I almost ended up in prison at the age of 18 facing 24 years, but Christ had other plans for me. 🙂
Accident of birth. I was raised a Catholic. However, the religion in which I grew up no longer exists. It has been replaced by the religion of hopelessness caused by Vatican II.
I sometimes wonder if I had been born into a Moslem, Hindu or Jewish family would I be going through life doing my best to be a good Moslem, Hindu or Jew instead of a Catholic.
I think I probably would.
I believe the Catholic church is the true church founded by the apostles of Jesus and filled with His Holy Spirit but I have come to that belief through my experience of the church I grew up in and it would be hard to change that loyalty, even to another christian denomination.
By the Grace of God. I was born into Catholic family but my dad was a pre-vatican II convert (converted to marry my mom) and not really encouraging (he didn’t think I should have received first communion when I did). There was a significant lack of catechesis which only got worse at the years went by. I did however learn some appreciation and affection for the Church, mostly from my mom and problably some from 6 years of Catholic school.

Then I moved away form home and my home diocese and landed in a diocese with a rather orthodox bishop. At first I was at odds with how things were done and not done but thanks be to God that’s where I was when I had a crisis of faith as a young adult.

Because there were so many parishes to choose from I was able to hop around til I found home. And along with that a Catholic book store so I could get some real answers about angels (who, I believe were more than just bystanders.) I didn’t trust the secular stores to have what I needed.

By the Grace of God, I was finding Truth everywhere I turned that year. Crisis turned into conversion.
With all the graces that the church provides for us: Eucharist, Reconciliation, communion of Saints, what else could I be?
I have to say along with all the other reasons it is because of the Eucharist, as it ISN’T A SYMBOL as many English dictionaries refer to it. It is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus as He said.

Jerry / YBIC
I was raised prot and was never drawn to church. It was something I only thought about on Sundays. My girlfriend asked me to start going to mass with her our second semester at school and was intrigued (mostly by the crucifix). I really felt drawn to keep coming back. It really felt like God was right there with me (as I later learned he was, is, and alway will be, literally). I saw an RCIA posting in the bulletin and thought, what they hay? More I read and learned I saw that it is the CHURCH. Christ’s Church. Now I can’t wait to partake in the sacraments and I know that I am Catholic everyday, not just on Sunday.
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