Why are you Catholic?

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All really neat answers.
I am a Roman Catholic because that is what our Lord and our Lady wants. I remember when the whole pack of us were Baptized, about 67 or 68 years ago. I remember First Communion but what I remember is worrying about a somewhat proper dress being ready by the next morning. We were very poor. I was not raised Catholic after that. I was picked out by the Sisters of the Holy Cross who had vacation Bible School in little Idaho towns to be helped to attend Catholic High School. I knew almost nothing Catholic-wise and not much school-wise. Do I believe that for some reason, inspite of me, that God actually loves me and wants me to be Catholic. YOU BET but we MUST respond to His call and that call IS DAILY. Making use of The Sacraments and prayer are indispensable. This goes for Priests as well as us lay people. How very easy it is fall away. Our Lord meant it when He said, “take up your cross” It ain’t easy but what a “joy”.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us.
Peace on earth to men of good will
I am Catholic because of the Grace of God Who showed me the Truth of the Catholic Faith three years ago, entered the Church 2 years ago and I don’t look back! (i’m gonna sound like the Pentecostal I used to be though now…) Praise God!!! 😉 :dancing: :clapping: :bounce: -Mfaustina1
  1. the Eucharist 2. the Eucharist 3. the Eucharist . . .
    Cardinal Newman said to study history is to become Catholic, and I have studied a lot of history.
I have my mother to blame for this one…Thank-you Mom!..thank-you!..:clapping: :yup: :bounce: …for raising me a cradle catholic!!!
I left the catholic church for almost 20 years…but never forgot her and never converted…I’m soooo glad I came home again:D
and YES I did think at one time…where else would I go?
i’m catholic because God dragged me, kicking and screaming, into the catholic church… ok, maybe not that bad. i’m not the most reluctant convert in all of rome, but i definitely didn’t see it coming. 🙂

i grew up baptist, have a degree in theology from a baptist university, am a licensed baptist minister, and worked in baptist churches and camps for many years. i saw God do alot of awesome things there.

but then i made three mistakes all at once. i went to seminary (a baptist one in california) and studied church history. i read lives of saints (esp francis of assisi). i attended taize services.

i was doomed. 🙂

i never really felt ‘at home’ in the protestant church, but i thought it was like that everywhere. it wasn’t until i met the mass that i felt like i belonged.

cs lewis and rich mullins were very instrumental in pointing me toward rome. neither were catholic at the time, but both were on the rome side of me, and opened my mind to some of the things i misunderstood that catholics teach.

the main things ABOUT the RCC that drew me in were these: the eucharist, confession, and the authority of the church. i believed in the true presence for years before i became catholic. i just ‘sensed’ it was true, like my friend, a protestant minister, is also ‘sensing’.

i believed in confession (as it IS Biblical) for years, too, and would drag my poor friends aside and spill my guts from time to time, and ask for their prayers. it was very healing, but not as cleansing as absolution.

and finally, i longed, after years and years of hearing not just denominations, not just churches, but individuals (including myself) re-inventing the spiritual wheel over and over and over, every day, and refuting things that were true to overemphasize things that were also true, to find an authority in church that would say ‘this is true. this is what it means. you can stop now.’
…because God decided to be so. I was baptized Catholic despite my mom being an Anglican.
Doesn’t matter if you call it the blue Church or the Church of yellow, we happen to call it the Catholic Church 😃 , the truths the Catholic faith hold is the TRUTH and although I see that other faiths hold some truths, they do not hold the absolute truth, that reaches into every minute fibre of your life and ministers to it. That calls for obedience, I don’t hear of obedience to God and the complete renouncing of the self from any other Christian church. For me it is Christ’s Church and therefore, yes!! it’s also God’s!!
Dear Lavada,

I remember my First Holy Communion like it was yesterday and I recently attended a close friends son’s First Communion and to see them all in their white dresses and little suits is SO emotional. If you start in the Catholic faith and truly know that Christ is the Eucharist, then how can we leave? Where else is there to go?..It’s a gift of grace from God to have this faith and I’m thankful for it everyday. God Bless you all and peace to you xx
I’m a Catholic because it’s the truth and ultimately that’s what all human being are searching for.
Because I was born and raised Catholic and its all I know and all I care to know!!!😛
What PL said.👍
Through reading transcendentalist literature, I was convinced that there is a God. I became a Deist.

I read Josh MacDowell’s “More than a Carpenter”, and Lee Strobel’s “The Case for Christ”, and found I had known all the arguments against Christianity without even bothering to find out if there were refutations. I looked and looked for refutations to the overwhelming evidence that Jesus was God, and all I could find were the same old arguments I had already seen before. (I am still looking.) I was convinced Jesus was God. I became a Christian.

I read C. S. Lewis’s ‘Mere Christianity’, and discovered that Christianity makes perfect philosophical sense. This was incredible to me, since there were a great number of philosophers I admired, but recognized that their systems each had some kind of flaw. I had never expected to find any system that made perferct philosophical sense.

Also, this book mentions the Eucharist, and for some reason, I had a really strong sense after reading it that I would need to join a denomination that practiced communion.

I found the Catholic Answers website, and considered all the arguments I had heard against Catholicism. I figured I couldn’t go wrong if I took the same approach as I did with the MacDowell book. I read all the arguments and then tried to find all the anti-Catholic refutations.

I am Catholic because I don’t have a choice. After having examined all the arguments carefully, to believe anything else would be to defy reason.
I am catholic because I believe I receive my salvation here in the catholic church. God called me when I was 9 years old to this church. I grow here in this church.

I also believe in ONE baptism. Should I took another baptism, I wouldn’t have been faithful to what I believe : that there are many members, but ONE Spirit and ONE Body.

I also believe in submission. Not passive submission though. Jesus shows example of submission unto His death proclaiming The Truth. He is the Truth and so His Word is.

God bless.
So many good responses… The answer to this question could be very complex or very simple, but I’ll try the simple way. First and foremost, it is the Truth. The older I got, the more I realized this.

I have personal reasons that I would have to place as second behind this. I was born a Catholic and had the gift of a Catholic education throughout my formative years. Recently, I have also come to realize that my religion is also a part of my ethnic and cultural heritage (visiting Italy & especially Rome every year drove this home). This will always be secondary to the primary reason I cited before, but I see it as important nonetheless.
when did God decide to be catholic?
I meant to say when God decided for me to be Catholic. I was an infant then. My mother could have easily had me baptized as an Anglican.
It’s not just because it is the one, true holy religion. It’s because I feel the Holy Spirit embrace me when ever I go to church. It’s because it’s the only church where I can receive the eucharist. That was a great gift to us! I heard many Catholics do not realize in the true presence of the body and blood; how sad. I am Catholic because, through the power of the sacraments of the sick and adoration, I have had Jesus come into me and put my disease in remission. Yes, I was raised in the faith. However, God’s love brought me back. God’s love has made my love for our beautiful faith even stronger.
I am Catholic because the Holy Spirit led me on my journey towards the Church. Faith truly is a gift and I am thankful everyday that I am growing closer to God thru the fullness of the truth contained in the Church. We have the Saints, the Holy Father and so much information! Its a blessing to be CATHOLIC!
Well because I was baptised Catholic. If you want to know why I belive… well its simple, I belive because I have felt Christ, I have felt Him touch me and I have known His presance. Before that I sorta belived, not very strongly though. It was when I experenced Him that I truly discovered my faith.
Why am I Catholic? I was a Pagan-Protestant until age 23.

When in Korea I saw the only guys who went to church on Sunays(when we could) were Catholics.

The “moment” came in Calif. when an old Monsenior showed me that the Catholic Church was started by Jesus. (Matt 16: 18-19). Our Church is the oldest Christian Church therefore the truest one. It has Jesus Christ as it’s high priest.
I hit other.

I am a Roman Catholic because I was born and raised into the faith, I agree with logic and reasoning of the Catholic religion, I have studied other religions and they have only reinforced my Roman Catholicism, and I have had some life experiences where Roman Catholicism has been both source of comfort and wisdom.

So I remain a loyal Roman Catholic despite some really clumsy managerial decisions from the Vatican.
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