Why are you Catholic?

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Because it is true. And I know it’s true because I studied and studied and prayed and prayed. And then I asked God to just toss me a bone because I was **certain **that He would not actually lead me into the Catholic Church…long story relating to my faith upbringing. Anyway, God brought to my memory all of the people, events etc. that He had placed in my life to show me the truth all along. The scales were lifted and I am now ecstatically, totally, all-encompassingly Catholic. I tell everyone at every opportunity how I came to be Catholic and why it feels so right.

God bless

when did God decide to be catholic?
You’ll have to ask Him. All I know is that He decided He wanted us to be.
I have been catholic all my life and I am proud for being it, we are christians because Christ founded the Church.
As a convert, I studied many many other faiths. Kept coming back HOME to the truth, the FULLNESS of truth, the ONLY church where the complete truth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is taught and lived. The Roman Catholic Church 👍
Dittos. I’m a convert, too, and my husband (cradle Catholic) and i have recently returned to the Church. Dec 3rd to be precise. We’d been in mostly protestant and more fundamentalist churches for the last 25 years and what a blessing, privilage and wonderful Grace which opened my eyes to the Truth. We are so thankful and I know my Mother-in-law is rejoicing in heaven with Jesus and our belioved Holy Mother, Mary. It took me a long time, but nothing could compare to being linked to the past Saints and such holy history.
I converted several years ago from the Anglican communion due to years of historical research into early Christianity, the Church Fathers, the writings of Cardinal John Henry Newman and the Roman Catechism (Catechism of Trent).

After a few years as a conservative (Scott Hahn) style Roman Catholic, I was appalled at almost all post Vatican II novelties, to include the Novus Ordo. Thankfully, I found an Indult Traditional Latin Mass (TLM). I’ve never looked back, but have never attended another Novus Ordo.
I converted several years ago from the Anglican communion due to years of historical research into early Christianity, the Church Fathers, the writings of Cardinal John Henry Newman and the Roman Catechism (Catechism of Trent).

After a few years as a conservative (Scott Hahn) style Roman Catholic, I was appalled at almost all post Vatican II novelties, to include the Novus Ordo. Thankfully, I found an Indult Traditional Latin Mass (TLM). I’ve never looked back, but have never attended another Novus Ordo.
And by sequestering yourself in a TLM parish, you minimize your opportunities to positively influence your fellow Catholics that ascribe to such novelties as the NO.
I was first attracted to Catholicism by the beauty of the Liturgy and sacred music. When I found that sacred music is more likely to performed by public school and public college choirs rather than be sung in church, I was very disappointed- as I’m sure the composers who wrote them would be too. I stayed, because of the Sacraments. It was through Eucharistic Adoration, Confession, and lay movements in the Church that I first realized that God really loves me- when for all my life before I converted, I thought God hated me.
And by sequestering yourself in a TLM parish, you minimize your opportunities to positively influence your fellow Catholics that ascribe to such novelties as the NO.
I have children to raise and I choose to raise them in the Faith of their Fathers before them. Because Rome says that it is my right to attend and worship at the Traditional Latin Mass, why, dear Lord, would I subject my children to the Novus Ordo and all that comes with it?

Keep in mind that I have NEVER called into question the validity of the Novus Ordo. But I will not subject my children to milk-toast homilies, EMHCs, standing in the conga line to receive, hand holding/hand clapping Protestant style services, and above all some of the most atrocious music ever written (“Here I am Lord”; “On Eagles Wings”). Gregorian Chant, Mozart, Bach, Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert, et al will do just fine.

Having said all that, I appreciate your sarcasm, but I want my kids to at least have a chance of remaining in the Faith!
I was born Catholic, but had poor catechesis. Events forced me to read the Bible. In reading it, I found the Catholic church. The Bible is what keeps me in the Church.
Was raised as Catholic and never left the Church and it is pretty much all I know. Thanks to reflecting on what other denominations and sects teach about themselves and the Catholic Church, it is more and more clear to me that the Catholic Church is the Church Crist founded. No doubts about that.
I have children to raise and I choose to raise them in the Faith of their Fathers before them. Because Rome says that it is my right to attend and worship at the Traditional Latin Mass, why, dear Lord, would I subject my children to the Novus Ordo and all that comes with it?

Keep in mind that I have NEVER called into question the validity of the Novus Ordo. But I will not subject my children to milk-toast homilies, EMHCs, standing in the conga line to receive, hand holding/hand clapping Protestant style services, and above all some of the most atrocious music ever written (“Here I am Lord”; “On Eagles Wings”). Gregorian Chant, Mozart, Bach, Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert, et al will do just fine.

Having said all that, I appreciate your sarcasm, but I want my kids to at least have a chance of remaining in the Faith!
I commend you for being dedicated to the formation of your children. I was not responding to your preference for TLM but for your inclusion of the NO as a “novelty”. Perhaps I misunderstood you. Anyway, I think I’m taking this thread off track. . .
Because outside of the Church there is no salvation. There is only sin and suffering, and the cruelty of a world that purportedly “cares about you” even as its taking over control of your life, your kids, your home, your heart, your head and ends up extinguising the Divine Spark. There is only get up, go to work, come home, pay bills, eat food without tasting, drink soda that tastes like bleach, stare witlessly at the walls, and going to bed only do to it over again tomorrow…

…with the end result that nothing means anything… it stretches forth into a blur… months rolling over into years, decades… and before you know it…

the death that you longed for as a merciful end to a meaningless life, overtakes you, but its not the merciful end you’d hoped for… it isn’t the oblivion you wished for and sometimes tried to claim for your own…

there is two choices. you can spend eternity with God or you can spend it without him… without him there is only yourself to spend it with… you and everyone else that didn’t want him, didn’t accept him, and doesn’t give a rats @%$ about doing unto others…

so as you’re crowding into the dungeon of hell your bitterest realization is that you have p!!!ed away everything that could have made you happy, everything that could have made you whole, in pursuit of other gods that you loved more but that couldn’t love you back… such as money… sex… cars… power… none of which had the power to make you happy. Or even whole. You have rejected and separated yourself from everything that ever held you dear, through your own pride. And the bitterest realization is that its your own damn fault, and that its too late to go back and undo it, even though that’s all you want now.

At least now… my Eucharistic Lord is there to help me work on what needs to be worked on… my pride… my lust… my anger… my greed… my gluttony… my envy… my lazy sloth… its not too late for me… and its not to late for any of you…

I guess I am Catholic now because the alternative, which I have had a foretaste of, is too horrible to contemplate: A life without God, without meaning, without Hope itself, one that will ultimately lead to an eternity of crushing despair.

As someone so succinctly put it. to whom shall we go. Thou hast the words of eternal life.:bowdown:
Conster74 said:
Because outside of the Church there is no salvation. There is only sin and suffering, and . . . cruelty. . . .

Great post! I’m reminded of one of my favorite NT passages (in the KJV):

"Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie" Rev 22:14-15.

Now ain’t that the truth!

God bless.
it wasn’t just a figure of speech, I lived it. But perhaps I should consider myself lucky.

David’s child died.:bigyikes:
Because it is where, unltimately, all seekers come, if they search for real truth, instead of the silly and misled half-truths out there. Because it is the church started by Jesus, himself. All the Christian faiths stem from this one, true church, the ‘prime source’ and the further down the timeline they go the further away they get. I am always amazed at what other Christians think Catholicism is about. It’s sad.
Fullness of Truth
God’s Grace
Because without it, I would not be alive today!
And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
I’m planning on converting as soon as I can. I have been thinking about it for quite sometime. Then I relized just how much I love the Catholic church, Mary, the saints, and the rosary. And the last confrmation of my decision was when I looked at Dr. Martin Luther’s 95 These (I’m Lutheran currently) almost none of them apply anymore. So pretty much every reason my current religion was created it fixed now, so I think it ought to go rejoin. But that probably won’t happen. Too bad.
I was raised a Catholic, and I remain a Catholic because I believe what the church teaches and it woven into me – it is who I am.

And how could I get along without the sacraments? I need the Eucharist and confession in my life.
Because God called me.

I was raises Catholic from Birth…in my teens I faded away.
when I was 29 I began to hear a voice whisper my name up close to my face…not knowing who or what it was…I became afraid I was loosing my sanity.
Then I began to discover what an empty and useless person I was.
Finally, I decided I did not want to live this way (empty) any longer so I vowed to myself:
“If I can’t find what I am searching for before I turn 30…I will kill myself !”

That same voice came back; “The only place you have not searched is YOUR FAITH.”…
"OK !..I said, I will go to Mass and learn what my FAITH has to say.
The scriptures (Mat.6:33) that were read in mass that day set the HOOK in me …and I am still embracing that hook. 😃

After God filled me with the Holy Spirit I began asking fellow Catholics The same Question; “Why are you a Catholic?”
or “What is the very center of your FAITH ?”

At age 23 I knocked on the door of a kind Priest. I was a Pagan?Protestant. That Priest showed me that the Catholic faith was started by Jesus Christ. It is the only true faith.
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