Why are you Catholic?

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…Because the Catholic Church is the one that makes the best sense of what is in the Bible and because of its historical connection with the Apostles.
Heresies have arisen in the Church (and outside of it, actually) and it has persisted in spite of all these challenges.
I chose “because it’s true”. That’s what I believe and know for a fact my life overall is much better as a practicing and faithful Catholic. I joined the church originally in the early 90’s due in part to Mother Angelica and EWTN. Though I fell away from the Church a few years later, I returned a little over a year ago and with God’s Grace will stay with the one true faith.
I began my journey as a Catholic as a “what difference does it make” when I married (my husband is a strong Catholic but never ‘pressured’ me into the faith). The more I learned, the more I realized that we have the true, full faith of Jesus.
I was raised Catholic but fell away from the Faith in College. I never rejected it or rejected God but i just didn’t practice anymore. I then dated a girl who was not Catholic and she criticized me for being Catholic. It was the first time i experienced bias towards Catholicism. So i thought, maybe Catholicism is wrong. I prayed about it and studied it and protestant beliefs. And it just “hit me” as Truth. It is clear as day to me. Also, The Lord answered my prayer in a very specific way, which is a long story. He answered my prayers and showed me the importance of the Eucharist. I have continued to study the Catholic Faith and am so excited about it. It is complete Truth, it really is. It is amazing.
I am Catholic because some Dominican nuns saved my life! I was an abandoned newborn and these nuns took me in and I was baptized and they consecrated my life to the Blessed Mother, because I was born on the Feast of the Assumption or the day after. They wanted me to live and so did the Lord. And so I owe my life to the Lord, Mother Mary, and to His Church. I’m definitely a believer! The Church is my true home.
I was raised catholic, fell away from the faith for a few years (didn’t take it seriously) and now I take it more seriously.
Well, if you asked me six months ago, I would have said “Because that’s what my parents told me.” But I can now say that I know it is the truth.

I did a google search on this question.
I got 255 hits (one of them was this thread).🙂

I did a search on “why be Catholic” and got 745 hits including a book.😃
because it is the only way!!! it is the true Faith…!!!

God Bless-JMJ
Laura 🙂
Holy Mother Church contains the fullness of truth and alone holds Christ’s mandate to be the Church.
I selected “Because it’s true.” I am amazed at how God kept me Catholic by using the very things that might have driven me away.

I was baptized Catholic and went to a Catholic school, but unfortunately some of the teachers at the school either did not know or did not understand the official Church teaching, so I got some good and some bad instruction and was very confused (although I didn’t realize it at the time) about what the Church taught. I joined an Assemblies of God youth group in middle school, and it was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I knew it was different than Catholicism, but I didn’t know how. I was wondering if possibly I shouldn’t be Catholic (I was only in middle school and knew very little of the historical and scriptural evidence for Catholicism), but I wasn’t seriously thinking about it until I went to an Assemblies of God summer camp. The main speaker said point blank that there was no such thing as purgatory. It was the first time I had seen a concrete difference between what I knew the Catholic Church taught and what I heard from others (the youth group I went to tried to stick with the basics), and it disturbed me. It didn’t help that the description of purgatory I had heard at school was not a reflection of what the Church actually teaches about purgatory. I was disturbed for weeks about this before I finally talked to my mom. She gave me one of Scott Hahn’s tapes, and that was the start of my desire to know more.

I also feel like I am Catholic today because of suffering. I don’t claim to have experienced extreme suffering, but I have had enough difficulty in my life that I sometimes feel as though sorrow will be my constant companion. The pain I felt then (and still feel) prevented me from seeing Catholicism as just a small part of my life. It forced me to be introspective, and to begin to rely on God as one of the only friends I had. This allowed me to be concerned when I thought Catholicism might not be true rather than just shrugging it off and saying, “What difference does it make?”

I could go on, but those of you who were perseverant enough to get through this far are probably ready for it to end. To sum up, God used two things, doubt and suffering, that could easily have made me turn away, to bring me ever closer to Catholicism. Because of this, I have been able to reach a point where I could not live if I rejected the Church, because nothing would make sense anymore. It has been a long journey, but I hope it is just beginning!
Dear friend

It is when we suffer that we are truly united in Christ, those whom He loves He calls to suffer; and I do not know any one person who does not have a Cross, so therefore love each other as God has given the Cross to all

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I was taught in the Cathlic School and was married in the Church my wife joined just before our marrage but she was raised Lutheran and added many strange secular ideas to our marrage. After our third child she demanded that I sign the papers to allow the doctor to tie her tubes to keep from having more children. I was reluctant but she said she would have it done with or without my permission. This was the begining of the down fall off our marrage. Scott Hahn’s wife Kimberly puts it right when she says many lose the grace of their marrage by deveating from Church teaching. This loss of grace and failure to reconize the problem caused me to fall further and further from grace till almost anything seemed OK even leaving the Church for a fundamentalist church with not ties to any mainstream church.
What brought me back to the Church was seeing the lack of understanding in other churches of the Eucharist, Mary as the New Eve as Christ is the New Adam and the role of the Commuion of the Saints.
Also a great vision the Lord gave me 7 years ago in a series of stories he has been telling me that I call “The King’s Highway” and how in this it is clear to me how the very creation is so very Catholic.
Some Examples are how in the state of Michigan in the palm of it’s right hand is a cross formed by two highways 46 and 27 "The number of the very books of Old and New Testament in my Bible. In the left foot of Indiana at Fort Wayne are Highways such as 930 and 30 and 33 with rivers like the Mary and Joseph and the Maumee. This very curse of Highway 69 is delt with here in symbol because the curse of the man and woman 69 is broadcast over the land by it’s radio station WO WO but WOWO has a world famous fire escape and out it’s back door highway 930 is a symbol of the curse of the first man’s 930 legacy of death. It is over come because of the New Adam who was born to over come this fortress of death and caused it to wane. Between the Mary and Joseph Rivers is the Maumee becasue they had a child who would say mommy but when ask who’s your daddy he would say God is my Father and at age 30 he preached a higher Higher Kingdom not of this world and at age 33 went under death and swollowed it up in victory leaving a New Haven on the east side of the city and Highway 3 going from a dark line on the map under the city to a bright orange line over the city on the third day. This is why highway 27 joins highway 69 here because the Revelation of the Glory of Jesus is in the 27th Book of the New Testatment and the Children of 69 "The first man and woman carry with them this Revelation all the way to where the land sings to find 96 “The Revelation of the New Woman and Man” Mary and Jesus our New Spriritual parents by Adoption. Sorry I can’t tell the whole story here in this media. I hope you understand what I see. God Bless
Why am I Catholic? Because the Holy Spirit braught me home kicking and screaming! It was not Jesus, it was the Holy Spirit!

I do not like having rules and I do not want to follow all the rules. Why do I? Because the Messiah told us to follow Him and do as He said. He founded the Catholic Church and commanded us all to be loyal to it and of one mind and not to be schismatics.

I am Catholic because Jesus (Trinity) is first in my life. He founded the Catholic Church so I have no choice but to be in His Church, like it or not! He didn’t ask for my opinion, He founded a Church to give teach me His.
Looking at other faiths none satisfy me, so if I was’nt a Catholic I wouldn’t bother with religion, i’d be an atheist.
I love the human expression of spirituality in many forms. I was born and raised Catholic. I did wander a bit in my tween years- mainly because I felt I had so many unanswerable questions…Ultimately I found the answers; right where I started.


I love my faith and pray that God might make me a better person.
Strangely enough, somehow, deep inside of me, I Always just KNEW it was the right one. I’m not very cerebral, mostly instinctive ~ obviously. Kind of like the moral conscious - it’s a built in knowledge!
I am a convert (as of this year) and I did so because my God, the God of my childhood, had become the God of the Catholic Church. He had always been so, but I came to realize it. Jesus, whom I came to know and love more deeply as I drew closer and closer to the Church, was calling me into the Church. Being such a clear call, I was in a position where I had to either choose the Church or renounce my faith in Jesus. Once it reached the level of clarity, it was an easy decision to make.
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