Why aren't atheists joyful?

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Funny thing is that having another kid would have made them more poor and meant another child possibly going hungry. It makes more sense for the poor to use abortion as it is often financially motivated. Furthermore the poor are less likely to afford decent birth control as it can be seen as a luxury unfortunately.

A national system providing free birth control would help alleviate some that problem, but let me guess how you’d feel about that…
You already know:ehh: So tell me when is planned parenthood going to start killing the hungry to relieve their suffering?:rolleyes: Seeing as how it is better to be dead than go hungry:mad:
Funny thing is that having another kid would have made them more poor and meant another child possibly going hungry. It makes more sense for the poor to use abortion as it is often financially motivated. Furthermore the poor are less likely to afford decent birth control as it can be seen as a luxury unfortunately.

A national system providing free birth control would help alleviate some that problem, but let me guess how you’d feel about that…
I’d like to see people be a bit more responsible with their actions. If you can’t afford another kid, then don’t engage in activities that could lead to you having one.

On the other hand, the wealth distribution in this country is ridiculously imbalanced, so I’d like to see more people (especially Christians) work to help each other out. I have failed throughout my life in this respect, and I’ve been doing my best lately to make the change.
Impoverished people are one of the targets for abortions.
I know, the dastardly abortion conspiracy would just love to get their claws into the rich and famous, but they can afford to raise their rug rats. What a bummer. Well, there’s hope - with the middle class being squeezed out of existence, perhaps there’ll be more custom from the soon to be impoverished.

Quite frankly, people that think like you are part of the problem and not part of the solution. Instead of trying to reduce a complex problem to the interdiction of the regrettable end result, your time would be better spent understanding the real causes and trying to fix them.

By the way, while I don’t suppose you care about insulting pro-choice adherents, your assessment of the African Americans is downright rude, because you say they are a dumb people that can’t see through the trappings of a genocidal agenda.
wolpertinger said:
I know, the dastardly abortion conspiracy would just love to get their claws into the rich and famous, but they can afford to raise their rug rats. What a bummer. Well, there’s hope - with the middle class being squeezed out of existence, perhaps there’ll be more custom from the soon to be impoverished.

Quite frankly, people that think like you are part of the problem and not part of the solution. Instead of trying to reduce a complex problem to the interdiction of the regrettable end result, your time would be better spent understanding the real causes and trying to fix them.

By the way, while I don’t suppose you care about insulting pro-choice adherents, your assessment of the African Americans is downright rude, because you say they are a dumb people that can’t see through the trappings of a genocidal agenda.

Guess what I work with African Americans who are pro-life an recognise the agenda:mad: They are spreading the message to their sisters and brothers too!I have African Americans in my family as well:banghead: Most people whether white or black have been decieved by the death propoganda.Poverty is not worse than death,that is rediculous,poverty does not excuse the murder of the innocent either.What are you doing to help immpoverished people?It’s real funny how you can sit on your soap box and say anything.My husband live below the poverty level with five children to care for and still make it and help others worse off than us,instead of adhering to the “final solution”! No I am not worried about stating the truth of the matter,because I might offend someone who fights for the right to kill an innocent human.
wolpertinger said:
I know, the dastardly abortion conspiracy would just love to get their claws into the rich and famous, but they can afford to raise their rug rats. What a bummer. Well, there’s hope - with the middle class being squeezed out of existence, perhaps there’ll be more custom from the soon to be impoverished.

Quite frankly, people that think like you are part of the problem and not part of the solution. Instead of trying to reduce a complex problem to the interdiction of the regrettable end result, your time would be better spent understanding the real causes and trying to fix them.

By the way, while I don’t suppose you care about insulting pro-choice adherents, your assessment of the African Americans is downright rude, because you say they are a dumb people that can’t see through the trappings of a genocidal agenda.

It is a povery that a child must die so that you can live as you wish-Mother Teresa of Calcutta:abortion doesn’t make you unpregnant it makes you a mother of dead baby
I’d like to see people be a bit more responsible with their actions. If you can’t afford another kid, then don’t engage in activities that could lead to you having one.
I’d like that too, so we agree on a national program to provide free birth control?
On the other hand, the wealth distribution in this country is ridiculously imbalanced, so I’d like to see more people (especially Christians) work to help each other out. I have failed throughout my life in this respect, and I’ve been doing my best lately to make the change.
I sincerely wish you good luck in your endeavor.
Guess what I work with African Americans who are pro-life an recognise the agenda:mad: They are spreading the message to their sisters and brothers too!I have African Americans in my family as well:banghead: Most people whether white or black have been decieved by the death propoganda.Poverty is not worse than death,that is rediculous,poverty does not excuse the murder of the innocent either.What are you doing to help immpoverished people?It’s real funny how you can sit on your soap box and say anything.My husband live below the poverty level with five children to care for and still make it and help others worse off than us,instead of adhering to the “final solution”! No I am not worried about stating the truth of the matter,because I might offend someone who fights for the right to kill an innocent human.
Ah the “truth” of the matter. Haven’t learned the difference yet huh? And still calling it genocide depite the inaccuracy of the statement.
Poverty is not worse than death,that is rediculous
Yeah! Poverty rocks. It's much better than going to Heaven! That's be Ridiculous!
Seriously think about what you are saying.
Ah the “truth” of the matter. Haven’t learned the difference yet huh? And still calling it genocide depite the inaccuracy of the statement.
Yeah! Poverty rocks. It's much better than going to Heaven! That's be Ridiculous!
Seriously think about what you are saying.
It is not an inacurate statement.Life is a gift from God and in your and the other posters arrogant inflated egos you can’t see it:mad: Your solution is to kill em’ all and let God sort em’ out-metalica!Us “stupid irrational Christians” believe every life has a porpose:banghead: While you snuggly sit there in your apathy and don’t want to be bothered about the GENOCIDE going on,unless of course you become the target.You are real secure in your so-called compassionate advocating the burning,ripping off of limbs and destruction of a person who has been robbed of their “rights” robbed of their"choice".Social justice is null and void if your dead!By the way Tlaloc I sincerely pray you and the other poster recants your position and feels contrition over what you guys advocate,because if not the souls and blood of the unborn will give testimony to God almighty who is loving and just and willing to forgive you have to be sorry and want forgiveness first.This is why most atheist are not joyful!Anatheist at least respects human life and you can see the different poster styles as well.Anatheist you are closer than you think.God bless
Whatever pressure you feel is there to get those who believe in it but fail to practice it to actually do it. Not to force it on anyone who disagrees.
Actually, many people who don’t want to use birth control are pressured to use it and are looked upon as ignorant when they do not. Even women who do not “believe in” birth control and disagree are pressured to become enlightened and use it.
Grace and Glory:
Actually, many people who don’t want to use birth control are pressured to use it and are looked upon as ignorant when they do not. Even women who do not “believe in” birth control and disagree are pressured to become enlightened and use it.
By whom? Door-to-door Planned Parenthood missionaries? Where precisely does this pressure come from?

I’ve never in my life had a pro-birth control person start pushing it on me. Nor have I found it typical to start conversations by shaking a collegue briskly and demanding to know if they used a condom the night before.
To give a concrete example, when my mom had had two children and went to the nurse for a routine checkup, she was asked what form of birth control she was using. When she said she wasn’t using birth control, the nurse kept trying to pressure her to use it, even though she had made clear she did not want to.

I have been in classes where people spoke at length about the benefits of birth control and condoms were passed out, regardless of whether the people in the class were at all interested. If I went into a class and talked about how great Christianity was and passed out Bibles, wouldn’t I be considered to be pressuring people?

For other examples, just read the threads posted by parents of many children. They often speak about their frustration with people who try to “educate” them about birth control when they see their large families.

Perhaps you have not experienced this pressure, but if you are not obviously NOT using artificial birth control, people tend to assume you are and leave you alone.

I think the poster who originally wrote about the pressure to use birth control was referring to a more subtle pressure. The contraceptive mentality is so pervasive that we don’t need Planned Parenthood missionaries to go door to door. Subtle pressure is still pressure.
Grace and Glory:
To give a concrete example, when my mom had had two children and went to the nurse for a routine checkup, she was asked what form of birth control she was using. When she said she wasn’t using birth control, the nurse kept trying to pressure her to use it, even though she had made clear she did not want to.
Are you sure there wasn’t a medical reason to it?
I have been in classes where people spoke at length about the benefits of birth control and condoms were passed out, regardless of whether the people in the class were at all interested. If I went into a class and talked about how great Christianity was and passed out Bibles, wouldn’t I be considered to be pressuring people?
What class was this?
For other examples, just read the threads posted by parents of many children. They often speak about their frustration with people who try to “educate” them about birth control when they see their large families.
Again something I’ve never heard of and I live in what is called the most Irreligious City in America.
Perhaps you have not experienced this pressure, but if you are not obviously NOT using artificial birth control, people tend to assume you are and leave you alone.
How can one be obviously NOT using Birth control? You mean by having a large family?
I think the poster who originally wrote about the pressure to use birth control was referring to a more subtle pressure. The contraceptive mentality is so pervasive that we don’t need Planned Parenthood missionaries to go door to door. Subtle pressure is still pressure.
Well it depends on what you mean. The idea of using Birth Control has become pervasive because it solves or helps with a great many of societies problems, i.e overpopulation, STDs, unwanted pregnancies. Society has certainly worked to get tat message out there. Same thing with vaccinations. And seat belts. And so on.
Are you sure there wasn’t a medical reason to it?

What class was this?

Again something I’ve never heard of and I live in what is called the most Irreligious City in America.

How can one be obviously NOT using Birth control? You mean by having a large family?

Well it depends on what you mean. The idea of using Birth Control has become pervasive because it solves or helps with a great many of societies problems, i.e overpopulation, STDs, unwanted pregnancies. Society has certainly worked to get tat message out there. Same thing with vaccinations. And seat belts. And so on.
So does not having sex,what a novel idea:rolleyes:That is more affective too.
So does not having sex,what a novel idea:rolleyes:That is more affective too.
Yes it is, but it isn’t an option most of the population will accept. So do you go with the 100% solution only 10% will use, or the 80% solution that 90% will use. I’ll leave the math up to you.
Yes it is, but it isn’t an option most of the population will accept. So do you go with the 100% solution only 10% will use, or the 80% solution that 90% will use. I’ll leave the math up to you.
I will go for trying to reverse the trend of selfish behavior and teaching people to treat other people as HUMANS not commodities to be used and thrown away when it’s inconvienient.
I will go for trying to reverse the trend of selfish behavior and teaching people to treat other people as HUMANS not commodities to be used and thrown away when it’s inconvienient.
Yeah good luck with that. I mean it failed miserably for the last two thousand years but the church was just getting warmed up, right? Any day now you’ll totally convince people to act contrary to their biological impulses and the follow the moral views of a faith they don’t believe in.

The rest of us will focus on practical solutions, if you don’t mind.
Yeah good luck with that. I mean it failed miserably for the last two thousand years but the church was just getting warmed up, right? Any day now you’ll totally convince people to act contrary to their biological impulses and the follow the moral views of a faith they don’t believe in.

The rest of us will focus on practical solutions, if you don’t mind.
Yeah look at the fruits you already bore:mad: Biological impulses, I hate to tell you this but we have more control over our body than dogs in heat.Well it is starting to happen,I am glad to report,contrary to your defeatism propoganda.People are getting tired of living like this,young people are starting to be more Orthadox than their liberal parents.
Yeah look at the fruits you already bore:mad:
Don’t knock it till you try it.
Biological impulses, I hate to tell you this but we have more control over our body than dogs in heat.Well it is starting to happen,I am glad to report,contrary to your defeatism propoganda.People are getting tired of living like this,young people are starting to be more Orthadox than their liberal parents.
No they aren’t.

“a. the proportion of the population that can be classified as Christian has declined from eighty-six in 1990 to seventy-seven percent in 2001;
b. although the number of adults who classify themselves in non-Christian religious groups has increased from about 5.8 million to about 7.7 million, the proportion of non-Christians has increased only by a very small amount - from 3.3 % to about 3.7 %;
c. the greatest increase in absolute as well as in percentage terms has been among those adults who do not subscribe to any religious identification; their number has more than doubled from 14.3 million in 1990 to 29.4 million in 2001; their proportion has grown from just eight percent of the total in 1990 to over fourteen percent in 2001”

“As in 1990 so too in the current study, the Buddhist and Muslim population appears to have the highest proportion of young adults under age thirty, and the lowest percentage of females. A number of the major Christian groups have aged since 1990, most notably the Catholics, Methodists, and Lutherans. Congregationalist/United Church of Christ and Presbyterian adherents show an older age structure with three times as many over age 65 as under age 35. Baptists also have fewer young adults than they had in 1990. Among Jews the ratio of the over-65 to those under-thirty has shifted from nearly even in 1990 to about 2:1 in the current study.”

Religion in general and Christianity in specific is becoming more marginilized in American life.
Don’t knock it till you try it.

No they aren’t.

“a. the proportion of the population that can be classified as Christian has declined from eighty-six in 1990 to seventy-seven percent in 2001;
b. although the number of adults who classify themselves in non-Christian religious groups has increased from about 5.8 million to about 7.7 million, the proportion of non-Christians has increased only by a very small amount - from 3.3 % to about 3.7 %;
c. the greatest increase in absolute as well as in percentage terms has been among those adults who do not subscribe to any religious identification; their number has more than doubled from 14.3 million in 1990 to 29.4 million in 2001; their proportion has grown from just eight percent of the total in 1990 to over fourteen percent in 2001”

“As in 1990 so too in the current study, the Buddhist and Muslim population appears to have the highest proportion of young adults under age thirty, and the lowest percentage of females. A number of the major Christian groups have aged since 1990, most notably the Catholics, Methodists, and Lutherans. Congregationalist/United Church of Christ and Presbyterian adherents show an older age structure with three times as many over age 65 as under age 35. Baptists also have fewer young adults than they had in 1990. Among Jews the ratio of the over-65 to those under-thirty has shifted from nearly even in 1990 to about 2:1 in the current study.”

Religion in general and Christianity in specific is becoming more marginilized in American life.
The outcome of the election negates those statistcs:p Funny thing about statistics they are relative to the questioned group and also the segment of population asked they weren’t from the redstates now were they?Hey and I never recieved my questions to fill out,I wonder how many other people didn’t have an opportunity to respond?
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