Most dioceses are at least making these things available for those in danger of death, and some are being more generous. That being said, this would be analogous to only making McDonalds cheeseburgers available to the starving.
Clergy have been all about innovation since Vatican II when it has been totally unnecessary, but now that it is necessary, very few are and some bishops for the first time forbid it. You do have a point. If food can be safely distributed through a drive through, so can confession and the Eucharist–both are essential, since man is both body and soul. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul?
It does seem like the temporal is given more weight than the spiritual. But that is always going to be the case, even in the Church. In one homily, St. Gregory compares the Church to Noah’s ark, which was wide at the bottom where the many animals were–representing the earthly minded–and narrow at the top where the few righteous men were–representing those who think spiritually:
Clergy have been all about innovation since Vatican II when it has been totally unnecessary, but now that it is necessary, very few are and some bishops for the first time forbid it. You do have a point. If food can be safely distributed through a drive through, so can confession and the Eucharist–both are essential, since man is both body and soul. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul?
It does seem like the temporal is given more weight than the spiritual. But that is always going to be the case, even in the Church. In one homily, St. Gregory compares the Church to Noah’s ark, which was wide at the bottom where the many animals were–representing the earthly minded–and narrow at the top where the few righteous men were–representing those who think spiritually:
Pray to God in Jesus name that you will receive the sacraments you need when you need them, and He will ensure you do (He has promised to give us anything we ask for if it is good for our salvation).And we are to believe that below were the four-footed animals and serpents, above the birds and men. It was wide where the beasts were, narrow where men lived: for the Holy Church is indeed wide in the number of those who are carnal minded, narrow in those who are spiritual.
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