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Which is an horrendous commentary on women when you think about it.Democrats really believe abortion is the key to the woman’s heart at the voting booth.
No, I believe they advocate for a legalized RIGHT to access abortion. Only parents choose abortion - advocating It for themselves. I think that is leaf’s point. So first and foremost, republicans and democrats differ in opinion over what should be legal/illegal. Whether one should abort or not is in the domain of parental decision-making. Having said that - the position the State takes will itself Influence (and reflect) societal attitudes. In my view, the state should initially focus on provision of support for pregnant women. That may do more good than threatening sanctions for abortion.Yes, democrats advocate for abortion. Listen to them. I have asked them myself face to face. Safe. legal and unlimited. How is it ever safe for the baby and many times the mother?
You didn’t hear the speech by the nun at the Republican Convention? Trump is doing more than “nothing” to put the abortion industry in the U.S. out of business.“Intend to do?” Abortion is already legal. It has been legal since 1973. And it was not made legal by any Presidential decision. The only thing the Democrats “intend to do” is nothing. And the only thing that Trump is likely to do is also “nothing.” So as far as abortion is concerned, it is “nothing” vs. “nothing”, and I am choosing the first “nothing”
If you are saying that citizens should not have to pay for other peoples’ abortions, I agree with you. But if you are saying that citizens should not have to pay for programs that encourage alternatives to abortion, I must disagree. I have many times suggested that we offer government-guaranteed pre-natal care and delivery services to all women, regardless of complications as a way to discourage abortion. Is this the sort of thing you think citizens should not have to pay for? If so, what about the argument that there is no issue or combination of issues more important than abortion? Wouldn’t that be placing the desire for low taxes above the need to reduce abortions?But the citizens should not have to pay for it!
He is not responsible fr the virus. Focus on WHO and our own medical establishment. Focus on congress’ reaction when Trump did shutdown travel from China. Trump is not God." I don’t take any responsibility for this at all"
Don’t misquote me.Seems you advocate license not freedom. True freedom comes with responsibility, what one ought to do.
Then clear up your position. You advocate license or freedom?Don’t misquote me.
I’m sorry you didn’t understand my post. Let me put it simply.Then clear up your position. You advocate license or freedom?
Pro-choice to engage in any behavior?I’m sorry you didn’t understand my post. Let me put it simply.
I advocate Pro-Choice. I hope this helps.
I did not say this government-guaranteed OBGYN care had to come from the Federal government. It could just as well come from state governments.The government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like the state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government. James Madison
Year: 1794
That may have been true up to about February. But after than, Trump’s inconsistent and confusing response has divided the nation politically on an issue that should not have been made political in the first place. Then he compounded the problem by sidelining the scientists and pushing unproven remedies. He has cost thousands of American lives.Trump is not responsible for the Wuhan Flu.
China is, and hid what they knew from the world for months.