I live in a swing state, so I do not think I have the luxury of voting for a third party or of not voting until we have a constructivist Supreme Court.
Yes, Trump is a very imperfect man, but so is Biden, who is a plagiarist and creep.
Given what we knew at the time, and given the place the US was at the time, I can understand Trump’s hesitation to use a hammer to kill what might turn out to be a fly. The actions recommended by doctors were very clearly destructive of our economy, and at the same time he was hesitating, Democrat politicians were not necessarily on top of the situation either, and roundly criticized him for blocking non-Americans coming into the US from China.
Doctors focus on one single problem; the president has to focus on all aspects of our nation. There has been an unbelievable economic toll as a result of the shutdown; and many have died from causes other than COVID as a result of the shutdown. Governors (some Democrat!) mismanaged the situations in their own states, leading to a possible doubling of fatalities.
Before the shutdown, unemployment among black people was the lowest it has been since we started keeping those records.
Before the shutdown, Trump spoke at the March for Life, reinstated the Mexico City policy, has worked to stop government funding of Planned Parenhood, and
done many other things in support of those not yet born.
BTW: welcome to CAF!