Why Catholics Should Vote for Trump article

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Now watch the Dems fight to prevent another prolife justice being appointed.
Oh and watch the hypocritical position that the Sen Republicans have taken now that they are in a position to appoint a judge of their liking in the last days of a Presidential term.

Nothing worse than a liar and a hypocrite. They will do anything when it suits them.

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Could a slave owner kill his slave without repercussions? Was that slave’s life protected by the right which you claim is in the Constitution? Nope.
You ignored what I said. No surprise. “Not limited to white males” is what I said.
Congress can overrule the SCOTUS by passing an amendment and having it ratified
In other words, Congress, by itself, cannot overrule the Supreme Court.
The SCOTUS can not rule contrary to the Constitution.
And the Court alone determines the meaning of the Constitution, so…
Look at the Lilly Ledbetter case as an example. Based on the dissenting opinion of the court, congress passed law to address the SCOTUS decision.
Congress did not overrule the Supremes in that case. The SC ruled that the 1964 Civil Rights Act did not prohibit pay discrimination based on gender. Congress then passed an amendment to the Act so it would. Congress overruled itself, not the Court.
all those examples you give have to do with persons which are recognized in the Constitution. Fetus’ are not recognized as persons.
Nowhere in the Constitution does it say unborn children are not persons. Even the Supreme Court didn’t say that. It simply failed to say they are. The constitution does not prohibit the Court from ruling that unborn children are protected lives.
Oh and watch the hypocritical position that the Sen Republicans have taken now that they are in a position to appoint a judge of their liking in the last days of a Presidential term.

Nothing worse than a liar and a hypocrite. They will do anything when it suits them.
Perfectly legal, and it has happened many times, including the appointment of Justice Ginsburg herself. What has not been the custom is to take up an appointment by a lame duck president in a senate that is controlled by the opposing party, because there’s no sense in doing it.
In other words, Congress, by itself, cannot overrule the Supreme Court.
All laws originate in the legislative branch.
Nowhere in the Constitution does it say unborn children are not persons. Even the Supreme Court didn’t say that. It simply failed to say they are.
Of course it does. If the date which age is determined for a person is based on birth.

The Ledbetter case was decided due to a time limitation on her claim, not the CRA.
All laws originate in the legislative branch.
Not really. There is also law made by courts and that which is made by regulators. Interesting to look at a law library. The case books probably outnumber the statute books 200 to 1. Maybe more. And every single case book is full of cases in which some addition, subtraction or interpretation is given to either a statute or simply to prior cases. Probably the latter outnumber the former by a similar ratio.

That’s because when most states became states, they adopted the common law of England wholesale as their organic law. I know my state did. I think Louisiana did adopt the Code Napoleon which was legislative in origin.
Regulations must fall within the laws passed. They simply flesh out what was passed by legislators. If legislator included all the regulations within a bill when bringing it up for a vote, nothing would ever get done. Nothing much gets done now, but it would be 100 times worse.

Courts look to the intent of the law. They look at notes, debate during the passage etc. when they are making rulings.

Neither of these two contradict that the laws originate in the legislature. Regulations can’t conflict with the law, and Courts can’t change the law, they can rule it unconstitutional and void, but can’t make new law.
Welp, Iam a lifelong Repibublican. I derive my politics entirely from my experience of Jesus and God. As such, I am presently bsically an AOC democrat on social justice slash help and insure the poor issues because quite obviously in my opinion my savior would want me expressing love for the less fortunate. But, I am militantly anti-abortion and just slightly less conservative than Bolton on foreign policy because the bible has instructed me that there is evil on earth snd it must be crushed.

So, how do I vote? I cannot support pro-kill babies can
Canddate or someone who abandons the mentally ill and sick and poor. There is no candidate for people like me. Certainly will not vote for Trump. My savior, my creator would never support such a human im a million years in my opinion. Love to all.
Each of the Six Pillar of Character traits are used within our CHARACTER COUNTS! program to help instill a positive school climate and a culture of kindness, making schools a safe environment for students to learn.

Good points. More reasons to vote Trump over Biden/Harris.
Certainly will not vote for Trump. My savior, my creator would never support such a human im a million years in my opinion.
Really? Possibly God will forgive him or at least give him the grace for repentence of his past sins for doing such things as being the only president ever to attend the March for Life. He was the one who undid the HHS Mandate that forced Catholic charities to provide abortifacients to their workers or stop ministering to the poor and sick. He was the one who reinstated the Mexico City Policy which forbids using taxpayer money to fund abortions abroad. He appointed a strong Catholic in Kavanaugh and might appoint Barrett. He destroyed the vicious ISIS which killed Catholics and others in Syria. He has started no wars, and provided more jobs than any president has ever done.

And you think your creator would not support such a man?
I am presently bsically an AOC democrat on social justice slash help and insure the poor
Just remember that AOC is a member of her party; a party that has done nothing for the the poor for decades. The last thing done for the poor was the Earned Income Credit and that was Reagan’s. The Dem party, even its radicals, talk the talk, but do not walk the walk.
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Thank you for that information. I will go read about that. Terrific!

But what am I to do with all the lying and fraud? The self-adoration? And as a surgeon for decades, his choices managing Covid have cost enormous numbers of lives. I am not judging. This is factual epidemiologic information. Is the life of a 66 hr old asthmatic who never wore a mask not precious? I see a lot of stuff Jesus warned me about in the bible in Trump. I am a speck of dust and always open to being persuaded otherwise.
The self-adoration? And as a surgeon for decades, his choices managing Covid have cost enormous numbers of lives. I am not judging.
Trump trumps CDC, WHO and all the other medical experts? Huh? State Health Experts? Governors?
The right to life was never limited to white males. You shouldn’t invent things like this.
So the right to life applied to all or only to white males and females?

What was the penalty for killing a slave or a Native American?
You might find the video here of interest. The man who wrote the Pieta Prayerbook moved to Loreto and spent most of his time at the church. He foretold Trump’s becoming president in the 1980s.
I live in a swing state, so I do not think I have the luxury of voting for a third party or of not voting until we have a constructivist Supreme Court.

Yes, Trump is a very imperfect man, but so is Biden, who is a plagiarist and creep.

Given what we knew at the time, and given the place the US was at the time, I can understand Trump’s hesitation to use a hammer to kill what might turn out to be a fly. The actions recommended by doctors were very clearly destructive of our economy, and at the same time he was hesitating, Democrat politicians were not necessarily on top of the situation either, and roundly criticized him for blocking non-Americans coming into the US from China.

Doctors focus on one single problem; the president has to focus on all aspects of our nation. There has been an unbelievable economic toll as a result of the shutdown; and many have died from causes other than COVID as a result of the shutdown. Governors (some Democrat!) mismanaged the situations in their own states, leading to a possible doubling of fatalities.

Before the shutdown, unemployment among black people was the lowest it has been since we started keeping those records.

Before the shutdown, Trump spoke at the March for Life, reinstated the Mexico City policy, has worked to stop government funding of Planned Parenhood, and done many other things in support of those not yet born.

BTW: welcome to CAF!
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I’m wondering if polls show Biden with a large lead in Virginia I might just not vote for President, or vote third party.

I guess it depends on the believability of the polls.
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Sorry. Still getting used to your forums. I was asking buffalo for clrificarion. Thanks!
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