No anger on my part that needs to be checked.
Do they not teach that historical fact any longer? Guess not.
You are the one who suggested others didn’t know history.
The Declaration of Independence is not the governing document which the laws of this country must be compared to, the Constitution is. Exactly why some laws are declared Un Constitutional, not Un Declarational.
The SCOTUS didn’t discover the right to kill the unborn in the Constitution, they based it on the mothers rights.
The unborn have no rights granted in the Constitution. The only persons who had full rights established by the Constitution where white males, which is why it has been amended to grant others the rights that the white males enjoyed from the beginning.
If these other persons who were already born and in the country didn’t have the rights, how can you say that unborn persons had those rights in the Constitution. That is quite the stretch.
I guess folks fail to realize that “strict Constitutionalist” look to what the founding fathers thought and meant when they drafted the documents. That is the definition of looking to the past for guidance.
You are right that in some states people other than the mother can be charged. Because it affects the mother. No different than if a person attacks the mother, or cuts her arm off, or any other harm to her. If she does those things to herself, there are no grounds for charges being filed.
If the people wish the law to be changed, and improve on the current law, the legislature has every power granted by the Constitution to do that. That is why it is a living document. It has been done 27 times previously and can be done as many times more under the prescribed method of changing it.
The courts do not have the power to change the Constitution.