Fake question, as you know.What politicians have performed or received abortions? Do you have a list so I am certain not to vote for them?
As you also know, Biden supports abortion on demand in our laws. He also supports getting rid of the Hyde Amendment so public funds will be spent on abortions. He also intends to require Catholic charities to be complicit in providing abortifacients to their workers. he also intends to spend taxpayer money paying for abortions overseas.
He and his supporters don’t have to hold the knife to be guilty of abortion, any more than the CEO of I.G. Farben had to pour the Zyklon B into the “showers” himself to be complicit in the Holocaust.
Wrong, of course. Those political leaders who supported slavery remaining legal were perpetrators of slavery even if they never owned a slave or intended to.A political figure having a stance that something remain legal is not the same as perpetrating it.