that “evidence” is obviously anthropomorphism, it ignores the fact that what is interpreted as emotion, may simply be programmed responses, bad science.Everything you say. You have a view that animals lack emotions, this is a view which flies in the face of a bulk of evidence.
hardly, it is anthropomorphism by definition.You, in your infinite wisdom, have decided to interpret such evidence as anthropomorphism.
as they dont allow that it may be due to programming as opposed to an actual emotion, its an unfounded assertion, something that wouldnt hold water in any of the other sciences.**Attribution of human motivation, characteristics, or behavior **to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena.
i dont ignore, it, i simply believe there is no evidence for it, if you wish me to assume it, what logical reason do i have to stop there? i must then assume it of everything from a roomba to a bacterium. point being that i could make assumptions and assertions about any physical object in the face of a lack of evidence.Given that every animal alive today shares a common ancestor, and has evolved using the same process as humans have, it’s reasonable, even if there weren’t any evidence, to assume that animals have at least some emotional facility. To deny them that means that you ignore their suffering.
a roomba turns away from a staircase, it must be afraid! it couldnt possibly be programming, i can see that its afraid!
see how easy that is?
it doesnt elude me at all, i never claimed that the inability to speak means they dont suffer.A rough analogy might be that advanced aliens visit Earth and decide that as we humans aren’t as advanced as them, we lack emotion. They then torture and persecute us on that premise. The difference is that we can vocalise our thoughts. Just because animals haven’t evolved this ability it does NOT mean that they lack emotion. This is common sense but it seems to elude you.
again, what evidence? assumptions and assertions that an animals actions reflect emotion instead of simple programming?My sarcastic comment regarding your apparent omniscience on this subject is nothing more than a recognition of the futility of discussion with someone who ‘knows’ they are right despite evidence to the contrary.
what are you talking about? i have plenty of logical evidence that G-d exists, i can even prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it is the Christain G-d. your making assumptions. seems to be a pattern there. now i assume that you feel there is no logical or scientific evidence for G-d, under that criteria, how can you defend the assumption that animals have emotions and not simple programming, from this side it looks like your turning off your rational mind when addressing this subject in favor of sentimental emotions. the bottom line is i can destroy every piece of evidence presented because of that assumption, in fact im not the only one. check out clive wynne and the historical view of anthropomorphism.It’s interesting that you accept, without scientific or logical evidence, that God exists, yet you do not show consistency when it comes to animal emotion.