Why do animals suffer?

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that “evidence” is obviously anthropomorphism, it ignores the fact that what is interpreted as emotion, may simply be programmed responses, bad science.

hardly, it is anthropomorphism by definition.


as they dont allow that it may be due to programming as opposed to an actual emotion, its an unfounded assertion, something that wouldnt hold water in any of the other sciences.

i dont ignore, it, i simply believe there is no evidence for it, if you wish me to assume it, what logical reason do i have to stop there? i must then assume it of everything from a roomba to a bacterium. point being that i could make assumptions and assertions about any physical object in the face of a lack of evidence.

a roomba turns away from a staircase, it must be afraid! it couldnt possibly be programming, i can see that its afraid!

see how easy that is?

it doesnt elude me at all, i never claimed that the inability to speak means they dont suffer.

again, what evidence? assumptions and assertions that an animals actions reflect emotion instead of simple programming?
Like I said, you clearly know best.
what are you talking about? i have plenty of logical evidence that G-d exists, i can even prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it is the Christain G-d.
Now you’re talking? Please present your evidence!!
your making assumptions.
What assumptions do you assume I am making?
seems to be a pattern there. now i assume that you feel there is no logical or scientific evidence for G-d, under that criteria, how can you defend the assumption that animals have emotions and not simple programming, from this side it looks like your turning off your rational mind when addressing this subject in favor of sentimental emotions.
I can see behaviour in the animal that I recognise as an emotional response. I cannot see God, nor any evidence for his existence. I have previously presented evidence for animal emotion both through citation of scientific research performed in this field and through logical conclusion as a result of common evolutionary processes. It’s not conclusive, and never will be unless animals start talking, but it’s common sense, not to mention far more convincing than your one-step ‘proof’ of the existence of God.
the bottom line is i can destroy every piece of evidence presented because of that assumption, in fact im not the only one. check out clive wynne and the historical view of anthropomorphism.
So your reference is more valid than mine? Why?

Your lack of logical consistency is incredible.:eek:
when humans cease to suffer, then i will care about animals suffering.

In the meantime it is enough that i don’t deliberately run over them when they run out in front of me while driving…

(some people can’t say that, ya know…)
Maybe that’s the problem. Humans will always suffer as long as we are greedy, cruel and uncaring. Love God, love people, love animals, love the world, and everything will fall into place as we open our hearts wide and truly care. We are all connected.

Thanks for not running down St. Francis’ little brothers and sisters.
Amimals are not roombas. Roombas can not feel pain or fear or anything else.
how do you know? a roomba turns away from a staircase, i assert that the roomba must then feel fear. thats just as good as your assertion that animals do.
Animals are not pre-programmed machines.
how do you know that? thats the assumption that kills the argument for animal emotions.
You kill animals–that is your relationship with them–except for your cat–I mean, you have a relationship with an animal that you are not going to kill, I hope… So it is to your ***advantage ***to argue that animals are pre-programmed, albeit living, machines. If you were to think of them otherwise, if you were to truly “love” an animal you could not take its life away. You need to keep your emotional distance from animals–because if you got too close–if you began to care…
i dont farm now, and i have no financial interest in any animals and havent for almost 20 years. i ate my first calf, J.R. Mooing, loved him to death, showed him to my friends fed and washed him, but the farm life proved to me that he didnt feel any emotion for me, he felt emotion for the feed bucket. so when i ate him i didnt feel bad at all. thats about the same time that the idea of animal emotions started to sound a little silly. i still get a hog and slaughter it for a party every once in a while, my family farms. in the culture i come from sentimentalism is considered a weakness. its a cultural trait, it doesnt have to do with animals, it has to more to do with the dustbowl and the great depression.
Pete, why ***are ***you always in these animal threads? You don’t have to answer me publically–but think about it. If you are content with killing animals, and it doesn’t bother you, why are you always sparring with people who view animals differently? Have you had a major difference of opinion with someone in your “real” life? The friend in your example crying over the animal commercial?
i believe that this sort of thing is at the bottom of peter singers preference utilitarianism, abortion, euthanasia, eugenics and any devaulation of human life. my friend being an example. i think its irrational, if it was harmless, i wouldnt bother telling people so, i never really did, but when that little old man froze to death covered in newspapers, and not 2 seconds later a PETA commercial came on, it crystallized in my mind that it is not harmless at all. its a perversion of the love of one another that G-d commands us to have. it glorifies not Him, but His creation. its disordered.
You are looking to find evidence that animals don’t have emotion, are not capable of it–because that makes it easier to kill them?
im not looking for evidence, im pointing out that there is none, its all an assumption that animals have emotion and not that those actions are simply programmed behavior.
We can get into some technical arguments–and I am new to this thread and don’t know what’s all been posted but I can assure you that animals are not just pre-programmed machines.
ive been asking for evidence for hundreds of posts, if you have a technical argument, post it.
I have worked with individual animals who have posed problems to their handlers/caretakers. I have been quite shocked on several occassions to experience a transference (for lack of a better word) with that animal, that lead me to help understand its behavior and reactions. I hesitate to write this…but I in fact have experienced it. I can not experience this at will–it just happens–only lasts a few seconds–but I actually have felt what the animal was feeling. (This IS not ME projecting on to the animal. What I learned has always been a surprise and IS always helpful.) I figure that God is allowing me insight into what’s going on with this animal so that I can help it, and help the human handlers/caretakers to understand it.
It is often difficult to translate this into words–as these animals do not think in words–in fact, I think that our style of communication (words) actually helps us to deal with many things and helps to diffuse fears and quell emotions. What’s going on inside the animals heads is often pretty intense–they are even MORE connected to their environment, and the stimuli within their environment, than we are who often walk around in a daze and can easily talk away our fears and talk ourselves out of feeling this way or that…
So this is why I don’t eat meat. Animals are not a mystery to me. I know what they feel. And I expect you to NOT believe me. I have been blessed, and I will speak for the animals who can not speak for themselves because a few chromosomes and genomes are in a little different sequence…
i believe youve had those experiences, but you know as well as i that i can never experience the evidence you do, personal revelation no matter how true doesnt count as evidence to anyone but the person involved in matterrs like this, but it does explain your insistence.

anyway, if you have a technical arguement present it. if its all personal im willing to accept that. but dont use that as a basis to imply that my motives are bad, or i have some special interest, or i am uneducated or evil in some way.
Maybe that’s the problem. Humans will always suffer as long as we are greedy, cruel and uncaring. Love God, love people, love animals, love the world, and everything will fall into place as we open our hearts wide and truly care. We are all connected.

Thanks for not running down St. Francis’ little brothers and sisters.
you know what is really strange to me?? and i am not being facetious and/or trying to get on the animal lovers’ last nerve…

(yes, honestly, i am not) 😃

but, well, it seems to me that people who do NOT have animals treat other humans better than the ones who do. OK, so it is true that i don’t know every human in the world who has animals and all those who don’t. But that’s just been MY observations, for whatever its worth. It seems that animal lovers are all or mostly pro-abortion…

so… uh… just thought i would bring this up…

and another thing: i knew this girl who claimed to love animals… went eveyrwhere with her annoying little dog… i used to go for walks w/ her… she always had to take the dog even though she knew i didn’t like dogs… Anyway, Long story Short… she was abusive to this dog: She saw that something was scaring the dog, then deliberately used that [something] to scare the dog [details might reveal who i am to her if she is on CAF] then kept laughing like it was so funny)… I - Miss Animal Despising-Meat Eating Humanoid (and been called worse by Vegans) - was the one who told her to stop being cruel to the dog… She would have gone on scaring the dog all day if i hadn’t intervened…

so much for animal lovers…
Now, as I’ve noticed, I find you in all of the meat, animal, and vegetarian threads. There must be a resaon. For me animals are my calling and profession. You are concerned with whether or not they have emotion, or are capable of emotion? Now, most men try to play down *emotion *and accuse the women in their lives of being too emotional. But in the case of animals we need to prove that they have even basic emotion so that we will know how to treat or regard them? (I have some info somewhere on a court case concerning a chimp–I’ll see if I can dig that up.)
even if they had emotion, i would still eat them, they are for our use. but your right the women in my life all seem much to emotional.
And you say you tried to eat a vegetarian diet but it was too difficult? Why would you do that?
no, im 6’2’ and about 320 most of the time, my weight yoyos and i am required to maintain a certain level of fitness for my work, i have to be able to run so fast so far, lift so much, have a certain grip strength, be able to carry so much equipment so far, accurately use my equipment under stress, and the endurance to do so for hours at a time. then set an example for the people that work under me and ensure that they can meet similar standards.
Was it the girl? The one that cried over animal commercials? Did she leave you because you couldn’t fit into her world? Are you trying to understand her world and the origin of her feelings? Are you trying to build a bridge ot tear one down? If you grew up on a farm and had to kill animals, you undoubtedly have different sensitivities and experiences than someone who grew up in the city. I take it she was a city girl.
im married. :rolleyes:
If you really want to give that vegetarian diet another swing, I know of some people who would be happy to help you with some filling, healthy plant-based recipes.
Check out: Catholic Answers Vegetarian & Vegan Group
nope, i was losing muscle mass, i tried to replace the protein with shakes, but it didnt work as well, and i had to eat way too much to maintain the calories necessary to function well. now i simply prefer unprocessed foods. not organic, but less chips, more taters. i gave it a shot, i didnt like it.
when humans cease to suffer, then i will care about animals suffering.

In the meantime it is enough that i don’t deliberately run over them when they run out in front of me while driving…

(some people can’t say that, ya know…)
thats pretty much how i feel too.
even if they had emotion, i would still eat them, they are for our use. but your right the women in my life all seem much to emotional.
did you ever go to that stupid Thread about what women don’t like about men… what they say “eeeyyyyew” to?? Geeze, makes me ashamed to be a woman… I un-subscribed. If you go there, read my one and only post… see if you agree… (just wondering if you do)
nope, i was losing muscle mass, i tried to replace the protein with shakes, but it didnt work as well, and i had to eat way too much to maintain the calories necessary to function well. now i simply prefer unprocessed foods. not organic, but less chips, more taters. i gave it a shot, i didnt like it.
i read some info on liquid protein. It is NOT healthy to use that stuff…

and why would anyone??? When you can have a big juicy steak. Yum!!

you probably read my earlier post about how vegans don’t live very long… They don’t even seem to care about that, either… as long as they save some cows… :rolleyes:

Do you think they ought to all move to Northern India? I rather wish they would… 😃

don’t get me wrong… I don’t have anything against vegeterians… well, just one thing:

they seem to think they need to convert everyone else… :dts:
I don’t have any sharp little teeth in my mouth. Speak for yourself. Everyone that I know who eats meat uses a sharp knife and a fork.
theyre called canines, if your homosapien, you have them too. and people only use knife an forks because they dont know how to BBQ, yes, this is the worlds capital of BBQ, more BBQ pits per capita than anywhere in the world.!

if you have to use a knife and fork, your doing it wrong.😃
A lot of people have problems with this group. Many feel we should be helping the poor of other countries utilize plant-based agriculture, not Western animal-based agriculture.
animal hubandry is hardly “western” people ate animals long before they knew how to grow plants.
**CCC **2418 It is contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer or die needlessly.(1) It is likewise unworthy to spend money on them that should as a priority go to the relief of human misery.(2) **One can love animals **(3); one should not direct to them the affection due only to persons(4).

(1) Factory farming: animals suffering and dying needlessly for our tastebuds (there are plenty of healthier and economical alternatives to animal products.)

factory raised animals do not suffer (presumably, i admit)… the way, say, a human would suffer under the same conditions… they adjust better than we do because they don’t have the ability to reason, think or feel emotions…

hmmm… sometimes i wish i were more like that… 😃
they don’t have the ability to reason, think or feel emotions…

*hmmm… sometimes i wish i were more like that… *

don’t go there… 😃
how do you know? a roomba turns away from a staircase, i assert that the roomba must then feel fear. thats just as good as your assertion that animals do.
what is a roomba???
i believe that this sort of thing is at the bottom of peter singers preference utilitarianism, abortion, euthanasia, eugenics and any devaulation of human life. my friend being an example…
you are riight…

Hitler was a vegetarian and wanted the whole country to be vegetarian. He was into environmentalism too… he was your typical Leftie… animals and the environemnt over people…

history has 6 million dead Jews (and others including Catholics) to prove it…
so farr though, you havent answered my question, do you have any evidence for animal emotions over programmed responses?
You still haven’t answer mine from pg 22. Many people have given you peer reviewed articles regarding non-human animal emotions. You choose to disqualify it all, because a) it’s just anthropomorphism and b) we can’t know everything about the topic, so it’s not real.

Now it’s down to the gut reactions of “I don’t care”, and “sweet!”.

Where’s that poster who according to his sig is in “lockstep with the Pope”?

Like I said, you clearly know best.
Now you’re talking? Please present your evidence!!
i did when will you respond?
What assumptions do you assume I am making?
i assume that it refers to anthropomophic assumptions, but i havent gone back through the thread to find out.
I can see behaviour in the animal that I recognise as an emotional response.
you assume that behavior is emotions and not a programmed response.
I cannot see God, nor any evidence for his existence.
everytime you open your eyes you see the evidence G-= exists, but as your a bit snippy i would prefer to school you in a seperate thread for the publicity value alone.🙂
I have previously presented evidence for animal emotion both through citation of scientific research performed in this field and through logical conclusion as a result of common evolutionary processes. It’s not conclusive, and never will be unless animals start talking, but it’s common sense,
and it may as well be simple programmed reactions, but you choose to assume its not, that doesnt sound anything like common sense to me.
not to mention far more convincing than your one-step ‘proof’ of the existence of God.
you never attempted to refute the first step, thats not my fault. you can any time you like.
So your reference is more valid than mine? Why?
Your lack of logical consistency is incredible.:eek:
what reference? wynne? i never presented his arguments, i just pointed out that there are people who agree with me.

as to logical consistency above you admit that there is never likely to be conclusive evidence for animal emotions, yet, you accept their existence, given that your agnostic on the existence of G-d…:rotfl:
did you ever go to that stupid Thread about what women don’t like about men… what they say “eeeyyyyew” to?? Geeze, makes me ashamed to be a woman… I un-subscribed. If you go there, read my one and only post… see if you agree… (just wondering if you do)
link me and ill check it out.
i read some info on liquid protein. It is NOT healthy to use that stuff…
and why would anyone??? When you can have a big juicy steak. Yum!!
i hate it when the waiter asks me if i really want it that rare. of course! if its still mooing tape its mouth shut!😃

(im kidding mar fran, i dont eat them alive.)
you probably read my earlier post about how vegans don’t live very long… They don’t even seem to care about that, either… as long as they save some cows… :rolleyes:
Do you think they ought to all move to Northern India? I rather wish they would… 😃
don’t get me wrong… I don’t have anything against vegeterians… well, just one thing:
they seem to think they need to convert everyone else… :dts:
yeah…the implication that if you are a natural meating human, something must be wrong with you. :rolleyes:
factory raised animals do not suffer (presumably, i admit)… the way, say, a human would suffer under the same conditions… they adjust better than we do because they don’t have the ability to reason, think or feel emotions…

hmmm… sometimes i wish i were more like that… 😃
its a good life, great food, got your buddies, and when the end comes, you dont have time to realize it. if a lion eats that cow though…, id say thats a lot worse than farming from the cows perspective. scrambling for food, no vets, and living in terror of a predator, that will eventiually eat you alive when your too weak to run or fight back.

i did when will you respond?
I must have missed it, I thought that all you said was, “We exist therefore God exists,” and went on to make some onproven, ill-considered nonsense about contingent beings. Well, I don’t have time now to go back and read your objective, logical, independent, empirically-based argument for God’s existence
i assume that it refers to anthropomophic assumptions, but i havent gone back through the thread to find out.
you assume that behavior is emotions and not a programmed response.
everytime you open your eyes you see the evidence G-= exists, but as your a bit snippy i would prefer to school you in a seperate thread for the publicity value alone.🙂
and it may as well be simple programmed reactions, but you choose to assume its not, that doesnt sound anything like common sense to me.
you never attempted to refute the first step, thats not my fault. you can any time you like.
what reference? wynne? i never presented his arguments, i just pointed out that there are people who agree with me.
as to logical consistency above you admit that there is never likely to be conclusive evidence for animal emotions, yet, you accept their existence, given that your agnostic on the existence of G-d…:rotfl:
Yes, well, you can patronise me all you like if it makes you feel cleverer.
You can imply that my position is inconsistent, imply that you have provided evidence of God’s existence, imply that I’ve made certain assumptions… but you and I both know (actually, I’m not sure that you do) that your position lacks logic, coherence and intelligence. Talking to you is like having a discussion with a table.

I can’t be bothered to continue arguing with a self-proven ignoramus. Enjoy your self-righteous little life.
what is a roomba???
its that little robot vacuum, ive been using it to disprove the idea that animals have emotions simply because we assume that their behaviors are emotional, and not simple programmed reactions.
you are riight…
Hitler was a vegetarian and wanted the whole country to be vegetarian. He was into environmentalism too… he was your typical Leftie… animals and the environemnt over people…
history has 6 million dead Jews (and others including Catholics) to prove it…
Ronnie was right! i really need that t-shirt, i bet your watching fox right now too.🙂
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