Suit yourself. My dog is very smart. He can even make decisions and he knows when he has done wrong and some times even tries to hide the evidence. Seems fairly intelligent to me. At least as intelligent as a four or five year old child. And he is definitely strong willed. Some might assign this to his breeding (He’s a Healer- he likes to “round things up”) But, I know other animals that are just as similar in behavior and the are of different breeds. I notice you are making a distinction between “laws of nature” and “Natural Law” - enlighten me please!Animals are?
Sentient: Yes
Intelligent: No
Have a will: No
Subject to the laws of nature: Yes
Subject the Natural Law: No
The answers for the above points for humans are all yes. Animals and humans are hardly “just like us”.
Otherwise, he gets sick, and stung by wasps and soak and wet when it rains…and he is getting older and will die. Just like me. Sometimes he is sad. Although, I am pretty sure he lives just to make me and my family happy. I wish I could remain as steadfast and loyal in my relationship with Jesus as my dog does with me.
I am inclined to believe you have never had a real pet. One that you can actually be “friends” with. As a matter of fact, Our Holy Father is said to be just as passionate about his cats.