Like the natural disasters visited upon the Egyptians, just to harden Pharaoh’s heart? The Bible has many examples of God sending natural evils against Israel and individuals as punishment for sin. (Funny how God is anthropomorphized all the time in the Bible, in this case vengeance, yet I’m always accused of the same thing when it comes to animals).
**Well, it is says in the Bible that he made us in his likeness. So anthropomorphizing God is really more like saying that you are turning your father into yourself. But, given the capacity for cruelty which humans exhibit towards animals and each other. I can see your line of reasoning. “If we are cruel, then God must be cruel.” and vice versa. Since we are made in his likeness. The God of the Old testament did demand animal sacrifice as propitiation for sin. This is evidenced through out the entire Old Testament.
If I am to accept the New Testament to be true (which I do) then we are no longer under the Old Testament…(the old law) But, under the New. It does not invalidate the Old, it simply supersedes and fulfills it. I believe in the Trinity. So, I believe that not only is Jesus the son of God,…He IS God. Under the New testament he calls us to mercy and compassion. This includes animals as well as humans. If one tries to compare the sacrifice of animals to the modern slaughter of animals for human consumption. The difference is that we are killing them for our own bodies.
When God allowed man to eat animals after the flood, it is logical to conclude that there simply was no vegetation to eat. (since everyone was vegan prior). So God allowed man to eat the animals. But, he gave a condition.**
Genesis 9:5 And I shall demand account of your life-blood, too.
I shall demand it of every animal, and of man. Of man as regards his fellow-man, I shall demand account for human life.
**Since animals are innocent, is God going to hold them accountable for the blood they spill? No,:nope: He states right there that mankind will be held accountable for spilling the blood of animals and especially humans.
His “cruelty” towards mankind, as you infer, was more like a chastisement. It was his way of spanking his naughty children.**