Would Fr. Pavone be standing outside a hospital? Would he be standing next to a school? Would be be standing outside a church? That’s the other thing that made me mad about the picketers stand where they were yesterday. They were outside a school building. The School and Hospital are on the same block.I find it very hard to use the picketers you saw as an example because I don’t believe screaming at someone that they are going to hell is going to help. So, let’s say for example, it was Father Pavone outside holding the signsl. Is this priest supposed to stop holding graphic signs that have an effect on people or use signs with a lesser effect because some people with children might see them?
I don’t question what the sign do. I’m sure that it’s possible that it help saves lives. I guess, what I’m really questioning is how does a location get picked?If you believed that these graphic signs clearly save more lives would you be for them?
I mean the picketers I’ve seen yesterday were standing outside the hospital and a school. I’ve seen these picketers stand outside of churches (even my church) yelling things like your going to hell. Thank God that one happen before my kids were born, so they never saw that!
I went to a Lutheran Church last spring for a luncheon. The luncheon was to raise money for this local organization that buy coffins and gives support to parents and siblings of children who are going to die after birth because of some disease/birth defect.
These parents know that their kids are going to die, but instead of aborting them they let them be born. So this local organization buys coffins, clothing for the child to be buried in, especially a baby cap, because many of these baby are born with no skull that is why they die shortly after birth. They give support for these parents and families emotional and financial support for at least one year after the baby is born.
Anyway, that is why I went to this Lutheran Church last spring. I went there to help raise money for this organization and these anti-abortion protesters were standing there, outside this Lutheran Church, with their signs yelling at me and telling me I was going to hell.