So back to Isaiah, he lived about 2,750 years ago, and he preached for about some 80 years and wrote his book before he was prematurely killed by his grandson. This cut his life short, per se, and he didn’t have time to assemble his work properly. So who assembled the book of Yeshayahu? Hint: it wasn’t Yeshayahu hamenacheim! It was… you guessed it! King Chizkia! Baba Batra, 15a, B.T., says that his faction, a contemporary of the prophet, assembled Isaiah Mishlei (compilation), Song of Songs, and Kohelet. It is obvious the work WAS edited, no doubt. But by whom is the question, and why? The truth is, Isaiah, having never finished his work, didn’t write it all in its entirely. The Gemara says that it was decidedly edited by a committee after his death. This is some stunning news for you, I bet. Because the rabbis are admitting that in some sense, you’re right, they’re not trying to hide something. They’re not playing games. with that said, however, they’re agreeing that Isaiah was the same author, that he did predict the fall of Babylon, just that King Chizkia needed to do some edits to keep the work readable.