According to Isaiah 43:10, 12; and 44:8. G-d appointed a witnessed nation, and there is no nation which had the experience we had, witnesses by millions of people (Deuteronomy 4:32-35). As far as we know, we’re confident that G-d would not let us falter.
So according to Scripture, He is the only G-d (Deuteronomy 4:15, 35), and we’re tasked with taking any new claim, any new revelation, and to stack it up with what we were commanded in the Torah, to see if it is in harmony or not. The Jewish people have always asked themselves, “Does this teaching affirm Scripture (Deuteronomy 18:20)? Or does it deny our G-d (Deuteronomy 13:3)?”
Deuteronomy 18:22 is another test to see if a prophet is indeed legit. And as far as we’re concerned, Jesus did not meet the criteria of being the Messiah. We cannot accept the excuse of a second coming when it appears nowhere in Scripture. Based on these tests, let us turn to the Judges to demand a verdict (Deuteronomy 17:8, 9 – 2 Chronicles 19:11). We know what it is. One has to be consistent, if one is to reject their verdict, then also reject our Torah.
Regarding Jeremiah 31:31-33,
“Behold, days are coming, says Adonai, and I will form a covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, a new covenant. Not like the covenant that I formed with their forefathers on the day I took them by the hand to take them out of the land of Egypt, that they broke My covenant, although I was a lord over them, says Adonai. For this is the covenant that I will form with the house of Israel after those days, says Adonai: I will place My law in their midst and I will inscribe it upon their hearts, and I will be their G-d and they shall be My people, and no longer shall one teach his neighbor or one teach his brother, saying, ‘Know Adonai,’ for they shall all know Me from their smallest to their greatest, says Adonai, for I will forgive their iniquity and their sin I will no longer remember.”
Since Jesus walked the earth 2,000 years ago, has any of this happened? Has all the world, Jew and Gentile alike, recognize the one G-d of Israel? If so, why are Christian Missionaries still spending billions of dollars a year on endless conversions throughout the world? Why doesn’t everyone already know G-d? Furthermore, where are the ten lost tribes as verse 33 clearly states will be unified again?