Why do Christians reject the testimony of Alien Abduction victims?

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Perhaps that’s why the poster didn’t want to quote anything from the link since it could be “taken out of context”.
You, “Sir”, offend my honor

The only reason I did not want to quote the article is because it is somewhat complex and the content could be easily twisted without reference to the remaining text. I point out that passages in the Holy Bible are often pulled from context and twisted to support positions that are contrary to the Magisterium and that such interpretations are too often believed because of the very complexity of the scriptures.

If you would like to have a neighborly and scholarly discussion, please refrain from personal attacks, they are not only offensive, but also lesson your credibility.
If they are real i wouldn’t claim to know or even understand what a superior being would want with us. I don’t know their purpose or why they are abducting humans, and neither do i know if they have been visiting us since the incas.

If we were the aliens studying the development of beings on another planet would we do the same thing? I don’t know.

I have presented a few cases that i think are credible and cannot be easily dismissed. That’s all.
And this is one of the reasons why we have so many denominations outside the Catholic Church, we ignore the details given to us. About the Incas and other cultures being visited by aliens the information is giving in the same channel that tells you about aliens, about their superiority is common sense, don’t you think that they would be superior if they visit us and we can’t find them? What would we do to them if we find them? Just read a little history and pay attention what happened to the native americans. HINT: Some were helped, some were destroyed. Aliens would do one or the other, just like angels do when they visit us, this information is in the bible and they are out of this world.
Some are saying that the devil could be deceiving them, but how do we know that? How do we know that it wasn’t the devil who deceived many prophets in the old testament to commit violence and wars and not God. That the stories of the old testament could be part of what people saw in the skies.
Some are saying that the devil could be deceiving them, but how do we know that? How do we know that it wasn’t the devil who deceived many prophets in the old testament to commit violence and wars and not God. That the stories of the old testament could be part of what people saw in the skies.
First of all, since you are atheist, then for you there cannot be a devil, so you can rule out that he deceived anybody. You know how you trust a certified doctor to perform a surgery on you and not anybody else? You go to the right source. Even with all the problems that it has, only the Catholic Church has the promise of guidance from the Holy Spirit until the end of time and all the time in between. It’s a matter of looking on the right places.
First of all, since you are atheist, then for you there cannot be a devil, so you can rule out that he deceived anybody. You know how you trust a certified doctor to perform a surgery on you and not anybody else? You go to the right source. Even with all the problems that it has, only the Catholic Church has the promise of guidance from the Holy Spirit until the end of time and all the time in between. It’s a matter of looking on the right places.
Indeed I don’t, I mentioned it following that logic, and what does the Catholic church say about them? Did the pope’s astronomer truly say that he would baptize aliens?
Indeed I don’t, I mentioned it following that logic, and what does the Catholic church say about them? Did the pope’s astronomer truly say that he would baptize aliens?
Learn the art of reading the message, not simply the words.

The message is we ALL NEED SALVATION.
Eben something never seen…like a person from elsewhere.
We’re not a people who think that it’s fine for SOME to not enjoy the beatific vision, so as long as WE get there.
The Gospel message is God wants everyone with him.
Even reformed atheists. The Pope’s astronomer would baptize you if you same to faith.
Indeed I don’t, I mentioned it following that logic, and what does the Catholic church say about them? Did the pope’s astronomer truly say that he would baptize aliens?
Has the Pope baptized any aliens lately?
I’ve been watching the Ancient Alien programs on Fri. on the History channel. They are now saying Jesus may have been taken up in a space craft at the Ascension. It’s getting out of hand. Our faith is being replaced with Alien theories.
Theres a good reason for all this, its no coincidence this is so popular right now, even the recent discovery of 15 radio signals seemingly coming from 3 billion light years away.

We are being prepped for disclosure, introduced to our ‘new gods’, they will be jealous ‘gods’ too, they will demand worship and global recognition.
They could be all lying but is it reasonable to think they are lying about their experience simply because the subject matter involves aliens? I don’t find ideas like hallucinations and inventing recovered memories credible arguments when dealing with multiple witnesses who are all describing the same exact thing or events. See the video in the OP. Read about the Travis Walton case.

The only option is to say they are all lying. And then one has to ask why do you think they are lying, and i think people who think they are all lying simply have a prejudice or discriminate in principle against any testimony that is not consistent with everyday human experiences. Which is fine, nobody wants to be hoodwinked or made a fool of. But for those who accept testimonies of a spiritual or religious nature without any scientific evidence i have wonder why we don’t offer the same respect for those who experience alien abduction?
That is false and you know it. Why aren’t scientists studying this? Two possible reasons: they won’t or they can’t. And if they can’t or won’t, then what’s the point of talking about it here unless someone - anyone - can prove it?

Leave me out of the WE. WE don’t know what’s going on. Period.

These reasons sum up why most Christians don’t believe in alien abductions. The “father of lies” will stop at nothing to lure us away from salvation.
Baloney. Faulty reasoning. If I see a flying saucer up close, that’s supposed to affect me how? A phone call to the police that will just brush it off. That’s the pattern.

Its a possibility that these abductions are nothing more than a demonic attack. I suppose fallen angels can present themselves as alien beings. I’m not discounting that.

I just think the idea that it can all be explained away as a hoax or a psychotic delusion or something to that effect cannot explain all abduction cases especially those cases which involve multiple witnesses. The best you can do is say that they are all liars.
Wow. Meaningless and faulty reasoning.

Finally, some rationality on this topic, thanks to z_0101, Gertabelle, and BroIgnatius! :tiphat: :clapping: 👍

All I can add is my strong suggestion to read the following:

For a cogent explanation of the mental processes that result in the beliefs of abductees check out Susan Clancy’s book Abducted: How People Come To Believe They Were Kidnapped By Aliens amazon.com/Abducted-People-Believe-Kidnapped-Aliens/dp/067402401X

I enjoy science fiction and I like to wonder about real aliens, if there are any. I’d find it exciting if we discovered ET life during my lifetime. But I don’t for one minute believe the whole UFO mythos that has been around since the 1940s. Another book I’ve found explains the cultural milieu in which it originated and grew. That book is Little Gray Men: Roswell and the Rise of a Popular Culture, by Toby Smith amazon.com/Little-Gray-Men-Roswell-Popular/dp/0826321216

Between these two books, and a few similar ones whose titles I can’t recall at present but have written down somewhere, one can find simple and reasonable explanations for the so-called “unexplained” UFO/alien abduction cultural narrative.
Solid, unexplained aircraft have been observed by trained observers, tracked on radar and chased by jets scrambled to identify them. The myth is that these things are a myth. They are solid, physical objects.

You are right. It is unreasonable to assume multiple witnesses are sharing the same hallucination. But it could be possible that multiple witnesses are induced to have similar visions by multiple demons, giving the illusion that all the witnesses are really seeing the the same thing at the same time.

Have you ever seen this website?: alienresistance.org/ce4.htm

There are many witness testimonies of people stopping “alien abductions” in their tracks by calling out the Holy Name of Jesus. Nothing clears a room of demons quicker than calling upon Jesus, praise Him!
Do not under any circumstances, connect this with demons. The demon myth is the myth.

Many very well-respected UFO researchers are now coming to the conclusion that the UFO phenomenon does not have an extra-terrestrial origin. They now say that the UFO’s are actually extra-dimensional. They inhabit a dimension along side our own, and can flit back and forth from their dimension into ours at will, in an instant.

Do you know who Jacques Vallee is? He is one of the original UFO researchers. Long ago he came to the conclusion that UFOs are:
  1. from another dimension,
  2. are real, but not physically real like you and I,
  3. the “aliens” are very deceptive and malicious.
You gotta admit, that sounds a lot like the demonic, doesn’t it? Take a look at this short Wiki article: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interdimensional_hypothesis. Let me know what you think.
I can name more crackpots than Jacques Vallee who have written nonsense that is nothing more than speculation at best or just fiction. I have his books and I was waiting for his name to come up here

No. It doesn’t sound anything remotely close to demonic - the new myth.

And i can say that you are so unwavering in your skepticism that a shared hallucination really is your best explanation when witnessing any unusual phenomenon.

If you can think like that, i see no reason why you wouldn’t reject the testimony of a group of people who claim they experienced the risen Jesus. Surely, according to your scepticism, the risen Jesus was just a shared hallucination brought on by grief!!!
Yes i went there, but i’m not the one with the double standards; it seems as if (at least in regards to the topic of aliens) some of the posters on this thread share a lot in common with skeptical atheists and yet i’m the one whose being asked if i’m a catholic lol…

Its not simply a matter of faith in their testimony, its a matter of reason. And the counter claims that have been produced thus far are unreasonable in regards to the cases that i have presented.

So lets just agree to disagree:thumbsup:
I don’t believe in unilateral disagreement.

Yes, exactly. The night visits, the paralysis, the fear, the rapes, it’s just like the old incubus-succubus demonic shenanigans repackaged into something more believable to modern sensibilities.

You know who Whitley Strieber is, right? The author of “Communion,” the true story of his alien visitations that have been tormenting him in the night for many years? And have you heard that old expression, “your first impression is usually correct”? Well, Whitley’s very first thought that came into his mind when he was attacked for the first time was that these visitors were demons. Later, after repeated encounters, he slowly changed his mind and now says they are from outer space. You know why he changed his mind? The “aliens”* told him* they were from outer space. If they hadn’t told him that, he would have continued to think they were demons. Mr. Strieber should have gone with his first impression! You can’t trust anything those creatures say to you. Begone Satan!
Communion by Whitley Strieber? The next generation of myth-makers for a very real issue - UFOs. Communion was just bad compared to what came before. He’s just a poor writer.

That is false and you know it.
Is it? I don’t think so. You are just telling me how you feel.
Why aren’t scientists studying this?d
Because it is not something that science can measure directly. All skeptics can offer is naturalistic rationalization

I don’t care if science is studying it or not. The question is can someone give a natural explanation for these experiences (experiences like the Travis Walton case) that doesn’t completely fly in the face of reason itself. No they can’t. In other words i have no reason to think that they are all lying or that they are all psychotic or that they are all under the whim of brain chemistry. Ufo experiences are rejected because they don’t fit into peoples everyday experiences. I’m sorry but that is not a good enough reason to think there is something wrong with these people. At best the arguments against the alien phenomenon are nothing more than naturalistic rationalizations that do not fully encompass or appreciate the depth of these experiences.
Leave me out of the WE. WE don’t know what’s going on. Period.
Do you even want to know?
Theres a good reason for all this, its no coincidence this is so popular right now, even the recent discovery of 15 radio signals seemingly coming from 3 billion light years away.

We are being prepped for disclosure, introduced to our ‘new gods’, they will be jealous ‘gods’ too, they will demand worship and global recognition.
Is it really so unreasonable to think other intelligent beings exist in the universe? I think its the height of arrogance to think we are the only ones.

We Just Picked Up an Intense Burst of 15 Weird Signals From a Distant Galaxy

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