That is simply not true. After decades of study, there is a lot of good data, backed up by documents most people have never heard of. The policy of the US Government from the beginning is Deny, Distort, Discredit. Like J. Allen Hynek’s “famous” swamp gas explanation for sightings in 1966 in Michigan. Mr. Hynek was listed as an Astronomer and was one of three top debunkers used in the early years. However, a review of his work shows that he held a high security clearance and was a physicist as well. He was there from the beginning when the US Air Force called him in to “study” the phenomenon. Look up swamp gas to find out what it is. What a joke.
After the US Air Force got out of the UFO business in the late 1960s, the public became tired of hearing bad to very bad explanations and suggestions that they were drunk, needed glasses or just saw the planet Venus (which looks like a star). The number of UFO research groups began to dry up along with the number of UFO publications. The tellers of stories continued to publish mostly fiction while trying, like Mr. Hynek, to make connections to anything. Anything they thought they could get away with.
So good data was available but those who saw a strange object, even up close, were dismissed or ridiculed… and so it goes till today.