Why do Christians reject the testimony of Alien Abduction victims?

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I can name more crackpots than Jacques Vallee who have written nonsense that is nothing more than speculation at best or just fiction. I have his books and I was waiting for his name to come up here

No. It doesn’t sound anything remotely close to demonic - the new myth.

Why do you reject the idea that they are demonic in nature?
Solid, unexplained aircraft have been observed by trained observers, tracked on radar and chased by jets scrambled to identify them. The myth is that these things are a myth. They are solid, physical objects.

Yes i agree that these things exist.
Communion by Whitley Strieber? The next generation of myth-makers for a very real issue - UFOs. Communion was just bad compared to what came before. He’s just a poor writer.

I haven’t read communion but i have seen the movie. What is the worst thing about the book.
We lack independent third person witnesses.

There was a video of a sheriff or police officer showing the material he collected at Roswell, as a result of an alien vessel or ship being sighted.

Clearly, now, to us, it was Mylar.

Back then, nobody had a clue.
I have collected all of the available material about the alleged Roswell Incident. First, there was a report in the local newspaper at the time (July 8, 1947). The headline read: “RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Roswell Region”

Then Major Jesse Marcel (an Intelligence Officer at Roswell) showed the press fragments of wood and tin/aluminum foil, claiming the saucer or disk was nothing more than a crashed weather balloon. A photo of him and the debris was taken at the time. Later, credible material came out that revealed the balloon was part of the Secret “Project Mogul” which was used to detect radiation. The detection apparatus hung below the balloon.

The history of high-altitude balloons as used back then includes mention of two pieces of aluminum foil with mylar sandwiched in between. Project Mogul began in 1947.

Some are saying that the devil could be deceiving them, but how do we know that? How do we know that it wasn’t the devil who deceived many prophets in the old testament to commit violence and wars and not God. That the stories of the old testament could be part of what people saw in the skies.
That is a very interesting thought. Could the violence in the Old Testament be explained by suggestions from the devil, telling people to go out and kill? Could the prophets have been deceived, at least occasionally? We already know that the devil is a liar, but if we cannot discern which messages are from God and which messages are from the devil, then that casts a lot of doubt on the entire Bible. For a Christian, that would be unacceptable.
Theres a good reason for all this, its no coincidence this is so popular right now, even the recent discovery of 15 radio signals seemingly coming from 3 billion light years away.

We are being prepped for disclosure, introduced to our ‘new gods’, they will be jealous ‘gods’ too, they will demand worship and global recognition.
I saw that on the front page of The National Enquirer for years, along with end of the world predictions. In the 1980s.

We are being prepped for another layer of baloney.

Theres a good reason for all this, its no coincidence this is so popular right now, even the recent discovery of 15 radio signals seemingly coming from 3 billion light years away.

We are being prepped for disclosure, introduced to our ‘new gods’, they will be jealous ‘gods’ too, they will demand worship and global recognition.
You could be right.
“For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect.” Matthew 24
“The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” 2 Thessalonians 2
Baloney. Faulty reasoning. If I see a flying saucer up close, that’s supposed to affect me how? A phone call to the police that will just brush it off. That’s the pattern.

Ed, do you realize that there are actually UFO religions? That there are people who worship these Aliens? Do you remember the “Heaven’s Gate” cult in 1997? They killed themselves in order to be united with an alien spaceship that they thought was in the tail of Hale-Bopp comet. 39 people committed suicide to follow the “aliens.”

There is a UFO religion known as “I AM Activity.” That is the name of God, Ed. They are usurping His name. Scientology is an extraterrestrial-based religion, also. The spirits of outer space aliens infect people. That’s what they believe.

Belief in aliens is taking people away from the only source of salvation, which is Christ, no matter what you think of it. It’s irrelevant what a UFO sighting would do for you personally. Look what it’s doing to others!!
Do not under any circumstances, connect this with demons. The demon myth is the myth.

Explain how calling upon Jesus would halt an alien abduction if the event is not demonic. Hmmm? :hmmm:
I can name more crackpots than Jacques Vallee who have written nonsense that is nothing more than speculation at best or just fiction. I have his books and I was waiting for his name to come up here

No. It doesn’t sound anything remotely close to demonic - the new myth.

When you get down to it, everything about the UFO phenomenon is speculation, right? Any theory is as valid as every theory here.
Communion by Whitley Strieber? The next generation of myth-makers for a very real issue - UFOs. Communion was just bad compared to what came before. He’s just a poor writer.

Regardless of what you think of his writing skills, that fact is that he claimed he was visited by demons before he was convinced otherwise.
When you get down to it, everything about the UFO phenomenon is speculation, right? Any theory is as valid as every theory here.
That is simply not true. After decades of study, there is a lot of good data, backed up by documents most people have never heard of. The policy of the US Government from the beginning is Deny, Distort, Discredit. Like J. Allen Hynek’s “famous” swamp gas explanation for sightings in 1966 in Michigan. Mr. Hynek was listed as an Astronomer and was one of three top debunkers used in the early years. However, a review of his work shows that he held a high security clearance and was a physicist as well. He was there from the beginning when the US Air Force called him in to “study” the phenomenon. Look up swamp gas to find out what it is. What a joke.

After the US Air Force got out of the UFO business in the late 1960s, the public became tired of hearing bad to very bad explanations and suggestions that they were drunk, needed glasses or just saw the planet Venus (which looks like a star). The number of UFO research groups began to dry up along with the number of UFO publications. The tellers of stories continued to publish mostly fiction while trying, like Mr. Hynek, to make connections to anything. Anything they thought they could get away with.

So good data was available but those who saw a strange object, even up close, were dismissed or ridiculed… and so it goes till today.

That is simply not true. After decades of study, there is a lot of good data, backed up by documents most people have never heard of. The policy of the US Government from the beginning is Deny, Distort, Discredit. Like J. Allen Hynek’s “famous” swamp gas explanation for sightings in 1966 in Michigan. Mr. Hynek was listed as an Astronomer and was one of three top debunkers used in the early years. However, a review of his work shows that he held a high security clearance and was a physicist as well. He was there from the beginning when the US Air Force called him in to “study” the phenomenon. Look up swamp gas to find out what it is. What a joke.

After the US Air Force got out of the UFO business in the late 1960s, the public became tired of hearing bad to very bad explanations and suggestions that they were drunk, needed glasses or just saw the planet Venus (which looks like a star). The number of UFO research groups began to dry up along with the number of UFO publications. The tellers of stories continued to publish mostly fiction while trying, like Mr. Hynek, to make connections to anything. Anything they thought they could get away with.

So good data was available but those who saw a strange object, even up close, were dismissed or ridiculed… and so it goes till today.

Do you think space craft piloted by extraterrestrial beings have visited our planet? Yes or no?
So what we are left with is testimonies.
Testimonies cannot be trusted. See below.
As i said its an unreasonable rationalization to say that multiple witnesses had the same experiences due to the neuro chemistry of the brain. Perhaps that works for one person, but when you attribute this to multiple witnesses all you are really saying is that you would rather believe that than think that they really had an alien encounter. That’s like saying all the apostles had a shared hallucination of the risen Jesus. It just doesn’t
work as a reasonable explanation. Its Just an explanation that someone is comfotable with.
I never accept an explanation because it is comfortable. Such condescending comment is not necessary.

In fact, the the neuro-chemical processes in the brain experience the same images and effects across the board. Thus, multiple “witnesses” can and do report similar experiences. Perhaps your rejection of this medical fact is because it is more comfortable to accept the rationalizations of your own bias.

By the way, I am completely open to the idea of ETs. My computer is part of the SEITI project. The difference is that I approach this in an intellectually honest way, looking for credible evidence and scientific evidence. “Testimonies” are called anecdotal evidence, which is never reliable, especially in light of medical neuro-chemical evidence that has PROVEN to be the cause of many of these types of experiences across multiple people. The reason for that is that we are all human, we all have human brains, and the neuro-chemistry works the same in all human brains.
That is simply not true. After decades of study, there is a lot of good data, backed up by documents most people have never heard of.

So good data was available but those who saw a strange object, even up close, were dismissed or ridiculed… and so it goes till today.
OK, hmmm…good data from documents most people never heard of. OK, hmmm… Good data from people who were dismissed and ridiculed. Boy, Ed, you sure know how to present a convincing argument! 😛 :rotfl:
OK, hmmm…good data from documents most people never heard of. OK, hmmm… Good data from people who were dismissed and ridiculed. Boy, Ed, you sure know how to present a convincing argument! 😛 :rotfl:
Notwithstanding that Ed likes to use the term ‘the government’ as if there has only been one.

I can imagine the Obama administration sitting down with Trump and saying: ‘Look, there’s a lot of secret stuff that we need to keep from Joe Public. Alien spacecraft, the moon landing and such like. There are only a few hundred people who know about it and we want to keep it that way. Well, apart from all the Brits who know about it. And the French. And Chinese. Oh, and the Russians. But we have all agreed to keep it under wraps. OK with you?’
Testimonies cannot be trusted. See below.

I never accept an explanation because it is comfortable. Such condescending comment is not necessary.

The reason for that is that we are all human, we all have human brains, and the neuro-chemistry works the same in all human brains.
If you think its reasonable to conclude that multiple eye witnesses of the exact same objects and events can be explained by the idea of a shared hallucination then there is nothing for us to discuss because in that case all of our experiences could be a shared hallucination. Its an unreasonable rationalization and an excuse to not take something seriously.
I don’t think anything can be done. If they exist they are superior beings at least in terms of technology.
Since there are many concepts of god beings that don’t involve superlative attributes (the Omni attributes), then I actually think any being or group of beings would count as gods if they were extremely advanced compared to us. In fact, to the ancients, we would be considered gods based on our technological advancements and knowledge. It would be easier to believe that there are higher beings that are very powerful than to believe in a god being that’s all-powerful or omnipotent. I’m also open to none of these classes of beings existing apart from us.
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