Part of my work as an editor involves a lot of research on obscure subjects. That means in order to write a convincing fiction murder-mystery, the author needs to know enough about police investigative procedure to write something convincing. That means I need to know about police investigative procedure. Some years ago, we did books that involved the mythology of a particular country. In order to do it right, I was assigned to find the best books on myths of that country. I had a week. I had to read them too, along with the writer. I had to understand what I was reading even though it was fictionalized. What I read expanded my knowledge base and expanded my cultural understanding of that country. Books written by and for police officers involved in crime scene investigation are tedious but necessary just like Tom Clancy is popular because he knows what he’s writing about even though it’s fiction.Well said. Is it SETI@home that you’re involved with? I’d like to get into that myself but I’m not sure if my ancient laptop is up to the task. In any case, I’m tied up a bit with other stuff at present. However, it’s something I’d like to look into later.
Ed, my gripe isn’t with Unidentified Flying Objects per se, it’s with those who believe credible evidence exists of bug eyed grey guys who spend all the time and effort it would involve to cross interstellar space just to stick probes in parts of human beings where the sun doesn’t shine.
What does this have to do with UFOs? How to collect evidence, interview witnesses, separate credible from not credible accounts and how to confirm names, dates and places, which often includes researching the activities of other people, companies, etc. The use of experts at trial to provide evidence that something could actually happen as described.
The military and Intelligence Community use similar procedures. Reports to the FBI are graded for credibility. Names and places are usually blacked out but the information is there and depending on its credibility, it is deemed noteworthy and/or worthy of further investigation. Nothing changed regarding UFO reports. Jets were scrambled to get a closer look. Aviation Engineering personnel at Wright Field built wind tunnel models of ‘flying saucers’ to see if they could fly. Reports graded “Confidential,” “Secret,” and “Top Secret” were published. In 1945, Winston Churchill stated that an “Iron Curtain” had descended over the Soviet Union, and there was a real concern that the ‘flying saucers’ were of Russian origin and scouting the United States for an air strike. The CIA knew the Russians would develop an atomic bomb but the exact year was uncertain. So, in 1947, Project Mogul, using high-altitudes balloons, were sent up to detect radiation from a Soviet atomic test. Meanwhile, in the United States and Canada, work began on developing prototype elliptical and saucer-shaped aircraft in 1947.
Let’s look at Contactees for a moment. George Adamski was among the most notable of those who claimed to have met friendly aliens who, by the way, looked just like us. He met his alien contact in 1952, and then published a book with a co-author. The FBI had an interest in him because they were looking for subversive writing disguised under “what my alien contact said.” These “aliens” might give the wrong messages to the public. In fact, a document was published that included the idea that we (Intelligence personnel) should look into the flying saucer phenomenon “for psychological warfare implications.”
Finally, let’s look into the alleged victims of abductions by aliens that usually don’t look like us. But are somewhat humanoid in most cases. First, no investigator has established a method to check for artifacts on the bodies of those abducted: marks, including puncture marks, and scratches from tools or devices. What about people abducted multiple times? No surveillance? No, “I’ll move to a place where I can be watched.”? Unless literal teleportation was claimed or allegedly involved, no checking for unusual fingerprints, footprints or fibers? So, why haven’t qualified investigators jumped in? So far, all I have is the words of psychiatrists and hypnotists.
I have met ‘real’ ghost hunters. Some have very expensive equipment like motion detectors, sensitive microphones and cameras, and other not so common sensors (unless you’re a police detective or work in the intelligence field). What have they produced? Almost nothing. A smear of black going from one wall to the next? And that is what?
So, this is not about Christians. This is certainly not about respect either. What if I told anyone that I was abducted by aliens? What would the finite set of reactions, spoken and unspoken, be? I’m imagining things? I had a nightmare/bad dream? Go to a psychiatrist because that’s just not normal? Implying my mental health is out of whack.
So, Christian or not, these people, if this actually happens, were traumatized but we can’t know how much of it was real. And sometimes, the reports read like these people could have been taken anywhere. Much less a “spaceship.”