Why do Christians reject the testimony of Alien Abduction victims?

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Arghh, all the tin foil has sold out!

No hats today for protection.

I wear the shield of Christ, as taught in the Gospels
That’s exactly what a couple of priests have told me in conversations we had about this stuff!
I’m not sure how adding more unproven matters into the mix helps to answer the OP. Just ask yourself as a Christian, how would you handle a claim of a supernatural experience from a non-Christian. Then ask yourself if you would apply the same standards towards your experiences and other Christians. From my many years as a Christian and discussions with other Christians, I tend to find unreasonable/double standards. What tends to drive the double standard is a strict adherence to Christian beliefs.
If there is credible evidence of ET visiting the earth, please direct me to it. I am not aware of any credible evidence of ET ever visiting the earth.
Aircraft. Unidentified aircraft. There are no ETs. Sorry, but I’m finished.
I am confused. Are you saying there are no ETs? Anyway, unidentified aircraft proves the the sighting was unidentified and no more. It doesn’t prove at all that ETs have visited us.
And if they are tasty aliens, all the better! They can BE the free meal! :
What it does show is that there are unidentified aircrafT performing maneuvers that are beyond current known technology
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If there is credible evidence of ET visiting the earth, please direct me to it. I am not aware of any credible evidence of ET ever visiting the earth.
What do you mean by “credible” evidence? I ask because it’s a vague term that a lot of skeptics tend to employ just to keep from accepting something. As a result, they keep shifting the goal post. We can both say that there’s no scientific evidence for UFOs, but then again, neither is there any scientific evidence for many Christian claims. So the question is, why do you believe in one and not the other? Experience? Then what about the experiences of those experiencing UFOs and alien abductions?

In my view, this issue is currently unresolvable. There is no exact science to deal with these matters but what we can at least do is expose obvious logical inconsistencies/double standards between how skeptics (whether they be Christian or atheist) deal with matters that are compatible with their beliefs and how they deal with issues that aren’t compatible with their beliefs.
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Exactly. Same with UFO sightings - some demonic trickery. There is also the link to the theory of evolution to consider - since evolution is a “fact”, the existence of aliens is a definite possibility. One lie opens the door to another.
It’s true - aliens are notoriuosly camera-shy.

It wouldn’t surprise me at all if aliens are used by the Antichrist. All lies are welcome (as one antichrist used to say: “The lie is sacred” - V. Lenin).
First off, you do not know that it is “beyond current known technology” unless you are a worker at Area 51 research team.

Second, is it truly performing such maneuvers? I saw a “UFO” when I was a kid. I saw this light in the sky that I thought was a satellite or a high altitude military aircraft. It suddenly made a 90 degree turn. Neither a satellite nor an aircraft can do this (that we know of).

Later, I realized that the 90 degree turn was an optical illusion. While it may have looked like a 90 degree turn, the position of the aircraft in relation to my position on the ground only made it look like a 90 degree turn.

That is just one possible explanation for the “appearance” of impossible maneuvers.

Third, Ss-called aircraft making impossible maneuvers is only anecdotal evidence, which is well known and proven to be unreliable. It is not scientific evidence.
How about a ufo making various maneuvers in various different directions?

And yes i know its not scientific evidence, but you can still build a strong case for something without scientific evidence.

I don’t see Scientific evidence as the standard of all knowledge.
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Credible evidence is evidence that proves the assertion via objective scientific rigor. Anecdotal evidence is never credible, which has been proven in scientific studies. The goal post is not moving, it remains the same.

Believe one and not the other? Well, one is faith, the other is a phenomenological event happening today and should yield objective evidence.

But, your point actually begs the question. Are ETs visiting the earth based on faith or science?
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Science is the starting point. You have yet to provide any evidence of any kind other then anecdotal.

You “believe” this on faith, upon your already settled bias. No harm in that as long as we admit it.

It reminds me of something a psychiatrist said once, “There is no problem with illusions as long as we know they are illusions.”
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Science is not my starting point. Science is good at explaining natural phenomena because that is measurable. Lights in the sky performing impossible maneuvers is not so measurable. You have to be there when it happens and even if you video tape it that is not scientific evidence. So one has to use reason alone. one has to ask what is more likely, that 5 people saw 5 ufo’s doing things that cannot be compared to known aircraft or any natural phenomenon, or that they where sharing an identical hallucination?

Yes at the end of the day it comes down to trusting people and belief, but one can have good reasons to think something is true without scientific evidence.

I dare say that you have accepted things or believed things to be true without science.
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I have already said what needs to be said. Good luck with your faith. Goodbye
Credible evidence is evidence that proves the assertion via objective scientific rigor. Anecdotal evidence is never credible, which has been proven in scientific studies. The goal post is not moving, it remains the same.
Am I to assume that the bible is not credible by your standards? I have no disagreement with your point here just as long as not being credible does not equate to being false.
Believe one and not the other? Well, one is faith, the other is a phenomenological event happening today and should yield objective evidence.
Some inconsistencies to point out:
Miraculous events that would have effects on the real world (beyond the mind in other words) are claimed to happen today, as well. So wouldn’t these yield objective evidence going by your logic?!

Our expectations of evidence is a bit tricky. We do have videos, even from experienced pilots, but I’m not sure how we should expect "scientific based evidence. It depends on the nature of what we’re trying to study. I also question if this is a matter of national security then governments would most certainly be involved, and perhaps would suppress some of the details.
But, your point actually begs the question. Are ETs visiting the earth based on faith or science?
I don’t know either way. I accept that there is evidence of UFOs. I’m open to there being life on other planets, so naturally, I assume some may develop the ability to visit other planets just as we are doing.
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Bye bye. I guess BroIgnatius is just scared of the possible reality of aliens since he has not given any credible reason that debunks all known ufo cases.

I have notice two trends. Christians ironically throw their hands in the air and scream for scientific evidence or they think its a case of demonic influence. At least the explanation of demonic influence takes the phenomenon some-what seriously.

Yet BroIgnatius cannot bring himself to think that people who have these experiences could be anything more than mistaken or delusional or liars.
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