Why do Christians reject the testimony of Alien Abduction victims?

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You could be right.
In my opinion, its the absolute perfect tool for deception, in this day and age, aliens and UFOs are popular, belief in them is around 50%, they are all over movies and tvs.

It is a plausible theory that some advanced race created mankind using their technology, its something that could be ‘faked’ and convince majority of people that they are indeed ‘our gods’, especially if they came in some kind of dramatic first contact event, showing us how they made us, seeded the earth, etc. I really believe most people would fall for this deception.

However I do believe there are numerous other planets with intelligent life, (not demonic), but they would not be playing a part in this deception.
You are confused. I never said that alien abduction is comparable to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in terms of value. I said that you have a double standard when judging the testimonies of witness’s.
Best you re read what you have written on this thread.

We cannot compare the testimonies of alleged alien abductees as being anything equal to

The testimonies

Of those at the foot of the Cross, watching our Lord Jesus dying for our sins.

Just stop your sacrilege :mad:
What does this have to do with UFOs? How to collect evidence, interview witnesses, separate credible from not credible accounts and how to confirm names, dates and places, which often includes researching the activities of other people, companies, etc. The use of experts at trial to provide evidence that something could actually happen as described.

So, in 1947, Project Mogul, using high-altitudes balloons, were sent up to detect radiation from a Soviet atomic test. Meanwhile, in the United States and Canada, work began on developing prototype elliptical and saucer-shaped aircraft in 1947.

So, this is not about Christians. This is certainly not about respect either. What if I told anyone that I was abducted by aliens? What would the finite set of reactions, spoken and unspoken, be? I’m imagining things? I had a nightmare/bad dream? Go to a psychiatrist because that’s just not normal? Implying my mental health is out of whack.

So, Christian or not, these people, if this actually happens, were traumatized but we can’t know how much of it was real. And sometimes, the reports read like these people could have been taken anywhere. Much less a “spaceship.”

Ed, thank you for about the only level-headed post in this thread. I said essentially the same thing in a brief way.

p.s. BTW, I am not ghost hunter; those people are idiots. But, I am a deliverance counselor. I counsel with people who are allegedly harassed, oppressed, or obsessed by demons. That sometimes involves investigating phenomena in a house. We do not use all sorts of equipment since capturing phenomena is pointless. The lack of capturing something on video or tape means nothing. Our goal is to bless the house so that any demonic presence will cease. We know that demons can infest a house because Jesus Himself mentions it.
Ed, thank you for about the only level-headed post in this thread. I said essentially the same thing in a brief way.

p.s. BTW, I am not ghost hunter; those people are idiots. But, I am a deliverance counselor. I counsel with people who are allegedly harassed, oppressed, or obsessed by demons. That sometimes involves investigating phenomena in a house. We do not use all sorts of equipment since capturing phenomena is pointless. The lack of capturing something on video or tape means nothing. Our goal is to bless the house so that any demonic presence will cease. We know that demons can infest a house because Jesus Himself mentions it.
You’re welcome. Back to the topic. There are credible reports of unidentified aircraft spanning a long time. There is credible evidence. And that part of the subject is being entirely ignored to propose a fake demonic connection.

I’ve studied the entirely separate subject of demonic possession and home infestation. It has nothing to do with solid, physical aircraft that have been seen by credible witnesses. No one wants to deal with that.

I’m done.

You’re welcome. Back to the topic. There are credible reports of unidentified aircraft spanning a long time. There is credible evidence. And that part of the subject is being entirely ignored to propose a fake demonic connection.

I’ve studied the entirely separate subject of demonic possession and home infestation. It has nothing to do with solid, physical aircraft that have been seen by credible witnesses. No one wants to deal with that.
I am not saying or suggesting that UFOs have anything to do with demons. You mentioned ghost hunters so I put in my PS about what I do (which has nothing to do with UFOs. I am not a UFO investigator. I could care less about doing that).

If there is credible evidence of ET visiting the earth, please direct me to it. I am not aware of any credible evidence of ET ever visiting the earth.
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I am not saying or suggesting that UFOs have anything to do with demons. You mentioned ghost hunters so I put in my PS about what I do (which has nothing to do with UFOs. I am not a UFO investigator. I could care less about doing that).

If there is credible evidence of ET visiting the earth, please direct me to it. I am not aware of any credible evidence of ET ever visiting the earth.
Aircraft. Unidentified aircraft. There are no ETs. Sorry, but I’m finished.

I used to be a major UFO believer. Until I read two separate private revelations - one from St. Bridget and one from Blessed Anne Emmerich - that man was created to replace the number of fallen angels. We were put on this earth after the Fall to reproduce and multiply to make up for the great and VAST number of angels who fled from Heaven. There was such a large number of angels lost during that fall that we still haven’t even produced enough to equal the amount in the entire history! And when we have, only then will the earth end.
After that action on the part of the angelic choirs, I felt
assured that they would remain steadfast, that they would
never fall away. It was made known to me that God in His
judgment, in His eternal sentence against the rebel angels,
decreed the reign of strife until their vacant thrones are
filled. But to fill those thrones seemed to me almost im-
possible, for it would take so long. The strife will,
however, be upon the earth. There will be no strife above,
for God has so ordained.
-Blessed Anne Emmerich, vision of the Fall
One of Cain’s descendants was Thubalcain, the origina-
tor of numerous arts, and the father of the giants. I have
frequently seen that, when the angels fell, a certain num-
ber had a moment of repentance and did not in conse-
quence fall as low as the others. Later on, these fallen
spirits took up their abode on a high, desolate, and wholly
inaccessible mountain whose site at the time of the Deluge
became a sea, the Black Sea, I think. They were permitted
to exercise their evil influence upon men in proportion as
the latter strayed further from God. After the Deluge they
disappeared from that region, and were confined to the
air. They will not be cast into Hell before the last day.
-Blessed Anne Emmerich
I also know that aliens can’t exist because Jesus is a human. GOD is a human. He wasn’t anything else in material form. He came down to EARTH. He took the form of a MAN. He looked like us. We were created in God’s image.

Stories of aliens are pretty much always associated with uncomfortable or terrified emotions and feelings. Either that or extreme feelings of “elation” which most likely would be a good way for a demon to make someone believe that God doesn’t exist or that religion is false.

It also makes me wonder why stories of aliens have changed so much throughout the centuries. The mothman, fairies, little grey men, reptilians, Nordics, like c’mon. Demons are shape shifters! They can make you believe anything! What better way than to disguise themselves and make you believe in evolution - a theory where it can be pretty hard to fit God into the equation.

And let it be noted that NEVER have aliens or anything close to what might seem to point to aliens has EVER been mentioned in the writings of the saints throughout the ages.

As the words of Jesus from The Prophecies and Revelations of St. Bridget say, “I created all things for the sake of mankind, and placed all things under his authority”
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As the words of Jesus from The Prophecies and Revelations of St. Bridget say, “I created all things for the sake of mankind, and placed all things under his authority”
I found this article that says the existence of Intelligent alien life is not contradictory to the faith.

God created Angels so why not other forms of intelligent beings?

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Because there is no necessity for it. God is logical as well as loving; he wouldn’t make other beings just for the sake of it. Why would there need to be more beings that look different than us? Why not just make one set in God’s image? The reason the universe is so big, yet there is no other being out there, is because there is no limit to God’s power. He can do anything because He is not bound to anything besides logic. God is infinite; the universe must also be infinite.

Like I said, God created angels, yes, but the only reason we were created was to replace those angels. If they had not fallen, we would not be here.
You have a double standard and that’s fine.
I’m not sure that a “double standard” is a reasonable take on the situation…
Just say you are willing to accept testimonies and about the Resurrection and Divinity of Jesus but you are not willing to accept testimonies about alien abduction.
However, those testimonies about Jesus are found in the Bible, which we believe to be inspired by God, while the testimonies about alien abduction are found in sensationalistic media, which is inspired by… something less than God.

So, it’s not a “double standard”, so much as it is that there are vast differences in the credibility of the various sources. Now, if our only testimonies of Jesus’ resurrection were found in non-inspired sources – and we believed in them! – then your argument might hold water. As it is, though, you’re making an invalid comparison. 🤷‍♂️
There are a few aliens running around this forum :alien:🐊
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I don’t see the reasoning on why you have to be a Christian to reject the testimony of alien abduction victims. If you are really drawing comparison to their testimony to that of the resurrection of Christ, I think you have to ask yourself some hard questions on why you even consider yourself a Christian.

There is not one shred of evidence to support that people have been abducted by aliens. There was a Roper Poll published in 1992 suggested that nearly four million Americans reported experiences akin to alien abduction. Besides the possibility of hoaxes and demonic activity, the far more likely cause is a case of psychosis or sleep paralysis.

The UFO phenomenon is ingrained in the American culture, which is why people will make the claim of an alien abduction when they have an episode of psychosis or sleep paralysis. Before the stories of little green men from Mars, people claimed they were abducted by witches, ghosts or creatures relative to their culture.

The notion that victims have been operated on or probed is so absurd that’s its just bad science fiction. Any intelligent species that has been able to manipulate time and master intergalactic space travel wouldn’t have the need to insert crude instruments into people.

As for multiple eye witnesses, one needs to take it by a case by case basis. I don’t deny they claim what saw, but that doesn’t mean that there is extraterrestrial work at play. A group of people can see an oasis, that doesn’t mean that there is a lake of water across the stretch of desert.

I’ll just add one more thing, where are the aliens now? We live in a world where there are more than 7 BILLION cellphones and gadgets capable of taking pictures and video, along with a web of satellites across the globe, but where are all the sightings? Are the aliens privy to this and taken a hiatus from visiting us?

I don’t doubt the possibility of extraterrestrial life out there but I’m seriously beginning to have my doubts. I will say this, the world will be witness to a visitation one day. Only it that it will be a false flag operation, likely to consolidate power to a one world government and support the rule on an Antichrist.
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Don’t need to be a Christian, just rational. When I was a teen, I read every scrap I could find on aliens, then I grew up and became a scientist.

Like you, I believe they are out there…waaaaaay out there…just not in the local trailer park!
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Here is a researcher who works on such occult topics. He is Catholic, and it shows in many of his blog articles. http://www.jasoncolavito.com/ Belief in extraterrestrial beings secretly intervening in human history is a form of idolatry, and is therefore pagan.

If they were to come here, it would be obvious. And if they also struggled with original sin, and asked to be baptized, as the Vatican astronomer says, they should be baptized. Those beings who are not descended from Adam and Eve might also be subject to original sin. This problem was resolved in 1492.
I can’t speak to the particular accounts that you posted about but in general I can say that many Christians would reject whatever accounts that conflict with the Bible - that includes supernatural claims of other religions. If these Christians don’t reject these claims outright, then they’ll at least try to diminish their validity by claiming it is a trick of the Devil. I won’t argue for or against Christians claims as I have no way to prove it either way, but I am against the standard to dismiss or minimize claims just because they conflict with Christian beliefs. It’s not a logical standard in the slightest.
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