The only think that I can tell you is not to feel like the Lone Ranger. This is the absolutely most troubling part of my life right now. I don’t know why God blesses so many people with someone to love and then it seems that He just leaves so many out in the cold. It’s very painful.
What is also frustrating is when people say “pray about it” - does that mean that people who are married have prayed more than I have? I doubt it - there are many married people who NEVER pray. For the record I have prayed more in the last 6 years of my life than I have ever prayed - I go to the adoration chapel every week…I have tried giving God a list of what I want…I have prayed just to let me do His will…I have prayed asking God to just take the pain and lonliness out of my heart if His will isn’t for me to be married… I have tried everything.
Plus remember there is a big idea that if you don’t go for what you want you will never have it - so if we just forget about marriage will we ever find someone??
I have never had luck with the dating sites. I have tried Catholic Singles and Ave Maria - I know that is mainly because I live so far out in the middle of nowhere. If i lived in the city I would probably find some dates off those sites.
Right now my best friend is married to someone else - don’t go dragging this into the dirt…because they are the only person that I have to talk to who won’t try to fix whats broken in me (like anyone knows whats broken anyway) This is the type of person that I would LOVE to find as a single person…but I have realized that if they were single we wouldn’t have our discussions anyway…he probably wouldn’t be attracted to these type of discussions…because single guys just want one thing. I know thats a stereo type, but my experience it has been true. A single man wouldn’t want to talk about adoration - he would want to go hunt down a roll in the hay…I feel like I am a prude and single men want a girl that will be “fun”. Its very frustrating.
I suppose that if God has someone for me he will show up - but I really, really get tired of waiting
What is also frustrating is when people say “pray about it” - does that mean that people who are married have prayed more than I have? I doubt it - there are many married people who NEVER pray. For the record I have prayed more in the last 6 years of my life than I have ever prayed - I go to the adoration chapel every week…I have tried giving God a list of what I want…I have prayed just to let me do His will…I have prayed asking God to just take the pain and lonliness out of my heart if His will isn’t for me to be married… I have tried everything.
Plus remember there is a big idea that if you don’t go for what you want you will never have it - so if we just forget about marriage will we ever find someone??
I have never had luck with the dating sites. I have tried Catholic Singles and Ave Maria - I know that is mainly because I live so far out in the middle of nowhere. If i lived in the city I would probably find some dates off those sites.
Right now my best friend is married to someone else - don’t go dragging this into the dirt…because they are the only person that I have to talk to who won’t try to fix whats broken in me (like anyone knows whats broken anyway) This is the type of person that I would LOVE to find as a single person…but I have realized that if they were single we wouldn’t have our discussions anyway…he probably wouldn’t be attracted to these type of discussions…because single guys just want one thing. I know thats a stereo type, but my experience it has been true. A single man wouldn’t want to talk about adoration - he would want to go hunt down a roll in the hay…I feel like I am a prude and single men want a girl that will be “fun”. Its very frustrating.
I suppose that if God has someone for me he will show up - but I really, really get tired of waiting