Why do many Catholics vote for pro-choice candidates/parties?

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Voting someone DESPITE his support for mass children killing? I wonder what other qualities of these candidates justify your vote, even considering their agenda revolves entirely around immoral value like homosexualism, transgnderism and giving children in hands of deviated people. Also soon they will support pedophilia. Some lgbt circles have members wich are also pedophiles, and are pushing for normalization of it.
From my point of view being Christian and voting left is impossible at same time, either you believe in one, or on the other
The Church says it is permissible. The Church disagrees with you! You are just going to the extreme.

"“When a Catholic does not share a candidate’s stand in favour of abortion and/or euthanasia, but votes for that candidate for other reasons, it is considered remote material cooperation, which can be permitted in the presence of proportionate reasons.”
— Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
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What you mean by “Church”? Personal opinion of bishops are not morally vinculating, and there are plenty of ministers that are against the left, and rightfully so, since the two are inconciliable.
Do you think directly supporting abortion and many others horrible sins with your vote is ok?
Then go ahead and vote Democrat, it’s your conscience and your soul,
Do you think directly supporting abortion and many others horrible sins with your vote is ok?
Did you not read what Cardinal ratzinger said. You are NOT DIRECTLY supporting abortion.
You should learn to carefully read what is written.
Even if you do it indirectly, why should you? You still cooperating for an evil act.
Even if you do it indirectly, why should you? You still cooperating for an evil act.
Again read what Cardinal Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict) said. As far as I am concerned his view trumps yours!
So that is the position of the Pope Emeritus. Thanks.
I always wondered how we ignore passages in scripture like MATTHEW 25:35-46.
It I the only place in the Gospel, Jesus Judges us to heaven or hell expressly.
The passage has like 5 criteria. One is welcoming the stranger. I see lots of support for a Wall, despite the Pope pointing out express Gospel teaching. Not welcoming the least of my brother when a stranger. How does that become immaterial?
I read it and he talks about propotionate reasons. What are proportionate reasons to support mass killing? Btw i’m not even from USA, i support every party that is for Christian values and oppose the left, since these push diabolical agendas. In the US it happens to be Trump ( i dk if there is another party wich reflect moral values better).
I read it and he talks about propotionate reasons. What are proportionate reasons to support mass killing? Btw i’m not even from USA, i support every party that is for Christian values and oppose the left, since these push diabolical agendas. In the US it happens to be Trump ( i dk if there is another party wich reflect moral values better).
I am also not American nor do I live there. If I was American I would be a Republican but would be pulling my hair out at having the worst president in US history.
However, for anyone to make stupid comments about the Democrats being a party of the devil and no Catholic should vote for them, that is plain silly and childish!
Building a wall (when we are even allowed to limit the number of strangers we welcome) vs. killing the stranger–the baby in the womb.

Sorry, this does not compute for me!
Abortion is murder it cries out for Gods justice, not sure what Church your are referring to, but abortion is to be taken totally into a voters decision, …
I look at the facts. What the left propose?
Killing unborns, normalizing degenerate bheaviour, destroy natural family, judge people by race and sex ( white and male = bad, black and woman = good) thous dividing population and create hate and animosity, feminization of man and masculinization of women, moral relativism and hedonism, euthanasia. All of those ofc presented aa good things.
If it’s not the party of the devil is really trying hard to look like it is
That is not the Catholic Church and you might want to get that link for us …then all faithful Catholics can call and write a note to such an unreasonable claim by whomever said that was the teaching on voting by the Church .
It is like saying: you can vote for a Nazis who thinks killing Jews is wrong but if that person you vote for protects your job, lowers your taxes, protects the environment, gives you great health insurance and fill in the blank…it is OK to vote for him. The killing of innocent babies and women is murder…period. A moral person no matter what they believe never supports the murder of the weakest, the innocent or the unborn ---- “what ever you did to the least of my brothers you did to me” … From Jesus Christ… For those who profess belief in Jesus as the only Teacher and Son of God, this teaching of Christ might help their moral decision capacity.
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The scripture banishes the goats to hell and Jesus tells us why.
" When I was a stranger, you did not welcome me."
When they ask when did we do that, Jesus replies when you did not welcome the least of my brothers, you did not welcome me.
When the least presents, is out of our control.
I am not trying to compare two different things. They are all people. Not welcoming an Asylum seeker often results in death after all.
Pope Benedict tells us the scope and sometimes complexity of choices.
The least of my brother passage has specific criteria. Hungry, thirsty, sick, a stranger, in prison.
We go by tradition, teaching of the Church, and sacred Scripture… We are not fundamentalist. Your quote is your own interpretation.
Typically, not a word about making a living. ( Catholic social policy)
Nothing about the least.
There is a constellation of evil, not in that list.
I am simply reading the text.
But I can recall our SUPREME PONTIFF stating that the wall was not Christian. And clearly, MATTHEW 25 expressly tells us why.
If I recall, those who liked the wall anyway found their own reasons to not follow Francis.
I never said I liked the wall. I don’t even like fences … I think we need to revamp our laws regarding immigration but a wall? I think a wall around our country is a sick solution ! A wall will trap and destroy our freedom. The day may come when we elect some deranged dictator and stay behind a prison wall. Not for a wall ever!
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That is not the Catholic Church and you might want to get that link for us …then all faithful Catholics can call and write a note to such an unreasonable claim by whomever said that was the teaching on voting by the Church .
It is like saying: you can vote for a Nazis who thinks killing Jews is wrong but if that person you vote for protects your job, lowers your taxes, protects the environment, gives you great health insurance and fill in the blank…it is OK to vote for him. The killing of innocent babies and women is murder…period. A moral person no matter what they believe never supports the murder of the weakest, the innocent or the unborn ---- “what ever you did to the least of my brothers you did to me” … From Jesus Christ… For those who profess belief in Jesus as the only Teacher and Son of God, this teaching of Christ might help their moral decision capacity.
As I said I accept the position of Pope Emeritus.

Again I say it is stupid for anyone to say that no Catholic should ever vote for a Democrat!
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