I need to re-calibrate. Its just so amazing to me that a person who identifies as Catholic has no idea what the Church teaches on the subject. It seems more reasonable that a person would just “not believe” the teaching.
Regarding the blame…WE are the Church. WE all have a responsibility to teach this. We all, to some degree, own that 70% statistic.
I may be wrong about this, but here’s what I think–and keep in mind that I am a convert from Evangelical Protestantism.
I think that the Catholic parishes DO teach the basics of the faith, but that the kids don’t listen. Usually the religious education classes are after school. The child has homework, probably some kind of extracurricular activity (ice skating, soccer practice, music lessons, choir, gymnastics, etc.), some kind of meal to eat, possibly in the car on the way to one of the extracurricular activities–and this religious ed. class is just one more thing that is keeping the child away from playing–shocking, isn’t it!–that a child would like to play, or a teen would like to just “hang out” with friends online or even on the old-fashioned phone!
Even if the religious ed is taught in a parish school, it’s still likely that many of the kids learn it “by rote,” to get a good grade and keep up with their peers, but they don’t internalize it.
Evangelicals historically have done a really good job of teaching kids, but of course, what they teach is a lot of more elementary–basically, if you learn one verse, John 3:16, you know at least half of Evangelical Protestant “doctrine.” And if you learn Matt. 28: 18-20 (Great Commission), you know the other half!
One thing Evangelical Protestants do well is provide great children’s teachers and sponsors, and great youth ministers and sponsors, who not only teach by work of mouth, but through modeling a Christ-like life that makes children and teens WANT to be like them and follow Jesus. I haven’t really seen this with Catholic religious education. It’s just old-fashioned lectures, workbooks, and homework–no wonder kids blow it off.
And of course, if the child doesn’t make it through Religious Ed, Mom or Dad will storm the gates and DEMAND that their child be confirmed.
So it’s no wonder that so many Catholics make it through Religious Ed, but don’t know dime one about their faith, and crumple the instant they face a smiling Evangelical Protestant who can recite Bible verses and is full of brotherly love.