So how do you determine that your Church is right?
First of all, I believe that the Catholic Church is right because I believe in the authority of the Catholi Church. In other words, I believe that Christ gave the Apostles the Authority to teach, and I believe that he also gave them the Holy Spirit to protect them from teaching error about faith and morals. I also believe that the this Authority did not dissapear with the Apostles, but that the Apostles chose men to succeed him, and they gave this authority to their successors, and that the bishops, as the successors of the Apostles, possess this authority.
Now, how did I come to believe this? Well, I used to be a non-denominational Christian. I believed in the sufficiency of Scripture and that the Church became corrupt at some point (probably around the time of Constantine) and Satan basically took over. After that, the Catholic Church started teaching all sorts of “crazy” unbiblical doctrines like the Mass, Sacraments, prayers to the Saints, etc.
The problem was, as I read my history, I started to realize that these beliefs pre-dated Constantine. The persecuted Church under the Romans asked the martyrs to intercede for them, and they certainly believed in the Real Presence. I wondered why these “heresies” emerged so early in the Church’s history. Why did the Church become corrupt so early?
Then, I had a thought. In the Bible, Christ repeatedly promised that the Church would not fail. In Mattew, Christ promised that “The Gates of Hell will not prevail against it.” In John, during the Last Supper, Christ promised the desciples that he would “send the Spirit of Truth who will guide you to all truths.” Paul also believed that the Church was the pillar and foundation of truth (1 Timothy 3:15.) If the Church did go into Apostacy, then the Holy Spirit failed to do His job. He could not protect the Church from error. Plus, if the Church fell into apostacy, and the Holy Spirit could not do his job, then Christ was a liar. If Christ is a liar, then he is NOT God. He was just an ordinary man, and why on earth should I waste my time worshipping and devoting my life to an ordinary man?
Finally, I decided that Christ is Truely God, and that He is worth my obedience. But I needed to find a Church that did not belive in the necessity of some kind of Reformation, a Church that believed that God had stood by her and guarded her since the beginning, and would continue to guard her to the end. In short, I needed to find the original Church, the Church that Christ founded, that He promised would withstand the assault of Hell, and would possess the Holy Spirit, which would guide the Church to the very end. After more study, I came to believe that the Catholic Church is indeed the Original Church that the Apostles started. My mom recently asked me, “When did the Catholic Church start?” I said, “Pentecost.”
That’s how I know that the Catholic Church teaches the truth.