Alfie,Alfie, Alfie…IT’S DOCTRINE! Where is your testimony about sin and how Jesus changed your life? Even if 99% of Catholic doctrine was correct its that incorrect 1% doctrine that will “damn you to hell”. More and more Protestants are becoming Catholic because they are more interested in unity than truth. They are deceived. This “can’t we all just get along” and “we are the world” attitude has got to stop". A relationship with Jesus is about truth…not numbers. If there was only one true Evangelical believer left in this world it would be a threat to Catholicism. That one believer represents the truth and they are terrifed of it. Have you never been taught about the book of Revelations? The world is heading into a one world religion. That means it will be centered in Rome. Someday Rome will be hunting down all of the “true” Christians in the world and killing them. Wise up before it is to late and on this note it has been nice knowing you as I am sure to be banned for this post.
As a former Protestant who used to say the same thing, … are you “Droppin’ the Tim LaHaye Bomb” here, or what? (I know…your response will be “Read Revelations”)
…save it.
I see you are a member of the ever-growing evangelical “Pre-Millenialism Or Bust” club? Tell me, how many years has the pre-millenial line of thought- particularly about the physical rapture- been the current line of thinking in mainline protestantism’s interpretation of Revelations?
The pre-millenialism line of thinking dates back to … oh, 1830… by the not-so-famous John Nelson Darby and only came into relative favor in the last 25 years, partly because of a series of books by a very anti-Roman Catholic Timothy LaHaye.
Hey bro, meanwhile many protestant denoms are adopting ultra-liberal theologies, gender neutral hymnals, Joel Osteen and Brian McLaren are saying *there’s no “real” Hell, and God is too nice to do that", *Presbyterians are on the verge of allowing gay/transexual ordination, same for the Episcopals, and many non-denom Protestants are either falling into Neo-Pentacostal wild-proclamation charismatic worship, and the mega-churches are softening up the hard message in exchange for more butts on seats and tithe’s in trays (Olsteen-type “feelgoodism”) and Rick Warren is promoting a “softer” sinners prayer… and, meanwhile, pastors are reporting altar-call numbers as if they know exactly how many souls their services saved on a given day…Meanwhile, Jack and Rexella Van Impe are predicting Armageddon will be here within a couple years. (They really missed the mark the other …oh…four times they predicted it in the past.)
…and you want to talk about the problems of the Roman Catholic Church? You had better aim real true with those rotten tomatoes, my man.
They tend to have a “boomerang” effect.
One who’s been hit by my own tomatoes in the past…