Really? So, deep inside I “love” God, even though I don’t even believe that he exists? Am I THAT delusional? I always thought that I am aware of my motivations… and now, all of a sudden you declare me an idiot, who does not even know whom he loves and whom he despises.That is only a distinction in the mind of an atheist.
Empty words, without evidence.God sustains our existence: “In Him we live, move and have our being.” Jesus also said “What you do to others you do to me”. Even by earthly standards we need one another and are not self-sufficient.
And that is why your hypothesis is incorrect. You cannot make ANY predictions about someone’s behavior based upon their professed religion or lack of it. No one has first dibs on being kind or helpful.I’m not judging but stating a fact.
Words without deeds are worthless. In both philosophy and science the best test of a hypothesis is whether it is fertile, leads to further discoveries and successful predictions.