But it cannot be argued against the fact that many, if not most, Christians are ‘cultural Christians’. Christians because of their upbringing. Peer pressure, if you will.
Even my wife, for very many years, used to write ‘Christian’ if a form asked for one’s religion. ‘Because that was the way I was brought up’ she had to say. And there are enough polls that show many people who don’t even believe in God who still class themselves as Christian.
I put this anomaly in the same basket as someone who classes theselves as a Jew but is not religious. It’s more cultural.
"But a lack of certainty in God’s existence has become more common even among some Christian groups and members of non-Christian faiths. For example, two-thirds (66%) of those in the mainline Protestant tradition now say they are absolutely certain that God exists, down from 73% in 2007. A similar trend is seen among Catholics: 64% expressed an absolutely certain belief in God in 2014, compared with 72% in 2007."
Those figures mean that around one third of Catholics are NOT absolutely certain that God exists. How would you describe them? Agnostic Catholics?