Why do some Protestants think

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That Catholics are worshipping idols and that they are apostates? In my version of the New Testament in Revelation the writer of the footnotes think that the Roman Catholic Church is straying away from God.
Be warned, the translation is okay, but some of the footnotes are problematic. You know, it interesting how you mention “some Protestants”, because, as I recall, Luther actually did not have a problem with statues and icons. May I ask what version of the Bible you are currently reading?
I was reading the Recovery version recently. (Only the New Testament)
I am unfamiliar with it. Is it tied to a certain denomination?
I don’t know it’s a version of the Bible that was created in the 90s.
I looked it up, and the best I can tell, is that is less a “translation” and more of a reinterpretation of the text. That is not a great start. I have some Bibles that are more dynamic translations (though I prefer more literal) that are pretty good thought for thought translations. With regards to the footnotes, does it say who wrote them?The reason I ask, is because I want to get an idea of the theology they are coming from.
It is easy to criticize or condemn what you do not understand. Secondly, they have separated from mother Church. If there is no compelling reason for that separation, they must return.

Therefore, creative imaginations set to work and the Church is now the most vile and foul organization on earth. Except…

Except for the fact that she is also the largest charitable organization on earth.

So, the devil really Is divided?

Therefore, first, ignorance. Second, a form of theological “team sports” and third, malicious fabrications and lies. There are other reasons, but these popped into my mind.
Protestants usually say that when they see someone kneel before a statue to pray means that he is praying to the statue. Same when they see someone pray with a rosary. The statue/rosary is the idol they say. I respond well you guys always seem to carry a KJV Bible in your purse or briefcase and then pull it out to pray. So by that logic, your Bible is your idol.
The use of statues and icons is for liturgical purposes, just like the Jews had the Cherubims on the Ark of the Covenant. Were they idols?
It is easy to criticize or condemn what you do not understand.
Secondly, they have separated from mother Church. If there is no compelling reason for that separation, they must return.
Therefore, creative imaginations set to work and the Church is now the most vile and foul organization on earth. Except…
Therefore, first, ignorance.
^^I’ll give you this one. But I’ve heard many a thing explained to me about my faith background on here too…(that aren’t true)… 🤷‍♂️
Protestants usually say that when they see someone kneel before a statue to pray means that he is praying to the statue.
This is probably the most accurate statement…and the most vocal bird usually gets the worm, even if he’s the smallest.
I wouldn’t go any higher than a C.

You said some stuff about non-Catholic beliefs that are probably along the line of what the OP is asking about, IMHO.
Catholics are worshipping idols and that they are apostates? In my version of the New Testament in
Exodus 20 has been quoted to me by the Holy spirit.

Thou shalt have no other spiritual gods. Or Saints. Or Holy men that you pray to before me.

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, statue Or picture or painting
or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them.
Or pay homages to them crawling on your knees to please them
nor serve them:
or make altars for them or light candles to them or pray to them

for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

7 Tho
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Unfortunately, we all have idols we worship. I’ve never really understood some of the Protestant hang ups with statues and icons. Go read the Catholic Catechism and see what it says about worship, and then give people the benefit of the doubt.

In any case, the real, dangerous, insidious idols have nothing to do with “graven images”, and everything to do with the condition of our hearts. These idols are directly related to deadly poison for our souls like greed (money and stuff), lust (pornography), pride (power, celebrity), etc.

As long as Christians focus on things that don’t matter, our common enemy is pleased.
That Catholics are worshipping idols and that they are apostates?
Lutheran here.
First, Catholics are not apostate. Apostasy is a rejection of the faith. Catholics have done no such thing. They are Christians.
Catholics do not worship idols. They worship the one Triune God.
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