Why do we as Catholics believe that life begins at conception?

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You refuse to answer anyone’s questions,
Perhaps OpenMind wouldn’t mind, answering my questions below, still unanswered.

*That’s just it isn’t it? This “something”. You argue that it is not a human life. If I give birth at 3pm today to a baby boy, was he still only a “Something” :
  • an hour before at 2pm?
  • a day before?
  • a month before?
  • 3 months before?
When does this “something” become “someone” : A male human being worthy of having a right to life?*
More to the point, we have seen in the past what happens when one group of people are considered less than human by a more powerful group. It’s not as if we’re unfamiliar with slavery and genocide practiced against others. The wonder is that the same argument that excused those practices is still employed for this new target group.
This is not group of people at all. A fetus is not person and terminating a pregnancy has no relationship to either slavery or genocide.
Persecution would be wrong if it was being practiced, but the word is completely inapplicable in this instance (what is occurring is execution, not persecution). Not only is it not wrong to point out to the woman the seriousness of her sin, it would be a sin to do otherwise. We ourselves become complicit when we fail to speak up.
When did it become wrong to oppose sin?
Indeed women who seek abortions are being persecuted all across the country. Their lives have been made so difficult and unbearable. They have to suffer far beyond their unfortunate condition of an unwanted pregnancy because of the actions of self-appointed guardians of morality… There are no rewards in heaven for making anyone’s life difficult or making them suffer. These actions will have to be answered for on the Day of Judgment.
…Abortion has been condemned by the church for her entire existence. …
I realize abortion has been condemned by the Church for very long. That does not necessarily mean that it is correct or that the Christ agrees with it. In my opinion, when the Christ returns, he will correct all these misunderstandings, but those who in the meantime have made life difficult for these unfortunate women, will have to answer for their actions
Perhaps OpenMind wouldn’t mind, answering my questions below, still unanswered.

*That’s just it isn’t it? This “something”. You argue that it is not a human life. If I give birth at 3pm today to a baby boy, was he still only a “Something” :
  • an hour before at 2pm?
  • a day before?
  • a month before?
  • 3 months before?
When does this “something” become “someone” : A male human being worthy of having a right to life?*
I don’t know exactly, but it definitely not within the first six months after conception. When the Christ returns, he will tell us exactly when.
Micosil did a great job of documenting the science in post 232.

openmind77 has rejected philosophy, science, and the revelation of God in Christ in order to cling to his erroneous position.

There is a deep and dark Spirit at work in those who reject the humanity of the fetus.

“Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you cannot hear My word. 44"You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 6:44

We must fast and pray fervently that such persons be delivered and their blindness healed so that they can see what is before them. It is as if there are scales over their eyes.
I know…and I ve got scales on my eyes too for many things.
But even the sellers referred to body parts by their names…so they know they are human beings whom they are manipulating.
I am out and thank you.
 This is not group of people at all. A fetus is not person and  terminating a pregnancy has no relationship to either slavery or genocide.
You are right that the unborn baby cannot yet be part of a “group” which implies relating with others. It would be more proper to say “class” of people. You are right, terminating the life of an unborn child is related to a general lack of respect for life in those who are different, which is where it shares characteristics with slavery and genocide. Whenever we degrade the humanity of another, and use that prejudice to take their freedom and life, it is similar to slavery and genocide.
 Indeed women who seek abortions are being persecuted all across the country. Their lives have been made so difficult and unbearable. They have to suffer far beyond their unfortunate condition of an unwanted pregnancy because of the actions of self-appointed guardians of morality..
No, openmind77, these women are not “persecuted”. They are also victims of the culture of death, just as you are. To say that pregnancy is “difficult and unbearable” seems to discount the experiences of women who want to keep their babies. yes, pregnancy can be difficult for some, but not “unbearable”. If it were, women would not continue to “bear” children. 😃

How is an unplanned pregnancy an “unfortunate condition”? Those who want their offspring will welcome a pregnancy whether it was planned, or not. What is unfortunate is that they do not see the infinite value of the life within them and many of them feel unsupported and pressured to “get rid of the pregnancy” (murder the child).

If you feel so strongly that they are persecuted and made to suffer, where is the ministry you have founded to meet their needs so they can bring their children to term? Have you set up a housing and community support program? Are you contributing to Right to Life so that resources can be provided to them? Or is your solution to “get rid of the pregnancy” so that you do not have to take any responsibility either?
There are no rewards in heaven for making anyone's life difficult or making them suffer. These actions will have to be answered for on the Day of Judgment.
I agree. Those persons who have chosen to engage in the behavior that we all know results in pregnancies will answer for taking the life of an innocent to avoid the consequences of their choices.
I realize abortion has been condemned by the Church for very long. That does not necessarily mean that it is correct or that the Christ agrees with it. In my opinion, when the Christ returns, he will correct all these misunderstandings
Indeed yes, openmind77, you appear to be in line for a very rude awakening.
I don’t know exactly, but it definitely not within the first six months after conception. When the Christ returns, he will tell us exactly when.
Can you produce any evidence or support of any kind for this arbitrary assertion?

We do not need to wait for His return. If your position was enforced, He too would have been ripped from His mother’s womb.

We do not know when the soul is joined to the human person whose life begins at conception, so we err on the side of safety, and protect the life from that moment until natural death.
I don’t know exactly,
This is very Catholic too. And as others have pointed out, since we don’t know we take the most caution to protect human life from the moment of conception. And … .since it is God who gives life, who formed us before we were born, the human life is worthy of protection, even if one argued it had not yet received a soul.
but it definitely not within the first six months after conception.
Since you don’t know, and are fallible, which means you could error, one must be open to being … wrong. Especially since you can’t prove your assertion. 🤷

In looking at the picture below, please comment on why the soul “Definitely” is not joined to the body within the first 6 months. What is required for the soul to join the body? The body having :
  • Hands, arms, legs?
  • The movement of these body parts?
  • A beating heart?
  • The ability to react to pain?
  • The ability to react to stimuli such as sounds?
Between week 24 and 30… makes week 24 “definitely not” and week 30 “possible” ?

And if it is “Possible” that in week 30, the soul is joined to the body, is this “Something” now a “Somebody”, entitled to the protection of their life?
Let us all stop and offer a prayer for openmind77 and all those whose minds have been taken captive by this culture of death in which we live.

Father in heaven, we thank you for the precious gift of human life to our first parents, Adam and Eve, and to every human being down the centuries till today.

In your Divine Providence, you have made us your collaborators in the transmission of this gift and in preserving it from the moment it is conceived till it is transformed into life eternal.

We beg pardon for those who suffocate human life in unborn babies, who eliminate it violently with enmity and hatred, or who suppress it prematurely in the elderly and the terminally ill.

We pray for the healing of the consciences of those who support this horrible atrocity, that their eyes may be opened, and their hearts returned to the Author of Life.

Grant us so to cherish human life that we shall always respect and defend it, especially within the sacred shrine of the family where it is born and nurtured. We promise to use the gift of life with gratitude and care at all times and in every place.

We make this prayer to You, our loving Father, through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Life, in the Holy Spirit, Lord and Giver of Life, and the name of Jesus Christ, your Son, who came that we may have life in abundance. Amen
Amen, in love and truth!
I don’t know exactly, but it definitely not within the first six months after conception. When the Christ returns, he will tell us exactly when.
You don’t know exactly? This is like the person that goes hunting and sees a bush moving and shoots. Let’s look at what the options are here:

  1. *]There was a deer behind the bush. The hunter has just made an impressive kill.
    *]There was a person behind the bush, and the man thought it was a deer. The hunter is guilty of involuntary manslaughter.
    *]There was a person behind the bush, and the man thought it was a person. The hunter is guilty of murder.
    *]There was nothing behind the bush, yet the man thought it was a person, or wasn’t sure what was there, and shot anyway. The hunter is guilty of reckless endangerment.

    Of these four possible scenarios, three are a crime. The point is, if you don’t know, for the love of all that is good, don’t shoot!
This is not group of people at all. A fetus is not person and terminating a pregnancy has no relationship to either slavery or genocide.
And why isn’t a fetus a person? It is because you have defined it that way, the very same way others have been defined as less than human to justify the atrocities practiced on them. You have asserted that a fetus “definitely” isn’t a human being in its first six months, but there is nothing “definite” about it: it is pure invention on your part. You could with equal justification assert that children aren’t fully human until they are seven, or that the old grow out of their humanness at age 90. Yours is a personal choice. It is not tied to science in any way. It serves only to justify your desire that abortion be…justifiable.
Indeed women who seek abortions are being persecuted all across the country.
In what way are they persecuted? What is being done to them?
I realize abortion has been condemned by the Church for very long. That does not necessarily mean that it is correct or that the Christ agrees with it.
Yes, actually that is pretty much what it means.

You don’t know exactly? This is like the person that goes hunting and sees a bush moving and shoots. Let’s look at what the options are here:

  1. *]There was a deer behind the bush. The hunter has just made an impressive kill.
    *]There was a person behind the bush, and the man thought it was a deer. The hunter is guilty of involuntary manslaughter.
    *]There was a person behind the bush, and the man thought it was a person. The hunter is guilty of murder.
    *]There was nothing behind the bush, yet the man thought it was a person, or wasn’t sure what was there, and shot anyway. The hunter is guilty of reckless endangerment.

    Of these four possible scenarios, three are a crime. The point is, if you don’t know, for the love of all that is good, don’t shoot!

  1. Nobody is shooting anyone (In fact I think all handguns and automatic weapons should be banned in the US like in Australia - strangely enough most ‘pro-life’ people are against gun control).

    Anyway, it does not matter that I don’t know exactly, since I am not doing any abortions. The sole decider is the pregnant woman who seeks the termination and it is her body and she should have the last word and total control over what stays inside her own body.
Anyway, it does not matter that I don’t know exactly, since I am not doing any abortions. The sole decider is the pregnant woman who seeks the termination and it is her body and she should have the last word and total control over what stays inside her own body.
This is a fallacy, openmind. If she gets cancer, does she have total control over that?
Kidney stones? there are plenty of uncomfortable and unwanted situations that may occur in a woman’s body that she cannot control, and may not be able to remove. you are promoting a fantasy.
And why isn’t a fetus a person? It is because you have defined it that way, the very same way others have been defined as less than human to justify the atrocities practiced on them. You have asserted that a fetus “definitely” isn’t a human being in its first six months, but there is nothing “definite” about it: it is pure invention on your part. You could with equal justification assert that children aren’t fully human until they are seven, or that the old grow out of their humanness at age 90. Yours is a personal choice. It is not tied to science in any way. It serves only to justify your desire that abortion be…justifiable.
It is not a personal choice. Millions of people agree with me that a fetus is not a human being. Nobody ever says that a person after birth is not a human being - that will never happen in this day and age and it is pointless to discuss it.
In what way are they persecuted? What is being done to them?..
It is quite well known how women who seek abortion are persecuted in many states of this country. They practically have to run a gauntlet to just get to the clinic. On the way, they may be yelled at, harangued, even spat on and intimidated. Many of these clinics have been shut down, so the nearest one maybe 100s of miles away. Poor women may not have cars to drive there, they may not have gas money or bus fare. Once they get to the place, there may be a mandated waiting period, so they have to stay overnight - poor women don;t have money for hotels - they may not even have a car to sleep in. There is no government funding for the procedure - these poor women have no money for food. On the way, they may even be tricked into going to a fake abortion clinic.

Some women have no alternative, so they have tried to self-induce abortions - which can be very dangerous. On top of that in some states the self-inducing women are being prosecuted for feticide or even homicide. All this in a country where abortion is supposed to be legal. I don’t know what pleasure people get in the misery of these poor women.

In any case, this situation will last at most 4 more years. In less than 2 years the Christ will be here. Those who have persecuted these women will answer for their actions. Within a couple of years after that abortion will be safe and freely available all over the world.
It is not a personal choice.
It is a personal choice, based upon ignorance (something you don’t and cannot know -when the human fetus becomes ensouled). It is also a choice to ignore scientific fact, philosophic logic, and the revelation of God. It is a choice that required stubborn persistence to remain in ignorance.
Millions of people agree with me that a fetus is not a human being.
YOu keep claiming this, but you have yet to produce a source. Who are these millions of people as ignorant as yourself?
Nobody ever says that a person after birth is not a human being - that will never happen in this day and age and it is pointless to discuss it.
On the contrary, there are places where certain classes of people are not born with the recognition that they have human rights and dignity. Slavery still exists, and it is based upon the same reasoning you are using.
It is quite well known how women who seek abortion are persecuted in many states of this country.
I think not. Can you produce even one example?
They practically have to run a gauntlet to just get to the clinic. On the way, they may be yelled at, harangued, even spat on.
Evidence? Examples?
Many of these clinics have been shut down, so the nearest one maybe 100s of miles away. Poor women may not have cars to drive there, they may not have gas money or bus fare. Once they get to the place, there may be a mandated waiting period, so they have to stay overnight - poor women don;t have money for hotels  -  they may not even have a car to sleep in. There is no government funding for the procedure -
Thanks be to God! 👍

Let us all keep praying and working to protect the life of the innocent.
these poor women have no money for food. On the way, they may even be tricked into going to a fake abortion clinic.
Or be intercepted by a Catholic buying them food and offering them services through Right to Life.
Some women have no alternative, so they have tried to self-induce abortions - which can be very dangerous.
This is faulty thinking. There is always an alternative - have the baby!!!

I agree, self induced abortions are even more dangerous than “legal” abortions.
On top of that in some states the self-inducing women are being prosecuted for feticide or even homicide.
Evidence? Examples?

And in most all States a woman can leave a baby at a hospital, ,clinic, or fire station no questions asked.
All this in a country where abortion is supposed to be legal. I don’t know what pleasure people get in the misery of these poor women.
More faulty thinking. No one takes pleasure in the suffering of women who have an unwanted pregnancy. She needs prayer, counseling, support etc. Adding a murder to her conscience will not reduce her suffering.
In any case, this situation will last at most 4 more years. In less than 2 years the Christ will be here. Those who have persecuted these women will answer for their actions. Within a couple of years after that abortion will be safe and freely available all over the world.
It is probably off the thread topic, but what do you imagine will happen when your “Christ” appears? Besides widespread murder, I mean.
It is not a personal choice. Millions of people agree with me that a fetus is not a human being. Nobody ever says that a person after birth is not a human being - that will never happen in this day and age and it is pointless to discuss it.
It already has. I even provided a rather lengthy citation from the book the author wrote making this exact point: a newborn child is not a human being. The wonder is that you can be so oblivious to everything that contradicts your position.
In less than 2 years the Christ will be here. Those who have persecuted these women will answer for their actions. Within a couple of years after that abortion will be safe and freely available all over the world.
Words are totally inadequate…

It already has. I even provided a rather lengthy citation from the book the author wrote making this exact point: a newborn child is not a human being. The wonder is that you can be so oblivious to everything that contradicts your position.
Words are totally inadequate…

As we are fasting today on Good Friday, let us apply ourselves as Jesus taught us:

21"But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting." Matthew 17:21

When one must push away so much evidence to hold to a position, there is very likely a spiritual cause.

Dear Lord, Send Your Spirit to touch the hearts of all those who deny that the life in the womb deserves our protection. Open their minds to the great worth of
human life and the responsibilities that accompany human freedom. Remind people that true happiness is rooted in seeking and doing Your will.

Through the intercession of Mary Immaculate, Patroness of our land, grant us the courage to reject the culture of death. Lead us into a new millennium of life.

We pray for women everywhere who are pregnant and contemplating abortion that they will get the supportneeded in order to bring their babies to term.

We pray for all those who support the grave evil of abortion, that their hearts will be touched by the truth and they will come to respect all human life, born and unborn.

We pray for all those with seared or misguided hearts and conscience that they will stop supporting the deliberate killing of unborn babies. And we pray for the women who intendto enter any killing chamber today.

We pray for all involved in past abortions that they will be able to be healed from this terrible atrocity.

It already has. I even provided a rather lengthy citation from the book the author wrote making this exact point: a newborn child is not a human being. The wonder is that you can be so oblivious to everything that contradicts your position.
These citations are fringe opinions. Similarly there are a few thousand white supremacists in the US and even a few hundred who believe that the earth is flat. There is no chance that such fringe beliefs will have influence or be accepted by many. My belief that a fetus does not have the same rights as a human being on the other hand, is accepted by literally billions.

The coming of the Christ very soon is important to mention. Because those people who persecute the unfortunate, needy women, actually believe that they can hurt the poor women and not only get away with it, but they expect to be rewarded in heaven for their mean actions. This is far from the truth.

The Christ, besides correcting most people’s pet beliefs and theories (most of the theories amount to ‘we good, other people bad’), will act quickly to make life better for these poor, defenseless people - ‘the least of these’.

Interestingly enough, the so-called ‘pro-life’ people are also involved in making life more miserable for the poor in other ways - they want to cut medicaid, cut healthcare benefits, they want to cut foodstamps, they want get rid of immigrants/refugees. It is a war on women and poor people, especially poor women.The Christ will stop all this persecution. Abortion will be safe and available everywhere in less than a few years.
These citations are fringe opinions. Similarly there are a few thousand white supremacists in the US and even a few hundred who believe that the earth is flat. There is no chance that such fringe beliefs will have influence or be accepted by many. My belief that a fetus does not have the same rights as a human being on the other hand, is accepted by literally billions.

The coming of the Christ very soon is important to mention. Because those people who persecute the unfortunate, needy women, actually believe that they can hurt the poor women and not only get away with it, but they expect to be rewarded in heaven for their mean actions. This is far from the truth.

The Christ, besides correcting most people’s pet beliefs and theories (most of the theories amount to ‘we good, other people bad’), will act quickly to make life better for these poor, defenseless people - ‘the least of these’.

Interestingly enough, the so-called ‘pro-life’ people are also involved in making life more miserable for the poor in other ways - they want to cut medicaid, cut healthcare benefits, they want to cut foodstamps, they want get rid of immigrants/refugees. It is a war on women and poor people, especially poor women.The Christ will stop all this persecution. Abortion will be safe and available everywhere in less than a few years.
Embryology and biology are “fringe” opinions now? :confused:

And who do you think the defenceless people are in this scenario? “The least of these”? To me they seem like the fetuses being killed in their mother’s womb. 🤷
These citations are fringe opinions. Similarly there are a few thousand white supremacists in the US and even a few hundred who believe that the earth is flat. There is no chance that such fringe beliefs will have influence or be accepted by many. My belief that a fetus does not have the same rights as a human being on the other hand, is accepted by literally billions.

The coming of the Christ very soon is important to mention.
Since your the one mentioning it, I declare it a false prophecy based an the words of Jesus himself “13 Keep awake therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.”
Because those people who persecute the unfortunate, needy women, actually believe that they can hurt the poor women and not only get away with it, but they expect to be rewarded in heaven for their mean actions. This is far from the truth.
The Christ, besides correcting most people’s pet beliefs and theories (most of the theories amount to ‘we good, other people bad’), will act quickly to make life better for these poor, defenseless people - ‘the least of these’.
Interestingly enough, the so-called ‘pro-life’ people are also involved in making life more miserable for the poor in other ways - they want to cut medicaid, cut healthcare benefits, they want to cut foodstamps, they want get rid of immigrants/refugees. It is a war on women and poor people, especially poor women.The Christ will stop all this persecution. Abortion will be safe and available everywhere in less than a few years.
These citations are fringe opinions. Similarly there are a few thousand white supremacists in the US  There is no chance that such fringe beliefs will have influence or be accepted by many.
You are kidding yourself, openmind77. One such person, described as a “walking Confederate flag” is currently the front runner in a major conservative political party running for President. :eek:

How is majority opinion “fringe”? But that matters not, since you will not allow your opinions to be influenced by any of the facts.
My belief that a fetus does not have the same rights as a human being on the other hand, is accepted by literally billions.
Of which population exists only in your mind, as evidenced by the fact that you have never produced any proof that these “billions” exist.
The coming of the Christ very soon is important to mention. Because those people who persecute the unfortunate, needy women, actually believe that they can hurt the poor women and not only get away with it, but they expect to be rewarded in heaven for their mean actions. This is far from the truth.
This need not concern us, openmind77, because whoever you are calling “Christ” that you believe is coming is not the same as Jesus who is Lord of Christians. You describe someone who is a liar and murderer from the beginning, and we have another name for that one. 😉
Interestingly enough, the so-called ‘pro-life’ people are also involved in making life more miserable for the poor in other ways - they want to cut medicaid, cut healthcare benefits, they want to cut foodstamps, they want get rid of immigrants/refugees. It is a war on women and poor people, especially poor women.
It is regrettable that the party which championed all these social programs abandoned the prolife plank during the Kennedy era. Now we are in a position where we must select between the lesser of two evils.
 The Christ will stop all this persecution. Abortion will be safe and available everywhere in less than a few years.
Your “Christ” is known by another name amongst us.😊
These citations are fringe opinions.
That citation was from a professor from (the fringe group of) Princeton University, and I mentioned it specifically in response to your assertion that “Nobody ever says that a person after birth is not a human being.…” Unlike your other assertions, this one was rather simple to rebut.
In less than 2 years the Christ will be here. … Within a couple of years after that abortion will be safe and freely available all over the world.
My belief that a fetus does not have the same rights as a human being on the other hand, is accepted by literally billions.
Given that those who would accept your belief about Christ could probably be counted on one hand, does that make it automatically wrong? If right and wrong are determined by how many believe something then this statement is obviously wrong. On the other hand, if truth is determined by something like, well…truth, then the number of people who accept something is irrelevant. So, which is it? Is your claim that billions think like you do irrelevant or are you simply wrong in your belief about Christ?

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