This is not group of people at all. A fetus is not person and terminating a pregnancy has no relationship to either slavery or genocide.
You are right that the unborn baby cannot yet be part of a “group” which implies relating with others. It would be more proper to say “class” of people. You are right, terminating the life of an unborn child is related to a general lack of respect for life in those who are different, which is where it shares characteristics with slavery and genocide. Whenever we degrade the humanity of another, and use that prejudice to take their freedom and life, it is similar to slavery and genocide.
Indeed women who seek abortions are being persecuted all across the country. Their lives have been made so difficult and unbearable. They have to suffer far beyond their unfortunate condition of an unwanted pregnancy because of the actions of self-appointed guardians of morality..
No, openmind77, these women are not “persecuted”. They are also victims of the culture of death, just as you are. To say that pregnancy is “difficult and unbearable” seems to discount the experiences of women who want to keep their babies. yes, pregnancy can be difficult for some, but not “unbearable”. If it were, women would not continue to “bear” children.
How is an unplanned pregnancy an “unfortunate condition”? Those who want their offspring will welcome a pregnancy whether it was planned, or not. What is unfortunate is that they do not see the infinite value of the life within them and many of them feel unsupported and pressured to “get rid of the pregnancy” (murder the child).
If you feel so strongly that they are persecuted and made to suffer, where is the ministry you have founded to meet their needs so they can bring their children to term? Have you set up a housing and community support program? Are you contributing to Right to Life so that resources can be provided to them? Or is your solution to “get rid of the pregnancy” so that you do not have to take any responsibility either?
There are no rewards in heaven for making anyone's life difficult or making them suffer. These actions will have to be answered for on the Day of Judgment.
I agree. Those persons who have chosen to engage in the behavior that we all know results in pregnancies will answer for taking the life of an innocent to avoid the consequences of their choices.
I realize abortion has been condemned by the Church for very long. That does not necessarily mean that it is correct or that the Christ agrees with it. In my opinion, when the Christ returns, he will correct all these misunderstandings
Indeed yes, openmind77, you appear to be in line for a very rude awakening.
I don’t know exactly, but it definitely not within the first six months after conception. When the Christ returns, he will tell us exactly when.
Can you produce any evidence or support of any kind for this arbitrary assertion?
We do not need to wait for His return. If your position was enforced, He too would have been ripped from His mother’s womb.
We do not know when the soul is joined to the human person whose life begins at conception, so we err on the side of safety, and protect the life from that moment until natural death.