God definitely did not give anybody else the right to the woman’s body. So she is the only one (besides God) who has the right to control her body.
That is precisely the problem, openmind. It is not her body. The baby has his own body. The baby is completely at her mercy, defenseless.
As I said before I (along with the majority of the world ) do not believe the fetus is a human being.
You have made this assertion, but you have not shown any evidence to support it. I think you are just grasping at straws and inventing things like this to support yourself.
The Bible says many things I don't agree with, I only consider the words of Jesus as unquestionable truth. The rest is debatable.
How about this:
‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’ 41"Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels;…Matt. 25:40
Would you have ripped Jesus from the womb, would you? If you were a pregnant woman and it was inconvenient (I assure you it was quite inconvenient for Mary) would you have asserted your “rights” over the life within you? Would you have murdered the Son of God?
Whatever we do to the least, we do to Him. And where do those go who do not treat all human beings with the dignity of Christ?
God will give the fetus all the rights as a human being after its birth. As long as it is inside the mother, she has control and speaks for both of them.
She does have control,a nd does speak for both of them, which is why it is so important that she treat that baby as if it were Christ Himself.
There is no point in going in circles with the same thing - I don’t believe (along with most the world) that the fetus is a human being.
I don’t think most of the world agrees with you, openmind. In fact, I think it is the opposite. I think the idea of treating the new life as “the byproducts of conception” was started by Planned Parenthood in the United States.
Ever listen to a woman who wants her child? She never calls it “the pregnancy” or “it”, she calls it “the baby”. It is natural and normal for a mother to think of herself as “with child”.
There is no way you will prove otherwise. Why not just say that you will wait till the Christ comes to prove how correct you are? I will believe anything he says.
Clearly not, since you don’t believe what He has already says.
Science has already proven that the Zygote is a human being.
And as I said before people who hurt anyone including the pregnant woman by making her life worse, will answer for it on Judgment Day.
It is hard to imagine what could make a woman’s life worse than murdering the innocent. What a horrible thing to have on your conscience.