There’s two problems here:I was not talking just about legality, the opinion of majority of the world agrees with my view - that opinion counts for a lot.They deny that terminating a fetus is the same as killing a human being - in other words that the fetus is not a human being. These rights are human rights - the right to control what is inside the woman’s own body. The right not be forced to carry a fetus in her own body.
My contention is that the Christ will agree with this view, and it is best for people not to assume that they know what is right and to try to force the poor women into something they don’t want.
*]You seem to think majority makes right. Sorry, but science isn’t a democracy. You have facts and proof and evidence, and nothing else. And as you saw, science definitively settles the issue on whether a fetus is a human being or not.
*]You got the balancing act wrong; OK, so the woman is suffering, is under a lot of stress, her health is degrading, that all may be true. But if what is in her a human being, do her “rights” to be relieved of these burdens outweigh the dignity and intrinsic value of the human life of the fetus?