I can say he or she will or will not go Hell all I want but that means absolutely nothing. There is no way one person and decide another’s soul fate.
What about the babies in neonatal wards of hospitals? Please explain to me the difference of a baby that is two maybe three months pre-mature being loved and cared for by nurses, doctors, mothers and fathers in a neonatal unit of a hospital and a baby the exact same age, weight and development that is only separated from the world by a thin layer of fat and muscle.
These tiny little babies in neonatal units feel pain and hunger. Can you imagine the horror of the parents and society if a crazed mad man came into the ward, pouring a strong saline solution over these babies thereby burning them to death and then cutting off their arms, legs and heads. Or do I am I imposing my belief on this man when I am horrified by his behavior.
This is exactly what I see happening by abortionists.