Well said. Great advice.Young Thinker:
I don’t know what city or diocese you are in, but there were many great suggestions here about visiting Newman Centers and going to Theology on Tap. At 23, there may be a few graduate students (I’m thinking Psychology or English majors primarily) around your age who may come to the Newman Center. You also may want to check when the Newman Center has Mass on Sunday. You may want to go occasionally. Where I live, 15-20 miles to drive to church seems normal.
Some dioceses have an office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, that might lead you to places for productive fellowship, like Theology on Tap.
I’m glad you are a Knight. Me and another guy were in our 30’s when we joined (I wish now I would of joined in college where I returned to the Catholic Church), and one reason we joined a particular council was there were quite a few men there under 45. Our council has gotten a few more younger members too. I also belonged to a men’s fellowship a few years ago, and one thing my friends and I liked was our group was a good mix of young and old - and we learned quite a bit from the older gentlemen (i.e. 60+). One critique we had was, “you did a good job not placing all the young guys in one group.”
I also know some parishes tend to be friendlier to younger people than others. There’s a parish in my current city where quite a few young people attend, and the pastor is open to letting them be lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, etc. Years ago, I began to attend a certain parish (where I used to live) was they had an active Young Adult Group, and I was 29 years old at that time. The Young Adult Group was primarily 18-35 (average age was about 26), and a mix of single and married people.
My parish does CRHP, and I was really happy to see that many of the younger ladies between 22 and 40 have gotten involved with that, and found community there.
Young Thinker, you may also want to sign on to one of the Catholic Online Dating sites, such as Ave Maria Singles or Catholic Match. Both sites have some forums, where you might also find suggestions to meet other Young Adults at Catholic Events.
Here’s another thought: try setting up a community service event for Young Adult Catholics. Go to about three or four parishes and advertise a Saturday afternoon serving lunch at a soup kitchen. You could also set up an informal evening social at a Starbucks or a local diner.
Hope that helps you out Young Thinker. Good luck.