Why does God create souls he know will wind up in hell?

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I didn’t read the whole thread but the very end. It seems to me that the discussion about the fate of souls depends on God’s foreknowledge. God’s foreknowledge however does not exist. That is true since you can always do the opposite of God’s foreknowledge if you know the foreknowledge. How could you know the foreknowledge? Ask God.
You cannot know God’s foreknowledge, therefore your argument is clearly wrong.
God has always known everything eternally.
God certainly wants that all be saved (I have never denied that)
And so defeats Himself when He creates a soul He knows will deny Him.
Simply false. God has freely chosen to create souls with a free will, and He has always known that this would have represented a limitation to His omnipotence, because He has freely chosen not to save souls against their free will.
I’m going to spell this out as simply as I can so there’s no more breakdown in communication.

A wants B to occur.

A causes event C, which A knows is mutually exclusive to event B.

Therefore, A has caused B to not occur through an informed act.

Therefore, A has willfully defeated their own goal.
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You cannot know God’s foreknowledge, therefore your argument is clearly wrong.
God has always known everything eternally.
People who go to Heaven can know if they just ask it.
People who are in heaven do always God’s will, therefore , even if they could know God’s foreknowledge, they would never do the opposite.

Your God is merciless after all…if he was all merciful, hell wouldn’t exist!


He truly doesn’t care about you because if he truly did and knew you were going to eternal fire, he wouldn’t allow you to be born in the first place!

Maybe both.
Again, poor reasoning that fails to account for free will, and attempts to confine something that is beyond understanding into an overly simplistic proof.
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I fail to see the step that does. What you will for someone to do is independent of what they may actually do.
My entire point is in response to the idea that God knows the fate of a person before their creation. The general concept is that it is self-defeating to create a soul that you know, as a result of their free choices, will directly contradict your end goal that all be saved.
I don’t see why one would even create souls that need the wicked in order to be saved. That still is self-defeating, just slightly less so. One still makes souls that will deny God and prevent His desire from being realised.

If God knows beforehand what a soul will choose, God can simply not realise souls who will go to Hell. Period. I don’t understand why that objection seems to be so hard to get.
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You dont have to. That’s why we have dogma, so we can rest on that without asking why and questioning that which is beyond our understanding. In any case, if you search on CA for the topic, you will find answers that come close to what you are asking. I’m not denying that it is easy.
So just don’t realise those souls either. Problem solved!
questioning that which is beyond our understanding.
The only thing beyond my understanding is how you aren’t seeing the very basic premise behind my argument.
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If there were no wickedness, there would be less means by which one could be saved? Yea, I’ve pondered on that.
Is God incapable of creating a soul which does not require the fear of Hell to love Him?
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