Why does God create souls he know will wind up in hell?

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Your brain goes against revalation.
According to your personal opinion, one I clearly disagree with. I see no conflict.
As such, a being who has not yet had the opportunity to act in a way deserving of punishment is being punished for what they have not done
They do not exist and would never exist. There is no more punishment in that than if a couple decided to not have sex and therefore did not have a child. They did not punish that child because they never existed to be punished. They just never created them.
Well I do.
And that’s your problem, not mine. Just because you think it has to be one way does not mean it must be. There are multiple people here who completely disagree with you and your personal theory about God denies, by necessity, His omnipotence and omnibenevolence.
Because Scripture says “Blessed be God who chose us in Him from the foundation of the world…”
And you choose to interpret that as “God had foreknowledge of our fates” rather than “God knows everyone from the moment of their creation, the same moment as all other creation came to be.”

Can you actually answer any of my objections instead of pushing them off?
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Just because you think it has to be one way does not mean it must be.
It would be a problem if I thought it.
And you choose to interpret that as “God had foreknowledge of our fates” rather than “God knows everyone from the moment of their creation, the same moment as all other creation came to be.”
Not from the moment of creation. From the foundation of the world. Before mankind or the universe even existed!
Not from the moment of creation. From the foundation of the world. Before mankind or the universe even existed!
What does this even mean? Those moments, to God, are all the same.

But I digress, please inform me how God’s genius plan to create damned souls couples with His desire that all be saved.
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God is absolutely omnibenevolent since He wants to save as many souls as possible.
If you’re right, he has a really bad way of going about it.

I mean, think about it. God, in your view, is fully capable of realizing only souls which, by their own relationships with God and His grace, will be saved. If God desires all be saved, why not only realize those souls?
I have already explained this many times; God can save more souls through the fear of Hell. This is the reason why God tells us that Hell exists and that many will go to Hell (see Matthew 7:13, for example); since God never lies, He created also the souls who will go to Hell.
Because there’s no fate of a soul without that soul to carry out that fate!
God’s knowledge does not depend on the act of creation.
God has always known eternally the souls who go to heaven, independently from the act of creation of the universe.
and this is absolutely incompatible with the idea of omnipotent God of the christian faith.
No it is not. God does not need to know that which cannot exist to be omnipotent, unless you think that He knows many other things about logical impossibility which, again, makes no sense at all.
There is no logical impossibility involved in the idea that God has always known eternally the souls who go to heaven, independently from the act of creation of the universe.
Saint Paul clearly believed exactly what I believe (see Ephesians 1:4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world).
You are totally wrong.
God can save more souls through the fear of Hell.
Can God create souls which He knows need no fear to be saved? Yes. Obviously. So this is completely unnecessary and therefore makes God an idiot.
He created also the souls who will go to Hell.
Without knowing beforehand that those souls would choose it because they didn’t exist to choose.
God’s knowledge does not depend on the act of creation.
So God may know things about that which does not exist?
There is no logical impossibility involved in the idea that God has always known eternally the souls who go to heaven, independently from the act of creation of the universe.
Yes there is. One cannot know qualities about that which does not exist, neither abstractly nor physically. Period. Unless, of course, you think God knows about a lot of other things which don’t exist, like square circles or married bachelors or rocks He can’t lift.
Saint Paul clearly believed exactly what I believe (see Ephesians 1:4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world ).
You interpret his words that way. That doesn’t mean you’re correct. Because of the above reasons creating blatant inconsistencies, I can only say that it is you who is totally wrong.
But I digress, please inform me how God’s genius plan to create damned souls couples with His desire that all be saved
Those damned souls have the free will not to be damned and accept God’s grace, just like the people of the Earth could have listened at the time of Noah, or the people of Sodom could have just ten good people instead of just Lot.
And? Means jack diddly squat. God chose to make them knowing they’d go to hell. A free choice, absolutely no compulsion to do so. God created that which defeats His goals. That’s what we call stupid.
The Cross is foolishness to the pagans. God’s folly is wiser than human wisdom.
Uhhh, okay? Still not relevant. The Cross had a very clear goal that it accomplished. It wasn’t self-defeating; it gave mankind a path to salvation after we took our first one away from ourselves.
Only humans lose in this scenario.
No, God does too. God desires all be saved, and God creates souls that cannot be saved. God causes His own desire to be unfulfillable. That’s self-defeat by definition.
God can save more souls through the fear of Hell.
Can God create souls which He knows need no fear to be saved? Yes. Obviously. So this is completely unnecessary and therefore makes God an idiot.
God can create souls which He knows need no fear to be saved but He wants to create also those souls which He knows need fear to be saved, because He wants to save as many souls as possible. This is the point!
There is no logical impossibility involved in the idea that God has always known eternally the souls who go to heaven, independently from the act of creation of the universe.
Yes there is. One cannot know qualities about that which does not exist, neither abstractly nor physically. Period. Unless, of course, you think God knows about a lot of other things which don’t exist, like square circles or married bachelors or rocks He can’t lift.
No, there isn’t. God has always known everything eternally. God has always known that the expression “square circle” is nonsensical, while a soul who goes to Hell, is not nonsensical. Your comparison is nonsensical.
Saint Paul clearly believed exactly what I believe (see Ephesians 1:4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world ).
You interpret his words that way. That doesn’t mean you’re correct.
The verse I quoted is very explicit and clear; from my point of view, you are simply denying the obvious.
God can create souls which He knows need no fear to be saved but He wants to create also those souls which He knows need fear to be saved, because He wants to save as many souls as possible . This is the point!
That makes no sense. So God wants to save as many souls as possible, and therefore creates souls that won’t be saved.

Yep, still self-defeating.

Not only that, but it still defeats God’s goal that all be saved.

God could design us all to not need fear if you’re right and He knows our souls before we’re created. You’re never going to make this make sense, it just doesn’t. Give up.
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God can create souls which He knows need no fear to be saved but He wants to create also those souls which He knows need fear to be saved, because He wants to save as many souls as possible . This is the point!
God could design us all to not need fear if you’re right and He knows our souls before we’re created.
Wrong. God could not have designed my soul in a different way, because that soul would not have been me, but another person. He may have created the other person, but He has chosen to create also me.
Therefore, God could not have designed the souls of those who need the fear of Hell to be saved in a different way, because they would have been other people (nd God may have created those other people); however God has chosen to create also the souls of those who need the fear of Hell to be saved because He wants to save as more souls as possible.
however God has chosen to create also the souls of those who need the fear of Hell to be saved because He wants to save as more souls as possible.
Then the goal that all be saved and the goal that as many as possible be saved are in conflict.

Which one is more important to God? Obviously, you’d say that it’s the former.

In fact, I don’t even think “God desires as many as possible be saved” is Catholic doctrine. I am pretty sure “God desires all be saved” is, which means your argument is based on a false premise!

Edit: Here it is, right from the CCC: http://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/_PJ.HTM
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I didn’t read the whole thread but the very end. It seems to me that the discussion about the fate of souls depends on God’s foreknowledge. God’s foreknowledge however does not exist. That is true since you can always do the opposite of God’s foreknowledge if you know the foreknowledge. How could you know the foreknowledge? Ask God.
And, that – in and of itself – would be the definition of “omniscience”. That is, knowing all that was, is, and will be.
I would add, all that wasn’t, isn’t, and wont be. Especially if such things are indeed manifested in alternate universes.
however God has chosen to create also the souls of those who need the fear of Hell to be saved because He wants to save as more souls as possible.
Then the goal that all be saved and the goal that as many as possible be saved are in conflict.
There is no conflict. God certainly wants that all be saved (I have never denied that), but God knows that some will freely choose evil and won’t be saved.
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