Why doesn't God just not create the bad people to keep them from going to hell

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It is an uncomfortable fact that all of us have the right to choose what to believe and how to live. Do you deny people who strongly disagree with you the right to life even when you know they are making themselves and others extremely miserable?
He keeps using that term “uncomfortable fact” in regards to omniscience, although ts not “uncomfortable” for any theist.

But it apparently seems “uncomfortable” for oldcelt. Seems perhaps his own conscience is weighing on him.
But I have to keep going back to this. The events associated with an ‘existing’ person throughout his life will be affected by people ‘not yet in existence’.
Now God either knows what these events are and so must know things about people ‘not yet in existence’, which contradicts what you are saying, or…God doesn’t know what these events are so doesn’t know everything about ‘existing’ persons’.

You are holding a position which contradicts itself.
Not at all. To deduce some things about people is quite different from knowing all the decisions they make. Conjecture is unacceptable as evidence.
He keeps using that term “uncomfortable fact” in regards to omniscience, although ts not “uncomfortable” for any theist.

But it apparently seems “uncomfortable” for oldcelt. Seems perhaps his own conscience is weighing on him.
“Conscience doth make cowards of us all” according to Hamlet. 🙂
Not at all. To deduce some things about people is quite different from knowing all the decisions they make. Conjecture is unacceptable as evidence.
Tell me if this is not true: The decisions a woman makes in 20 years time will be determined by events which will themselves be determined by people who are not yet in existence. That is, we cannot know what her decisions are likely to be now because we don’t know the circumstances which will pertain then.

Either God is in the same boat as us (you keep saying that He cannot know the minds of those not created) or He is not.

If He is restricted in the same way as we are, then he is not omniscient.

If He is not restricted then He knows what the decisions are of those not created. And it follows from that that if the decisions they make will end up with them being in hell, then God knows that they will end up in hell when He creates them.

Which is it?
He keeps using that term “uncomfortable fact” in regards to omniscience, although ts not “uncomfortable” for any theist.

But it apparently seems “uncomfortable” for oldcelt. Seems perhaps his own conscience is weighing on him.
Again making assumptions about another’s conscience. Mine is just fine , thank you very much. If theist’s are not uncomfortable with their god’s omniscience (another assumption on your part), then they should be. Their fate is already known and there is nothing they can do about it.
Not at all. To deduce some things about people is quite different from knowing all the decisions they make. Conjecture is unacceptable as evidence.
Tony, your church says that your god’s knowledge of future events and actions is infallible. That pretty much says it all for a Catholic.
It is an uncomfortable fact that all of us have the right to choose what to believe and how to live. Do you deny people who strongly disagree with you the right to life even when you know they are making themselves and others extremely miserable?
Certainly not. The right to disagree with me is absolute. The only justification I can think of for taking another’s life is self-defense or defense of family.
Again making assumptions about another’s conscience.
Not assumptions, observations(hence the terms “seems” and “perhaps”).
Mine is just fine , thank you very much.
If you say so. There is something to be said of someone who a is a materialist and at the same time is a deist.
If theist’s are not uncomfortable with their god’s omniscience (another assumption on your part), then they should be. Their fate is already known and there is nothing they can do about it.
That “fate” is the result of their(and your) free choice, not determined by the knowledge which God possesses.

As Jesus told His followers:
"[27] And he said, Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father's house, [28] for I have five brothers, so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment.' [29] But Abraham said, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.’
[30] And he said, `No, father Abraham; but if some one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’

[31] He said to him, `If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced if some one should rise from the dead.’"
That “fate” is the result of their(and your) free choice, not determined by the knowledge which God possesses.
Let me try this…

God appears before you and you, naturally, would like to know what is to become of you so you ask Him. He says that you are going to end up in hell. Not ‘maybe end up’ or ‘end up depending on what decisions you make’, but definitely end up there. God knows, because he is omniscient. It cannot be any other way. If you have a goose, it is now well and truly cooked. Yet you have all the free will you desire.

So if you have free will (and you do) and you can make all the choices you want using that free will (and you can), tell me what you can do to avoid going to hell.

Unless you want to argue that somehow you can prove God wrong or argue that somehow He has made a mistake then the answer is ‘nothing’.
Let me try this…

God appears before you and you, naturally, would like to know what is to become of you so you ask Him. He says that you are going to end up in hell. Not ‘maybe end up’ or ‘end up depending on what decisions you make’, but definitely end up there. God knows, because he is omniscient. It cannot be any other way. If you have a goose, it is now well and truly cooked. Yet you have all the free will you desire.

So if you have free will (and you do) and you can make all the choices you want using that free will (and you can), tell me what you can do to avoid going to hell.

Unless you want to argue that somehow you can prove God wrong or argue that somehow He has made a mistake then the answer is ‘nothing’.
The problem with your scenario is that I would most definitely end up in hell because I would attempt to do everything except that which would grant me entrance into heaven: believing in God, trusting His mercy, receiving the sacraments and cooperating in grace to grow in prayer and virtue.

That’s the thing about preternatural knowledge: you’re told the future, then you think you can avoid that future by supposing that you can make all the alternate choices which would keep you from the future which you know. Yet what happens is that every choice you then make to avoid the future you know leads you inexorably towards the very thing which you’re trying to avoid. Thus what you’re told would happen to you in fact does happen to by the very fact that you chose it.

Thank God I do not know the future.

;)Nice try.
The problem with your scenario is that I would most definitely end up in hell because I would attempt to do everything except that which would grant me entrance into heaven: believing in God, trusting His mercy, receiving the sacraments and cooperating in grace to grow in prayer and virtue.

That’s the thing about preternatural knowledge: you’re told the future, then you think you can avoid that future by supposing that you can make all the alternate choices which would keep you from the future which you know. Yet what happens is that every choice you then make to avoid the future you know leads you inexorably towards the very thing which you’re trying to avoid. Thus what you’re told would happen to you in fact does happen to by the very fact that you chose it.
I’m glad that you agree. Even with all the free will you want, you can’t do anything. From God’s viewpoint (He can see everything throughout all time), you already have made the choices which will send you to hell. From your perspective, you can do nothing but make those choice (‘what happens is that every choice you then make to avoid the future you know leads you inexorably towards the very thing which you’re trying to avoid’).

It’s a funny sort of free will where you can’t use it to change anything.
Thank God I do not know the future.
You don’t. But God does. And that is the whole point.
Like you, here’s a similar situation I found myself in, about God’s creating abilities:

God created everything and is all powerful (most Catholics would agree with this statement), so then why did God who can see the future (within his powerfulness) create things as horrible as pederasts, Satan, jealousy, etc…knowing that at least one of his “beloved children” were going to encounter these horrendous things.

People usually respond with, “God is mysterious, and he has a divine plan.”

Well, then that means that everything is predetermined by God (again his future seeing powers come into play).

So then we DON’T have free choice. So why would consistent unrepenting murderers, pedophiles, theives, cheats, etc…be a bad people and condemned to hell if they were part of God’s divine plan???

So to answer your question, per my analysis of your and my situation, I think it is because God is imaginary. Please be kind, respectful, and logical to my post. TIA
I’m glad that you agree. Even with all the free will you want, you can’t do anything. From God’s viewpoint (He can see everything throughout all time), you already have made the choices which will send you to hell. From your perspective, you can do nothing but make those choice (‘what happens is that every choice you then make to avoid the future you know leads you inexorably towards the very thing which you’re trying to avoid’).

It’s a funny sort of free will where you can’t use it to change anything.
Because you’re supposing a false definition of “free” or “freedom”. I’ve been telling you this the entire time.

Nor does it make the will any less free. It’s not the freedom you possess which is the problem but the will, or the appetites that you direct the will towards, which are the problem.

Now with that knowledge you are free to redirect the appetites of your will to a correspondence or identity with God’s, which in time leads to conversion and then salvation.


You can choose that freedom is inconsequential and do nothing to direct your will to the good and thus wind up in hell.

Either way you made a free choice which was not necessary and which God “possessed” knowledge of.
You don’t. But God does. And that is the whole point.
And its a non-point.
Like you, here’s a similar situation I found myself in, about God’s creating abilities:

God created everything and is all powerful (most Catholics would agree with this statement), so then why did God who can see the future (within his powerfulness) create things as horrible as pederasts, Satan, jealousy, etc…knowing that at least one of his “beloved children” were going to encounter these horrendous things.

People usually respond with, “God is mysterious, and he has a divine plan.”

Well, then that means that everything is predetermined by God (again his future seeing powers come into play).

So then we DON’T have free choice. So why would consistent unrepenting murderers, pedophiles, theives, cheats, etc…be a bad people and condemned to hell if they were part of God’s divine plan???

So to answer your question, per my analysis of your and my situation, I think it is because God is imaginary. Please be kind, respectful, and logical to my post. TIA
Welcome aboard and good luck in getting that answer. Mostly, people have been dropping out…I can only assume why.
It’s a funny sort of free will where you can’t use it to change anything.
I would replace your word funny with imaginary. As imaginary is the only way to explain it.

I mean, you either have free will or you don’t. Which is it? Either God has a divine plan (which is perfect per Catholic dogma) or God is letting us do as we please to gain entry into Heaven or be damned to Hell.

So, if it’s the former, then we are just all part of his plan, including pederasts, murderers, and porn actors. If it’s the latter, then the book of Revelations and like books are just fairy tales.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but please provide direct quotes and logic, as opposed to simply saying I’m wrong BECAUSE. TIA
Because you’re supposing a false definition of “free” or “freedom”. I’ve been telling you this the entire time.
Well, far be it from me to disagree. If you have been telling me then it must have too deep and meaningful for me to follow.

But honestly, I don’t care what definition of free will you use. I don’t care how you describe freedom. I’m just glad that whatever and however you describe what has been commonly described in these posts as ‘free will’ (whatever you perceive that to be), it doesn’t do a thing to change the fact that if you are created bound for hell, then there is nothing you can do about it (‘what happens is that every choice you then make to avoid the future you know leads you inexorably towards the very thing which you’re trying to avoid’).

As you said, it’s lucky for you (and for all of us) that we don’t know the future. Imagine knowing as a fact that whatever choices you made in life you were going to end up in hell.
So why would consistent unrepenting murderers, pedophiles, theives, cheats, etc…be a bad people and condemned to hell if they were part of God’s divine plan???
Well, now we have eventually got agreement that it is all preordained, we can ask that question. Although getting thus far has been something of a trial. I think the thread may reach 1,000 posts before we even get close to an answer (and I think posts are automatically closed at that point).

And welcome to the forum. And I wonder how many people will have to look up your scriptural reference.
Like you, here’s a similar situation I found myself in, about God’s creating abilities:

God created everything and is all powerful (most Catholics would agree with this statement), so then why did God who can see the future (within his powerfulness) create things as horrible as pederasts, Satan, jealousy, etc…knowing that at least one of his “beloved children” were going to encounter these horrendous things.

People usually respond with, “God is mysterious, and he has a divine plan.”

Well, then that means that everything is predetermined by God (again his future seeing powers come into play).

So then we DON’T have free choice. So why would consistent unrepenting murderers, pedophiles, theives, cheats, etc…be a bad people and condemned to hell if they were part of God’s divine plan???

So to answer your question, per my analysis of your and my situation, I think it is because God is imaginary. Please be kind, respectful, and logical to my post. TIA
That’s a non-sequitur. Omniscience doesn’t “predetermine” human acts. You atheists or anti-theists keep falling into the same irrational conclusion based upon the same fallacious premise.
That “fate” is the result of their(and your) free choice, not determined by the knowledge which God possesses.

As Jesus told His followers:
"[27] And he said, Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father's house, [28] for I have five brothers, so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment.' [29] But Abraham said, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.’
[30] And he said, `No, father Abraham; but if some one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’

[31] He said to him, `If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced if some one should rise from the dead.’"
So, do you believe this explicitly or are you just interpreting this? And if you are interpreting, can you break your logic down please, so I understand better?
That’s a non-sequitur. Omniscience doesn’t “predetermine” human acts. You atheists or anti-theists keep falling into the same irrational conclusion based upon the same fallacious premise.
Please explain to me as to why the statement does not follow from my previous argument? So I may understand better.

If my premise is mistaken, then I would greatly appreciate correction. TIA
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