Why I am a Catholic vegan

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A lot of people think that being a vegetarian is weird. Many people probably also think that being a vegan is being a tree-hugging nut, right? Well, I am here to tell you that I became a vegan for simple moral reasons. I became a vegetarian first, followed by going on to veganism. I learned about a meat industry that abuses most animals, and how their life is miserable until they are inhumanely killed. I encourage everyone here to explore vegetarianism and maybe even veganism. Here are some sites to get you started, or at least thinking.

Being vegetarian or vegan is definitely not weird. Considering all of the hormones pumped into the meat we eat (and subsequently the dairy) it’s the healthy choice. I’m toying with the idea of going completely to raw foods. What’s your opinion on that?
Vegans, Vegetarians…whatever you call them is just another fringe of the bleeding heart left…I guess they don’t think they are killing plants when they eat them. God put animals on this earth to sustain life…to have a complete food chain…we are supposed to eat them…and I plan on continuing to eat them.
Hmmm… How about why you’re a Catholic Vega? That would make an interesting thread, if one is into cars.
Vegans, Vegetarians…whatever you call them is just another fringe of the bleeding heart left…I guess they don’t think they are killing plants when they eat them. God put animals on this earth to sustain life…to have a complete food chain…we are supposed to eat them…and I plan on continuing to eat them.
I disagree. That may be true for some, but as I posted above, the thought as entered my mind for HEALTH reasons (i.e. not wanting to ingest insane amount of hormones).

You wrote: “That may be true for some, but as I posted above, the thought as entered my mind for HEALTH reasons (i.e. not wanting to ingest insane amount of hormones).”

But one does not have to become either a vegetarian or a vegan to avoid hormones. There are plenty of places to buy meat that hasn’t been treated, from farmers using organic practices. It’s not that hard to find.

I’m afraid that I think what dumspirospero wrote is largeley true: I know a number of vegetarians and vegans, and most of them subscribe to this lifestyle bacause of what they see as “moral” reasons. Most are pro-abortion, but whoa, look out if an animal is subjected to cruelty!! Now, I happen to be against cruelty myself (how brave of me, eh?), but I used to live on a farm in farm country and so am unimpressed by the simplistic, anthropomorphic, Walt Disney, cutesy-pie notions of animals and farming that these people seem to cling to. I see it as a “religion substitute” in many case, giving these people a much-needed sense of purpose. How very sad that the plight of their fellow men (which are often seen as a cancer upon the earth) does not move them so. Indeed, one vegan I knew attempted suicide a few years ago—he saw himself as a scourge on the planet and so acted according to his convictions. Need I tell you that this man is NOT religious, being raised Unitarian to the extent that he received any religious upbringing at all?

CatholicVegan has not answered the arguments that have been raised on this thread. Instead, I saw a post from her on another thread, where she attempts to justify voting for pro-abortion Kerry because of (drum roll please as the “proportional evil” is trotted out) the environment. God help us all…

You wrote: “That may be true for some, but as I posted above, the thought as entered my mind for HEALTH reasons (i.e. not wanting to ingest insane amount of hormones).”

But one does not have to become either a vegetarian or a vegan to avoid hormones. There are plenty of places to buy meat that hasn’t been treated, from farmers using organic practices. It’s not that hard to find.

I’m afraid that I think what dumspirospero wrote is largeley true: I know a number of vegetarians and vegans, and most of them subscribe to this lifestyle bacause of what they see as “moral” reasons. Most are pro-abortion, but whoa, look out if an animal is subjected to cruelty!! Now, I happen to be against cruelty myself (how brave of me, eh?), but I used to live on a farm in farm country and so am unimpressed by the simplistic, anthropomorphic, Walt Disney, cutesy-pie notions of animals and farming that these people seem to cling to. I see it as a “religion substitute” in many case, giving these people a much-needed sense of purpose. How very sad that the plight of their fellow men (which are often seen as a cancer upon the earth) does not move them so. Indeed, one vegan I knew attempted suicide a few years ago—he saw himself as a scourge on the planet and so acted according to his convictions. Need I tell you that this man is NOT religious, being raised Unitarian to the extent that he received any religious upbringing at all?

CatholicVegan has not answered the arguments that have been raised on this thread. Instead, I saw a post from her on another thread, where she attempts to justify voting for pro-abortion Kerry because of (drum roll please as the “proportional evil” is trotted out) the environment. God help us all…
Well said! If by “environment” CatholicVegan is trying to use the arguement that our populations are rising too fast and therefore we must kill off some of our young, this is not only reprensible in terms of the moral law, but is based upon trendy “junk science”. Paul Ehrilich’s *Population Bomb *was typical of the 1970s attempt to use poor science to justify controversial social causes. I have an article waiting publication review at a Catholic magazine right now on this general topic. The truth of the matter is that, since the 1950s, we have lost 114 million potential lives due to the downturn in domestic fertility rates. Meanwhile, countries such as France and Russia are looking at more than a downturn in growth. Their populations face an even more frightening scenario in the future–e.g. the Islamization of France.

To address a related issue of this discussion… I also have a problem with Disney, as I think that their moral agenda is snuck into many of their films in a self righteous and deplorable way. On the other hand, as a children’s writer and husband of a children’s illustrator, let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water. Their is nothing wrong with children’s stories which feature talking animals–otherwise Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and George MacDonald would be on the banned list! My books, for example, feature talking animals as main characters, but it is always clear that it is fantasy that we’re talking about here. If adults can’t discern fantasy from reality, we have bigger problems that Disney!
The Church teaches in the Creed of the Council of Toledo (AD 400 and 447): “Canon XVII. If anyone saith or believeth that the flesh of birds or of animals, which hath been given for food, not only ought to be abstained from for the chastising of the body, but ought to abhorred, let him be anathema.” (Denzinger 37)

If anyone abstains from eating animals for any reason other than penance, he is anathema. That is, he is not a Catholic. This is quoted by Denzinger as a source of Catholic Dogma. That means if someone is against the eating of animals because their “rights” (which no being can have rigths without also having duties) are violated, then he is not a Catholic and is anathematized.
N.B.: The Canon from the Council of Toledo, which canon was added in the Session in the Year of our Lord 447, was against the Priscillianists. They were a gnostic-manichaean sect in Spain in the 4-6 centuries, named after its first leader, Priscillian, bishop of Avila. His condemnation and execution by a civil court, at the instance of Ithacius, bishop of Ossanova, was protested against by Pope St. Siricius, St. Martin of Tours and St. Ambrose.
The Church teaches in the Creed of the Council of Toledo (AD 400 and 447): “Canon XVII. If anyone saith or believeth that the flesh of birds or of animals, which hath been given for food, not only ought to be abstained from for the chastising of the body, but ought to abhorred, let him be anathema.” (Denzinger 37)

If anyone abstains from eating animals for any reason other than penance, he is anathema. That is, he is not a Catholic. This is quoted by Denzinger as a source of Catholic Dogma. That means if someone is against the eating of animals because their “rights” (which no being can have rigths without also having duties) are violated, then he is not a Catholic and is anathematized.
Can’t one also draw some pretty significant similarities between the cult of the Manichees as referenced by Saint Augustine in *Confessions *and the Vegan’s belief structure?
That is why I hunt and fish…no hormones being injected into those animals
I disagree. That may be true for some, but as I posted above, the thought as entered my mind for HEALTH reasons (i.e. not wanting to ingest insane amount of hormones).
Amen Sherlock…stole the words right out of my mouth…especially the part about Vegan trying to justify voting for pro abortion Kery.

You wrote: “That may be true for some, but as I posted above, the thought as entered my mind for HEALTH reasons (i.e. not wanting to ingest insane amount of hormones).”

But one does not have to become either a vegetarian or a vegan to avoid hormones. There are plenty of places to buy meat that hasn’t been treated, from farmers using organic practices. It’s not that hard to find.

I’m afraid that I think what dumspirospero wrote is largeley true: I know a number of vegetarians and vegans, and most of them subscribe to this lifestyle bacause of what they see as “moral” reasons. Most are pro-abortion, but whoa, look out if an animal is subjected to cruelty!! Now, I happen to be against cruelty myself (how brave of me, eh?), but I used to live on a farm in farm country and so am unimpressed by the simplistic, anthropomorphic, Walt Disney, cutesy-pie notions of animals and farming that these people seem to cling to. I see it as a “religion substitute” in many case, giving these people a much-needed sense of purpose. How very sad that the plight of their fellow men (which are often seen as a cancer upon the earth) does not move them so. Indeed, one vegan I knew attempted suicide a few years ago—he saw himself as a scourge on the planet and so acted according to his convictions. Need I tell you that this man is NOT religious, being raised Unitarian to the extent that he received any religious upbringing at all?

CatholicVegan has not answered the arguments that have been raised on this thread. Instead, I saw a post from her on another thread, where she attempts to justify voting for pro-abortion Kerry because of (drum roll please as the “proportional evil” is trotted out) the environment. God help us all…
Im very dissapointed that catholicvegan didnt answer my post or the others here Id be very interested to see what she’d say.😦
Being vegetarian for taste and health reasons I can accept or even for penitential reasons. But I find serious flaws in any of the moral arguments.

For one, animals are NOT humans. They do not share the same intellect, nor range of emotions. Baby deer never know who their father is, and they don’t care. Papa bears will eat their own cubs given the opportunity. Horses don’t love their owners - they love oats and security.

God, in his infinite wisdom, gave each animal a role. Some animals are, without a doubt, food sources for other animals. Do you think God is going to give rabbits a strong bond with their offspring, when baby rabbits suffer an extremely high mortality rate? If God is merciful, mother rabbits get over the death of their young by the next hour.

The animal rights activists just don’t have a clue. They don’t understand animals. They personify them. This became obvious to me when I found a PeTA hand-out under the windshield of my car at a sleg-dog race. PeTA thinks it’s cruel to make dogs pull sleds, mainly because they wouldn’t want to be the ones pulling. But from what I’ve witnessed, one of the worst punishments a dog handler can give his dog is to leash him to the back of the sled and not allow the dog to pull. Think about that.

Animals have a different set of needs and emotions than humans.

You wrote: “That may be true for some, but as I posted above, the thought as entered my mind for HEALTH reasons (i.e. not wanting to ingest insane amount of hormones).”

But one does not have to become either a vegetarian or a vegan to avoid hormones. There are plenty of places to buy meat that hasn’t been treated, from farmers using organic practices. It’s not that hard to find.

Please tell me where? I thought Amish foods were safe until I met someone who worked on their farms and although the Amish themselves will not inject the hormones, their non-Amish workers do it for them. I try buying cage-free eggs but I’ve also heard that this is not what it seems.

Any advice outside of raising them or killing them myself is greatly aprreciated.
catholicvegan I have a question for you. first Im hypoglycemic, when hungery I need to eat to balance out my low blood sugar, starches and carbs hardly work, I need protein. second I have an extremely high propensity to for oxalate kidney stones, plant protein like soy nad peanuts are loaded with oxalate so they are a big no no for me, but animal protein has no oxalate. if you had my 2 conditions that I stated in this post, what would you do? how owuld you handle it? you are young now, but someday when you are older this may be your problem too, better think on it at least a little bit.
Um, well, I’m a vegan, and I realize that nobody really does care, but this is the internet, so I can say whatever I want: I’m am vegan not because I eschew the eating of animal products for moral or religious reasons. And I don’t see the eating of animals as immoral, either. Obviously, to any one that knows me, I wasn’t born a vegan, but very much an omnivore, and NO ONE has convinced me to become vegan. I simply convinced myself, after I tried one summer to live only on a raw, vegan diet. It was glorious, let me tell you. Soon I searched for an explanation as to why all of my previous physical and mental ailments had left me. I soon found the book, “The pH Miracle,” by Dr. Robert O., and Shelly Young. I read it and it explained everything. I highly recommend this book to ANYONE that seeks to improve his/her health. The reason that the dissenting of animal products makes one healthier is because animal products contain high amounts of acid, as well as grains. This is a problem, because our bodies are designed to stay alkaline, and when acidic foods are eaten, the body must pull minerals such as calcium, and magnesium our of our tissues to buffer the high acid content of those foods. This leads to muscle cramping, soreness, osteoporosis, and every (dis)ease known to mankind.
Sure, people in biblical times ate all kinds of animal foods, but they also exercised a lot more than we do today, and they lived to be… what - 45? I’d imagine that in today’s world, most of us would like to live to be 100. And since the death of the body is a result of complete acidosis, that is, the body straying permanently away from the desired pH of 7.435, the only way to lengthen one’s life is to eat predominently alkaline foods, and avoid acidic ones. I agree, I don’t like PETA, either. But I can honestly assure you, that as this whole world continues to become sicker, more and more people will convert to a vegan diet. Justifying an acidic lifestyle is really the justification of slowly killing yourself. You do have a choice; do not make it sound like you don’t.
I admire vegans and vegetarians…not so sure I could be vegan but could possibly be vegetarian…eating eggs and cheese also…
I follow a vegan diet with loads of nuts and green veggies and lost 30 pounds in a month.
That sounds like something worth trying.
I eat as many vegetables as I can. And after reading this thread, I will try to eat more than before. I don’t think that I could succeed in adopting strict vegetarianism as a way of life.
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