Why is Catholic Bashing soooo popular?

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I think it is the history of this country. Most early settlers were not Catholic. There were not that many Catholics until the big immigration of the mid/late 1800’s.
The early settlers, the pilgrim fathers, were protestant. The protestant denominations hated each other! This changed, and they began to join together…against catholicism! This is largely due to some of my fellow countrymen emigrating in search of a new life, and bringing their faith with them.
Thank you my dear friend in Christ. Well done and appreciated.:clapping:

But this leads me to ask a follow-up question and to add a coment.

If the SB’s accepted this Teaching, inspired from God, why did
“96%” of black people vote for PE Obama?🤷

My comment is: as I point one finger “at them” I am fully aware that I am pointing three fingers back at us Catholics, who too supported PE Obama, by a margin in excess of 50%.

Shocking, absolutely Shacking:eek: 😊

Dear God help us. Know that God will seek His Vengence for such blantant disreguard for His Commandment.:o
With regard to your question, I’m afraid the Southern Baptists have little to with the black vote. Baptist churches tend to break down over racial lines in practice (although no membership qualifications regarding race exist). Churches of the Southern Baptist Convention are majority white, those of the National Baptist Convention are majority black. Such is tragic relic of slavery and the history of the South, I’m afraid. They are completely different organizations.

The SBC is pro-life, while the NBC takes an ambiguous line from what I can tell. Many conservatives in the black churches are decidedly pro-life, but they are the minority and the national leadership does not seem to want to touch the issue. Leaders like Al Sharpton and William Shaw have said and continue to say things like this when pressed with the issue, “For too long abortion and gay rights have driven agendas. Let’s talk about poverty and civil rights.”

In this way the importance of the issue is minimized in both the spiritual and political contexts. I’m sure this makes it easier for many to discard this issue when thinking about their vote - the issues are framed in the very way that encourages this. So the tragedy continues.
Good point Leroy. In the Uk Catholic ‘bashing’ revived after the waves of Irish immigration in the mid-19th century and the Catholic revival following the Oxford Movement in the High Church which led to the defection of a number of intellectuals to Rome. It was futher influenced by the declaration of Papal Infallbility and the subsequent attack on Catholicism by Gladstone the Liberal Prime Minister.
Today it continues from both protestants and secular circles - but much more subversive in nature - making out Catholic Church to be hiding the truth abut Jesus, Mary Magdelene, the holy grail, Pope Joan, the Knights Templar etc. and duping its followers with untruths.

On a lighter note the secularists put a poster on a bus in London at Christmas. It read "There probably isn’t a God so live life and enjoy yourselves " to which some wit added ( in white paint ) ‘However, if there is a God your f********’ (Apologies for the language - the wits words not mine)
On a lighter note the secularists put a poster on a bus in London at Christmas. It read "There probably isn’t a God so live life and enjoy yourselves " to which some wit added ( in white paint ) ‘However, if there is a God your f********’ (Apologies for the language - the wits words not mine)
LOL, Yes, Pascal’s wager all over again.😃
…Christ said it will be like this. He told us the world would hate us for His sake…
Use a little humor. Look slightly up to the left, crack a smile, and say, “Jesus told me you’d do that.” Then look them straight in the eye and wink at them and give them a warm smile and let the Holy Spirit fill their hearts with a warmth they will never forget.

Use a little humor. Look slightly up to the left, crack a smile, and say, “Jesus told me you’d do that.” Then look them straight in the eye and wink at them and give them a warm smile and let the Holy Spirit fill their hearts with a warmth they will never forget.

I like that 😃
Use a little humor. Look slightly up to the left, crack a smile, and say, “Jesus told me you’d do that.” Then look them straight in the eye and wink at them and give them a warm smile and let the Holy Spirit fill their hearts with a warmth they will never forget.

You just gave ONE perfect reason of many. why people bash catholics. "Jesus told me to do that" you say. Jesus never told you ANYTHING! A big LIE! Better go to confession my friend. From a former catholic. UNBELIEVABLE! The BS keeps comin' I have seen it for years.(LOL)
You just gave ONE perfect reason of many. why people bash catholics. “Jesus told me to do that” you say.
Am I reading your words correctly that you like and enjoy bashing catholics?
Jesus never told you ANYTHING!
Do the gospels contain the teachings of Jesus or not? Jesus is reported in the gospels to have told his followers that they would be persecuted because of Him. So, he did not specifically speak to me or you, but he did speak.
A big LIE! Better go to confession my friend. From a former catholic. UNBELIEVABLE!
Two questions - what is the lie and whom is the former catholic? Both you and the person you quoted list in your profiles that you are currently catholics.
The BS keeps comin’ I have seen it for years.(LOL)
What do you find humorous and is making you “LOL”?

God bless
Was catholic now non-practicing catholic. I don’t believe they will let me change my profile.
Jesus told me......is a subjective view.  People bash catholics because they want objective answers.

Use to believe in the gospels.  With so much information out there today seeing both sides for the first time there is no clear evidence that these 4 writers actually wrote the gospels.  No eyewitness accounts of jesus.

Its sad that only catholics are allowed to post on this forum.  You can only argue amongs yourselves and never get objective views from outsiders as to why people bash catholics.

 I will probably now be removed from this forum.   Thats too bad.  More one sidedness.
You can only argue amongs yourselves and **never get objective views from outsiders **as to why people bash catholics.
So only outsiders have objective views. What are you the enlightened one? If so, what are we??? If you are the enlightened one, you would also know that Catholic is with a capital C.
So only outsiders have objective views. What are you the enlightened one? If so, what are we??? If you are the enlightened one, you would also know that Catholic is with a capital C.
My point is based on the question. "Why is catholic bashing sooo popular?
 The question should be why do people bash the catholic church and its authority.   People don't generally bash catholics.

  Many catholics I know bash the church and its authority.

   The lies and cover ups by the church authorities regarding the sex abuse scandal that encompasses all 186?  dioceses in the USA and countless countries worldwide.  A lot of derserved bashing there. 

  MOST catholics today practice or have practiced on a regular basis a form of birth control the church says is a mortal sin.

  Milllions of catholics have had pre-marital sex on a regular basis.  Mortal sin according to the church.

   Recent polls indicate that over 70% of catholics believe celebacy should be optional.  Over half of all priests believe celibacy should be optional.  The pope say NO!

   Pope says protestants do not have real churches they are just communities.   Can the church get more arrogant then that.

   Church is divided between conservative, liberal and non practicing catholics.   

    Church attendance in most western culture democracies is falling quickly.  Secularism is growing as fast.

    A large number of catholics don't believe in the creation story in the bible.  The information is there recent polls done.

    These are just a few reasons that catholics (C) and non catholics (C) bash the church authority.   People do not have the attachment as simpleton people from generatons before did.  The church spoke and they listened.  Those days are way behind us.

     People today are more interested in whats going on in their life rather then what is going on with the church.   I'm with them.
So only outsiders have objective views. What are you the enlightened one? If so, what are we??? If you are the enlightened one, you would also know that Catholic is with a capital C.
Deacon Ed:

Why do you refer to non catholics as outsiders? Shaking my head in disgust.
If you personally know or knew of a priest who had or is molesting a child would you call the police and report what you know?
Deacon Ed:

Why do you refer to non catholics as outsiders? Shaking my head in disgust.
If you personally know or knew of a priest who had or is molesting a child would you call the police and report what you know?
If you will read post 325 you will see that I was quoting directly from that post, put on the forum by YOU, not calling others outsiders. And yes, if I knew a priest who molested a child, I would call the police and the bishop. If this were reported to me in counseling, I could not report it, but if not in counseling, I could. and would.
I grew up an protestant who was taught to believe that catholics are going to hell. They main argument was that catholics believe that they are saved by works instead of grace. When I grew up I went to Liberty University to become a pastor and the more I studied the original language, history, and expressions of the biblical text I was amazed how far off the protestant interpretations where and how everything pointed me to the catholic church. I realized that faith is shown by works! If you love someone you show it! it is the same with God. It is taught by almost each christian sect ( which I have gone to many) that they each are right and everyone else is going to hell. Since the catholic church is the biggest church and has the most to claim, it is also the most attacked by such groups. The devil attacks those who are closest to God the most! I finally opened my heart and stoped listening to others and found my way home to the catholic church that I persecuted so much in the past>
I grew up an protestant who was taught to believe that catholics are going to hell. They main argument was that catholics believe that they are saved by works instead of grace. When I grew up I went to Liberty University to become a pastor and the more I studied the original language, history, and expressions of the biblical text I was amazed how far off the protestant interpretations where and how everything pointed me to the catholic church. I realized that faith is shown by works! If you love someone you show it! it is the same with God. It is taught by almost each christian sect ( which I have gone to many) that they each are right and everyone else is going to hell. Since the catholic church is the biggest church and has the most to claim, it is also the most attacked by such groups. The devil attacks those who are closest to God the most! I finally opened my heart and stoped listening to others and found my way home to the catholic church that I persecuted so much in the past>
What source of information do you have that the devil (I don’t believe in the devil) attacks those who are closest to God the most? Its easy to spin a story but I would like to know when the devil told you this information?
You say faith is shown by works.   Statistics will show that most catholics, protestants, jews, hindus, muslims are so because of indoctrinization by their parents into the faith at an early age.   What determines most believers is what part of the world you were born in.  No one is any better then anyone else.  If you  happen to be born in Israel you will probably believe jesus is not the son of god.  If you were born in the middle east you would get your information from the quaran.  Born in north america probably a christian faith.   By most measurement standards most people are the faith that their parents wanted them to be.  In your case you used your learned ability and knowledge to help you determine what faith you wanted to follow in YOUR life.

 Today I believe baptisms should not be performed on babies or anyone under the age of 18.  Children should be taught the laws of the land, learn worldly religions and about non believers if you so desire and make educated decisions like you did when becoming an adult.   Indoctrinating someone is just a form of brainwashing through family tradition that has carried on for centuries.  It might sound harsh but its true.  I am a product of that system.

 Today more then ever a lot of catholics and non catholics do not look to a spiritual leader such as the pope to direct their lives.  The pope has made many statements that contradict what many people today do not believe.   People today are the best educated ever and with information such as the internet people can find arguments for and against organized religion.  Just a few years ago this was not possible.  You learned and believed what you were told to believe.   We are quickly moving towards secularism.  It might not be for YOU but everyone has their own personal reasoning why they accept that or organized religion.
If you will read post 325 you will see that I was quoting directly from that post, put on the forum by YOU, not calling others outsiders. And yes, if I knew a priest who molested a child, I would call the police and the bishop. If this were reported to me in counseling, I could not report it, but if not in counseling, I could. and would.
For decades thousands of priests  molested our children and for decades not ONE (that I am aware of) priest or bishop reported these felony crimes to authorities.  The victims of these crimes are the ones that notified authorities.  There are and were families of these victims who did NOT want their son/daughter to report this for fear of offending the church. 

 Any priest/bishop/cardinal who was ever aware (and I am sure there were many) of children being molested by any church official and did nothing, only  to protect the church or their  job should also be charged with obstructing  justice.

  I would make the same statement to anyone of any faith or belief system laity or church officials.   This is another reason for the bashing of the church.  They did NOTHING to protect our children.  The apology in my opinion from the Pope was too late and I believe the Pope was well aware of these travesties long ago before he was Pope.    My opinion.
What source of information do you have that the devil (I don’t believe in the devil) attacks those who are closest to God the most? Its easy to spin a story but I would like to know when the devil told you this information?
You say faith is shown by works.   Statistics will show that most catholics, protestants, jews, hindus, muslims are so because of indoctrinization by their parents into the faith at an early age.   What determines most believers is what part of the world you were born in.  No one is any better then anyone else.  If you  happen to be born in Israel you will probably believe jesus is not the son of god.  If you were born in the middle east you would get your information from the quaran.  Born in north america probably a christian faith.   By most measurement standards most people are the faith that their parents wanted them to be.  In your case you used your learned ability and knowledge to help you determine what faith you wanted to follow in YOUR life.

 Today I believe baptisms should not be performed on babies or anyone under the age of 18.  Children should be taught the laws of the land, learn worldly religions and about non believers if you so desire and make educated decisions like you did when becoming an adult.   Indoctrinating someone is just a form of brainwashing through family tradition that has carried on for centuries.  It might sound harsh but its true.  I am a product of that system.

 Today more then ever a lot of catholics and non catholics do not look to a spiritual leader such as the pope to direct their lives.  The pope has made many statements that contradict what many people today do not believe.   People today are the best educated ever and with information such as the internet people can find arguments for and against organized religion.  Just a few years ago this was not possible.  You learned and believed what you were told to believe.   We are quickly moving towards secularism.  It might not be for YOU but everyone has their own personal reasoning why they accept that or organized religion.
My children where baptized before they where 1 year old but if they wish to practice the faith which I pray they do then they will have to independantly make that decision through comfirmation. You talk about organized religion but neglect the fact that far as christianity is concerned the bible was made by the catholic church! The catholic church existed when bible stories where only shared verbally! There simply is no educated argument against this. What is your point anyways in your response? If I am not mistaken this is about the question of catholic bashing. As far as the devil attacking those closest to christ for one example is Elijah! It is the nature for the enviouse to try to knock off the king of the mountain and if I recal the first sin of the devil consisted of invy! Are you Catholic?
My children where baptized before they where 1 year old but if they wish to practice the faith which I pray they do then they will have to independantly make that decision through comfirmation. You talk about organized religion but neglect the fact that far as christianity is concerned the bible was made by the catholic church! The catholic church existed when bible stories where only shared verbally! There simply is no educated argument against this. What is your point anyways in your response? If I am not mistaken this is about the question of catholic bashing. As far as the devil attacking those closest to christ for one example is Elijah! It is the nature for the enviouse to try to knock off the king of the mountain and if I recal the first sin of the devil consisted of invy! Are you Catholic?
 So you take the bible literally?   Whatever someone might/might not  have said you believe

 You believe the creation story in Genesis that on day 1 god created day and night and seperated day/night with light and darkness?   Why would any deity have to CREATE day and night when it occurs naturally with the rotation of the earth.   Day 4 god creates the sun.  I would believe the sun would have to be created before day and night on day one.  Would you not agree?  Where else would you get light from?   Day 7 god rested.  Why would a deity have to rest?   Doesn't make sense to me and millions of others.  I want answers that are logical not just a belief or believe because a church says so.  These are suppose to be the inspired words of god.  Currently, I don't think so.

 I don't have to see something to believe it.  It just has to make sense and a lot of the bible stories are marginal at best.  Maybe that is why today educated people are finding secularism more suitable to their life.  For centuries the church has instilled fear and guilt on people, kept them in line.   Educated people today don't fall for that like they use to.  Sure there will always be believers but times are changing quickly for western democracy  christianity.
There are no eyewitness accounts of any stories within the bible. You either have faith or you don't.  The 4 gospels were written years after 30 AD and most authorities regarding this cannot confirm that the 4 writers even wrote the original scripts.   The bible contains several discrepencies and inconsistant information.  Catholics/protestants argue these points.  Between 6 BCE and 30 AD there were several jewish writers and other writers at that time and not ONE recorded any information about a jewish man that performed miracles named jesus, or a man named jesus that was crucified.  Why?   I guess thats why they call it a belief and not a fact.  People today want logical answers.   I don't experience guilt or fear regarding what I believe or don't believe.  Many christians today can't say that.
So you take the bible literally? Whatever someone might/might not have said you believe
 You believe the creation story in Genesis that on day 1 god created day and night and seperated day/night with light and darkness?   Why would any deity have to CREATE day and night when it occurs naturally with the rotation of the earth.   Day 4 god creates the sun.  I would believe the sun would have to be created before day and night on day one.  Would you not agree?  Where else would you get light from?   Day 7 god rested.  Why would a deity have to rest?   Doesn't make sense to me and millions of others.  I want answers that are logical not just a belief or believe because a church says so.  These are suppose to be the inspired words of god.  Currently, I don't think so.

 I don't have to see something to believe it.  It just has to make sense and a lot of the bible stories are marginal at best.  Maybe that is why today educated people are finding secularism more suitable to their life.  For centuries the church has instilled fear and guilt on people, kept them in line.   Educated people today don't fall for that like they use to.  Sure there will always be believers but times are changing quickly for western democracy  christianity.
There are no eyewitness accounts of any stories within the bible. You either have faith or you don't.  The 4 gospels were written years after 30 AD and most authorities regarding this cannot confirm that the 4 writers even wrote the original scripts.   The bible contains several discrepencies and inconsistant information.  Catholics/protestants argue these points.  Between 6 BCE and 30 AD there were several jewish writers and other writers at that time and not ONE recorded any information about a jewish man that performed miracles named jesus, or a man named jesus that was crucified.  Why?   I guess thats why they call it a belief and not a fact.  People today want logical answers.   I don't experience guilt or fear regarding what I believe or don't believe.  Many christians today can't say that.
Again you response is not relevant to mine! What thread are you reading? For one catholics don’t take all of the bible literally but believe it is insperational! Second what information we do have shows the writers where of the catholic college which makes them bishops and last you should change on your profile that you are catholic because apparantly you are not! Anyways so what do you have to say that relavent to catholic bashing seeing that’s the subject!
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